Facts that assist in enhancing our content!

in Incredible India27 days ago (edited)

Why? Why? Why?
After giving 100% effort, why am I not supposed to get any support?

Most of our steemit friends think about the same, am I wrong?

Because I received so many DM's,shh! 🤫
I have seen how unnecessary users chase whales by mentioning them, following them, etc..etc!🙊🤐

  • Some people also collect suggestions to write content in English to gain the attention of curators!

Do English contents receive excess support?🤔

(Thinking 🤔)

I am not an astrologer,
but can share the experience that I acquired during my steemit journey. So, my answer would be, I don't believe it!

At least I don't admire reading the mistaken English!
Instead, I love to read content in diverse languages;
because there, I find the proper emotions, proper writing, and proper answers.

Now, many can point their fingers at me! And can raise the question of why I write content in English.

The answer is not complicated;

I am confident!

That doesn't mean I don't share content in Bengali! I participated in SEC and wrote the content in Bengali: Because the steem engagement challenge has no language barriers.

  • What are the resolutions to increase support?

Before I answer the above question
Let me ask some questions to all those users who think of the above whys!

(Practice makes us perfect; of course good practice!😉)
  • How many posts do you read in a day?

  • How many relevant comments have you shared in a day?

  • Have you overcome voice typing?

  • By using a translator, how many of you shared posts in English?

  • Are you aware that translators do not share accurate translations?

  • Do you take feedback positively and work on them?

When we attend any occasion, we dress pleasingly;
So that we look charming. Simultaneously, while writing a content

  • Choice of correct words without mistakes matters.

  • Proper presentations matter.

  • The title should be relevant to the content.

  • Proper hashtags significance(without spelling mistakes).

  • Try to use self-captured images or proper copyright-free images;
    that go with your content.

  • Use the subtitle below your pictures that makes others comprehend the reason behind the usage of those pictures.

Don't think nobody reads content!
That's the blunder users often keep in mind while sharing posts!

Before pushing you back, think about the questions that I raised.

(Appropriate writing always acknowledge)

I always acknowledge we must share content in the language we are comfortable with.
That not only helps to express our thoughts adequately;
but also enables us to avoid mistakes.

  • Consistency is equally valuable.

Steemit is not a lottery shop where we can expect a jackpot overnight!

  • Patience.
  • Consistency.
  • Quality.
  • Engagement.
  • Honesty-
    no-no to plagiarism, no-no to AI, and no-no to all other dishonest activities).

Believe it or not, I followed all the mentioned points during my steemit journey.

I was a bookaholic! But after joining this platform, I love to read various content, and my moderators and members know that very well!

Not inside but outside of the community, and that's how I learned whatever I learned today.
Rest, take it or leave it! But don't come with complaints if you don't have the above question answers that I asked.

I am still a learner.

Hence, I shared all those points that I learned as of now;
It might be helpful for those users who are still not following them.

Think once!




Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator05. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated by : @chant

 27 days ago 

Much appreciated my dear friend @chant for this encouraging support ❤️

I really think even after following all these criteria, it can really be discouraging that you are not yet supported. Well just like you said, Steemit deals with consistency and patience

 26 days ago 

I don't think you read my post properly like most of the user's do irrelevant comments!

Most people actually does not actually understand the basic rule and concept of consistency. Most of the time the result we desire is actually because we are not consistent with it and at the end of the day, we need to suffer for it actually

Hii sweet mam, You have rightly said. I really like the presentation. The presentation is so cute and lovely that I forced to read till the end. I also feel the Steemit is not lottery, we should not chase our obsession towards money instead chase stability with Steemit. Thank you .

 25 days ago 

Don't think nobody reads content! That's the blunder users often keep in mind while sharing posts!

  • সঠিক। আমিও একটা সময় এরকমটাই ভাবতাম। কিন্তু না, আমি সম্পূর্নই ভুল ছিলাম। কারণ ইতিমধ্যে অনেকবার আপনার কাছ থেকেই আমি আমার পোস্টের কথা শুনেছি এবং প্রত্যেকটি পোস্ট।
  • যদি ভাষার কথা বলি; তাহলে আপনার প্রত্যেকটি পয়েন্ট সত্য। কারণ আমি নিজেও একবার এই লজ্জাজনক কাজটি করেছিলাম। আমি এমন ইংরেজি লিখেছিলাম যে নিজেই পড়তে পারছিলাম না আর অর্থের কথা আলাদা করে বলছি না।
  • আমাদের উচিত উপার্জনের কথা মাথা থেকে ঝেড়ে ফেলে নিজেকে কাজের ক্ষেত্রে দক্ষ করা। কারণ যে মানুষটি সৎ, পরিশ্রমী এবং দক্ষ তিনি সর্বদাই মূল্যায়ণ পাবেন এটাই সত্য। এমনকি স্বয়ং ঈশ্বরই এই মানুষদের পছন্দ করেন।

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