Incredible India monthly contest of June#2|Living life or loving life!

in Incredible India3 months ago


Life is a beautiful adventure that offers us both big and small experiences, providing us with the opportunity to learn something new, fall in love, face challenges and overcome them. Everything surrounding us, both plants and animals is a living testament to the precious gift of life. So, is important we count ourselves lucky to be on earth to experience all that life has to offer.

In todays post, i will be trying to differentiate between living life and loving life and also buttress further on the best option to follow among the two.

But before going ahead, I have some few friends i will love to invite; @lovelystar, @emmy01 and @chiomzy.

Let’s move forward.

What is the difference between living life and loving life? Explain!
  • Living life:


Let’s for a moment think of John doing 9-5 jobs as a banker. He wakes up everyday to the sound of his alarm, goes to work, takes lunch break by 12pm, and by 1pm, he’s back to his usual paperwork. He finishes at 5pm, gets home very tired, eats dinner, watch some of his favorite soap operas on zee world, and by 10pm he’s off to bed. Same routine everyday of his life just to survive and to make ends meet.

This is a typical example of “living life”. So predictable. In fact, if an assassin was sent to finish him, it won’t take them a week to learn all about him. They are just existing to occupy space on earth. Most things they do, is just out of necessity not necessarily because they like it, they just want to kill boredom. No single passion
towards life endeavors.

  • Loving life:


John fell in love and married Mary. Mary is the complete opposite of John because she’s full of life. She’s a fashion designer and always eager to experiment new designs for her clothes. She derives joy from what she does and keep learning new skills to improve on her fashion designs. Always on the move, looking forward to things that will inspire her, filled with passion and curiosity.

Mary is an example of someone who loves life. People who love life can never be held down by challenges. They see challenges as an opportunity to grow and learn from it. There’s no moment you will ever see them sad because they are doing what they’re passionate about and it makes them happy, finding joy in either the big and small experiences.

How do you live your days following living or loving life? Describe.


Before now, I have always heard people say, “ I’m living and loving my life”. They make it sound like it’s the same meaning. I did some little research as a result of this contest and I just realized that I’ve been “living life” all this while. I can’t really say I have been making the best out of life because I’m one of those who does the 9-5 job.

It has always been the same routine for years now. I’m glad I’ve not stepped on someone toes, else they would have been able to predict my daily routine and beaten me up. The worse part about everything is having to do the same routine every time at work and is now so boring. The only thing I do that gives me joy at the moment is steemit and sewing.

I just read @sduttaskitchen post on how she took a bold step to start steemit full time and quit her job. I was impressed. I wished I’d such courage but fear of the unknown keep holding me back especially when it comes to the volatility of crypto. This days even salary is know longer enough to enjoy life like I use to do. Now, as soon as I get paid, I take myself out and have a good time, then from the next day is back to the normal routine or else you’ll get so broke, they will have to pick up your pieces because of the high inflation.

Which one must we follow among the two and why?


The best option to follow is to “love life” because time is no one’s friend and can never be recovered once is lost. As I make this post, I’m also reflecting on my own life and I think I’ve played safe for far too long, thereby hindering me from living life to fullest. I’m just imagining, if my kids ask me to tell them one of my adventures, I’ll really lack words to say because I’ve not been following my dreams and passion.

So, anyone out there like me, that might stumble upon this post, is high time we go out there and enjoy life as if that day is going to be our last. We have been held down for too long building up people’s dream for years only to earn meager salaries, ignoring our own passion. It’s time we put a stop to it and go for what makes you happy.

Do you love creativity? Perhaps, you can explore designing or join me on Steemit to write. If you crave for connection?? join a club. Remember, life is a journey, embrace the unexpected, find your passions, and choose to love life.

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