Steem engagement challenge-S12/W3|My first experience of receiving an ample vote on steemit

in Incredible India9 months ago

If only I could kick myself!

Indeed, with this topic, I can connect, and I have no doubt that so can my fellow Steemians.

My first experience of "an ample vote on steemit"

If I have to give the word "ample" a second thought, only one meaning crosses my mind… enough. In other words, when did I receive my first experience of a vote on Steemit that I thought was enough?

Many of you will fall out of your chairs when you hear my answer. It was almost 7 years ago!

An employee of mine told me about his dad and Steemit. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to what he was saying, as I was too busy running our business. At this stage, we had over 20 employees and over 2,000 clients.

Call me gullible as soon I got myself signed up. I started to write some posts. In those days, it was before communities, and there were no rules or guidelines. Well, not that I was aware of. I was just told to write, which I did.

As a businesswoman, you want results for the time you put into a project. This I did not get from Steemit. In fact let me show you the votes of my first 5 posts.

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4

Post 5

I was on the verge of giving up, as I didn’t have any time to waste.

As with all things in life, just as I was about to stop posting, jackpot! I got an "ample" vote. Well, so I thought. I received $65.16.
From there on, my account went up and down. In fact, more down, as so many of us are familiar with.

A couple of weeks after I joined, I was invited to attend a Steemit meeting. At first, I declined the invitation, but later, I decided to attend. For me, it was all "Greek." The world of crypto currency just didn’t make sense, but what I did know was that I had to get home as quickly as possible so that I could write a post. And so.. Steem Saturday’s first in South Africa

I received $154.19 for this post. Was this an ample vote for me? Maybe…

Not long after that, all the Steemians I’ve met from South Africa left the platform for greener pastures. Well, so they thought.

As for me, I found myself in a very difficult period at the office. We’ve just signed up one of the biggest estate agencies in South Africa as a client, and the business needed my attention. I put Steemit to the side.

It was December 2021, and my husband discovered that I still had some dollars in my Steemit account. After a big search, we found the keys, and he transferred what was available.

A month later, I found myself back on Steemit. I was now semi-retired, and I had some time on hand as we sold our main business. After looking around a bit, I started to post again. This was January/February 2022.

15 posts later, no results. Did I get despondent? Oh yes!

I went back to the drawing board. I started to look at what was working and what was not. Then I found @steem4nigeria. I asked if I was allowed to join, and was welcomed with open arms. I was watching this one lady, @Ngoenyi.

I messaged her, and she responded. I think she must have thought plenty of times like running away as I was bombarding her with questions. Not once did she fail to answer or to help me.

Then it happened…

57 posts later I received $28.14 for a Diary Game post
15 posts in a row with 0 earnings
32 of 67 posts with 0 earnings
8 of 67 posts with $1 earnings and higher

The Diary Game, 04/3/2022: Mercy - forgiveness, goodness and compassion!

The Steemit team indeed had some compassion, some pity for my suffering!

How did I feel when I received this support?


I was totally surprised, but when I looked at the posts of the other Steemians from my country, I felt robbed. They were earning $300 and more on their posts. Some of them became South African millionaires in a couple of months.


I was ecstatic! My dedication for nearly two months paid off. This was the biggest reward I could have received. If you have ever wondered about the cherry on the cake, well, this was it. For those cricket lovers, this was like hitting six runs from the last ball to take home a win, like a Steemian wrote the other day.

Looking back, this was also the vote that prevented me from putting Steemit aside for a second time. This time maybe even for good. It was also the vote that started my unbelievable journey on Steemit.

I can kick myself for giving up 7 years ago!

My Steemit journey, experience, and challenges

Like any road you take in your life, there are those left and right turns, stop streets, T-junctions, gravel and tar roads, not to mention the uphills and downhills. It is the same with Steemit.

  • I am lucky that I didn’t follow my fellow Steemians seven years ago who are now left with nothing
  • I am lucky that when I got to the T-junction I choose the right direction
  • I am lucky that I persevered when I returned to Steemit
  • I am lucky that I found the true meaning of Steemit
  • I am lucky that I was seen as a good author
  • I am lucky that I was chosen as curator
  • I am lucky that I was later chosen as a county representative for Steemit
  • I am lucky that I can now serve as a Steem Representative
  • I am lucky that I can be part of a great community, Steem For Ladies and
  • I am lucky that I have met people who support and care!

I say "I am lucky" as so easily it could have gone the other way.
It is no different in South Africa. We are also facing electricity problems, often for hours without any with networks failing. I might not have a 9-to-5 job, but I am also a business owner who needs to find the perfect balance between Steemit, work, and my family, which is not always easy.

My suggestions to follow and what must be avoided

My Steemian friends, you only need to read my post for a second time to know what you must avoid on Steemit.

✔ Find the true Steemit
✔ Forget about what others are receiving
✔ Don’t be a sheep and follow the pack
✔ Persevere even when there are no votes
✔ Learn from others
✔ Listen to advice, and don’t be shy about asking
✔ Don’t give up when obstacles come your way
✔ Be glad for every vote you get
✔ Give it your best
✔Post, vote, comment, and upvote!

The road is long; therefore, turn up that volume, pack that snack, and keep on driving!

I wish you all the best!

I invite: @kouba01 @mayberling @sailawana

CC: @graceleon @ irawandedy @morgan76 @elrazi

Account summary:
Transfer to vesting: 1,956.000 STEEM
Normal transfer: 41 STEEM (Contest prizes and charity)

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available.

Vote here


I enjoyed reading your story and I'm motivated. 0% earning in a row of 15! I admire your strength and resilience. I really do.

About finding the true meaning of Steemit, I wish what I know about Steemit now. I've grown to love it so much because of people like you too. The content, the creativity, the newness every day. I love the idea of community. I sincerely wish that I understood this earlier. I would be having even more fun now.

I also wished I new Steemit better way back. Just imagine where I could have been by now.
BUT, I have learned that is it is never too late to start all over again.
Good luck!

My students should read this post. 7 years on steemit. It's worth the recognition. If I was planning to give up, this post just held me back. Giving up is never an option. Just keep pushing. See where it has landed you now. A 8x dolphin......This post should serve as an encouragement to all. If it were.e, I would have given up for a long time seeing the outcome

Awh thank you! How I wish it was 7 years of being active. Just imagine... But yah, all things happen for a reason.
I have learned that in Steemit we never give up.
Thank you for the kind words and the engagement.

PS: It is 6 dolphins, but not to worry; I am swimming to get to those 7 and 8 ones. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Noted. Wishing you all the best in life

 9 months ago 

Luar biasa tuan @patjewell

Saya sungguh menikmati menjadi diri anda saat perjuangan anda di steemit dan itu saya rasakan ketika saya sedang larut dalam membaca tulisan anda disini.

Saya bahkan sangat setuju dengan saran yang anda tulis disini, itu bahkan motivasi yang bagus jika saya akan mengartikannya dengan nilai makna yang bagus.

Perjuangan anda tidak sia-sia, anda memang beruntung dengan segenap yang anda sebutkan disini. Saya telah melihat dari sekian keberuntungan anda. Dan menarik sekali menjadi diri anda ketika anda mampu menyengimbangi diantara pekerjaan anda serta anda juga seorang ibu rumah tangga, itu penyesuaian yang begitu cerdik.

Saya bahkan ingin mengikuti jejak anda di steemit, dan saya senang jika menyebut nama anda atau sebaliknya anda menyebut nama saya dipostingan anda. Terima kasih untuk sebutan kali ini. 🙏

Saya memberitau anda, jika diawal keberadaan saya disteemit telah banyak melakukan kesalahan atau kebodohan, namun saat tim steemit mulai memperhatikan saya - maka rasa pandai seketika muncul. Hal ini masih saja terjadi dengan diri saya, artinya ketika dengan waktu yang lama saya ditinggalkan - maka seakan rasa bodoh itu kembali datang, dan saat layar cerah mulai terlihat kembali dipostingan - seketika bodoh itu menghilang dan tergantikan dengan segenap rasa pandai yang penuh bersemangat. Saya pikir ini juga dirasakan oleh teman-teman lain.

Terima kasih tuan @patjewell telah menemukan nama saya dipostingan anda. Saya selalu berharap yang terbaik untuk anda, dan sukses untuk kontesnya 👏👏

Salam gembira dari @elrazi di Indonesia 🇮🇩

What a nice comment! Thank you!

We all make mistakes in the beginning after joining Steemit.
It is of utmost importance that we fix those mistakes and do our best.
Just keep on doing what you are doing, and you will see the results.

Steemit's other name is "Perservere."

I wish you all the best!

 9 months ago 

Thank you, and I'am happy with you 😃

Not long after that, all the Steemians I’ve met from South Africa left the platform for greener pastures. Well, so they thought.

The same thing happens to me; they don't just leave the platform but start discouraging me, telling me things that will change my mind, but I never believe them because I so much believe in cryptocurrency.

All the newbies on this platform need to read this post, because they won't understand what it takes for you to get where you are on this platform today.

This story is one of the things that will inspire me to keep publishing quality content on this platform. I used to think I was very unlucky on this platform until I read this post, "Like 32 posts without earnings".😢 This is more like giving up.

Thank God you didn't leave. I wondered what would have happened to people you have advice for on this platform, including me.

I wish you all the best in the contest, ma'am.

One thing I can tell you is that I was even luckier that I didn't follow my countrymen. They all left for a new "social media platform." Put all their Steemit earnings in it, and guess what? It fell flat! They no longer have the millions they had.

Life... we can never predict it. As for Steemit, just keep on posting, voting, commenting, and power up. The rules are all set out for us.

I wish you all the best for your Steemit journey.

Thanks ma'am, I will keep on posting, voting, commenting, and power up.

A 100 percent true entry post which is showing that how much you enjoyed the topic. This is the real interesting topic, on which you created a record breaking post, i can say that, and i think many of readers will.
First of all i am sorry for being absent in your posts from few months. But now i am back to disturb your posts, or make a dirt in comment section 😂. jokes a part I know you will mind. o, leave it.
A complete post on the title, which is really deserving a read of every steemit user. That how a businesswoman turned into a writer, how a writer turned into an author, and how much difficulties and heart breaking things an author can observe and face, and in last how that author become / turned into a Country representative and Steem representative.
This was my favorite of this post, by the way the complete post was my favorite.

I messaged her, and she responded. I think she must have thought plenty of times like running away as I was bombarding her with questions. Not once did she fail to answer or to help me.

Haha, she must have thought running away, because of those variety of questions. Why not, after long time you made a comeback on steemit there must be questions about what happened amd what is happening. But surely for a person who is regularly working, maybe can see these questions as annoying or disturbing. And here's a question for you "how are you, and how are you all doing" .

In the suggestions section you gave the keys of success in very formal, and short way, but lines created with words containing sentences, and articles in them.
Maybe the comment is boring,
Wishes for you!
It's @growwithme

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

Okay... where do I start? (•ิ‿•ิ)

By boring would be the right place.
A comment like this can never be boring. That I can assure you of. In fact, I find it refreshing. I just wish you could have had some eyes on it, as it deserves a vote.

Steemit.... We all have a story to tell, and I can guarantee you that they all start with.. Long, long ago, there was a Steemian who did not receive any votes on his post.

Then there is the moral of the story... BE SMART.

As for the ending, each one is writing their own story, and I cannot tell how it will end. One thing that I do know is that if you stick to the rules and the basics, it will be a story with a good ending.

Good luck with your story!

PS: Thank you for reading mine. It is appreciated.

 9 months ago 

Your first ample vote was huge, really huge but it takes the determined to have exercised patience to be able to get that. And for you to stay even after your fellow steemians from your country left, means that you saw a vision about your future on steemit, hahaha!

And then we met, I was lucky to have met you then. I am happy to have helped. Honestly,I cherish it a lot when I am asked questions about steemit. I don't feel bad at all. On the contrary, I wish I could receive such questions over and over again. It was one of the things I loved most and I am missing now, perhaps because I am no longer in the greeters team. But all the same, congratulations on your second ample vote! Your determination paid off.

As for all the suggestions you have given, they are timely and helpful for everyone both old and new. I can only wish you success and say thank you for your entry. Great entry again from you

Thank you for your beautiful comment.

As I always say, I found the true Steemit. The one where people write from their hearts, where we laugh, cry, and work together, and where true friendships are built. The one that adds so much meaning to our lives.
Thank you for being a friend to me! 🎕

 9 months ago 

Now in India, it's 4:11 a.m. and still, I awakened and that is my habit after finishing all the work I read some posts. From the beginning, I have habituated to the same;
and whatever I learned today, is because of this reading habit.

Now, while following my same routine, I stopped after watching this post.
I don't know about others but this post motivated me a lot.

There are two shades I found in this post.
One is to learn from your mistakes.
Second, once you learn the lesson, never forget it.

My selection of this topic was successful because I intended to motivate various newbies.

Right now, after sharing this comment;.
I will pledge to obey the above-mentioned points you guided @patjewell ma'am.
Thank you for your participation.

Awh thank you! 🎕

I cannot tell you how you've touched my heart with these words. Call me a softy. I know I am. If I can cry watching Pinocchio, I am allowed to get a tear or two in my eye while reading your comment.

The most valuable lessons are to be learned on this platform, but unfortunately, so often they are missed.
I always thought I knew a lot. My Steemit road has taught me so much more.

I wish you all the best for your Steemit road.
Just keep on doing what you are doing, as so many Steemians will follow as they have so much respect for you.

 9 months ago 

All I can say, this world need more people like you ma'am.
Always stay blessed and healthy.
Tons of kisses 😘 and hugs 🤗

Awh thank you!
Tons of hugs and kisses right back at you! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ

 9 months ago (edited)

সত্যিই ম্যাম আজকে আপনার পোস্ট ওপেন করার পর। আমি অনেকটা অবাক হলাম। আপনার পোষ্টের প্রত্যেকটা পয়েন্ট জিরো জিরো থাকার পরেও,, আপনি কাজ করে গিয়েছেন। এমন একজন অধ্যাবস্যা মানুষ জীবনের সফল হবে না এর কোন মানে হয় না। ইনশাআল্লাহ আজকে আপনি সফল হয়েছে।

সেই সাথে আপনি বলেছেন,, আপনি ভাগ্যবান কেননা আপনি স্টিম ফর লেডিস এ কাজ করছেন একজন এডমিন হিসেবে। সেই সাথে স্টিম প্ল্যাটফর্মে ভালো একটা পদে আপনি নির্বাচিত হয়েছেন। জানতে পেরে অনেক বেশি খুশি হলাম।

ম্যাম আপনার প্রত্যেকটা পরামর্শ অসাধারণ। যেগুলো অবশ্যই আমি মেনে চলার চেষ্টা করব। অবশ্যই সবার কাছ থেকে কিছু না কিছু শেখার চেষ্টা করব। সততা এবং অধ্যাবস্যা দিয়ে কঠোর পরিশ্রম করার চেষ্টা করব। আপনার প্রত্যেকটা পরামর্শ প্রশংসার দাবিদার। অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে,,, প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য আপনার জন্য। সৃষ্টিকর্তার কাছে প্রার্থনা করি,, সৃষ্টিকর্তা আপনাকে দীর্ঘজীবী করুক। ভালো থাকবেন।

It is for me to say thank you for this wonderful comment.
If I could help one person succeed on Steemit after reading this post, it would make me the luckiest woman in the world.
Just be SMART and stick to the basics!
I wish you all the best for your swim on Steemit! 🎕

Here are two posts that might help you;

 9 months ago 

Thank you so much 🥰

Wow respected ma'am, you have such a nice story of your steemit journey. Really ma'am I feel motivate your struggle and successful journey. May be one day I will be get also success in steemit.

It is me that must say thank you for the visit and the engagement.
Just stick to the basics of posting, commenting, voting, and powering up. You can do it!
Good luck!

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