The December Contest #1 by @sduttaskitchen | Significance of Entertainment!

in Incredible India3 months ago

Hello Everyone

I am @munaa from Indonesia. On this occasion I would like to join a contest with an interesting theme, namely Significance of Entertainment. This contest was initiated by @sduttaskitchen. Thank you.

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At the tourist attractions in Central Aceh Regency that I have visited | Foto @munaa

  • How does the word Entertainment has to carry value in your lifestyle?

Entertainment should actually be a primary need for those of us who work in the media. The high intensity of field coverage makes the mind burden high. To the point where there is not enough time to rest. A few years ago, I even forgot the word "entertainment". Almost all year round, I never entertained myself, got out of my busy routine.

In fact, all year round I focused on work. To the point where I really became a workaholic. Worse still, I never even went home to my house which was out of town. I only went home during Eid al-Fitr.

All that happened before I had a family. My life was only for work. Rarely took a vacation, never enjoyed entertainment and so on. When I sat in front of the computer, the world felt small. The size was only the monitor tube and keyboard. In the morning to the field, come home for a while in the afternoon. Lunch, worship. Then continued with work. In the evening, the world became small again. Always chased by deadlines.

This "bad" habit lasted until the first three years of marriage. After the first child was born, the impact of never getting entertainment began to be felt. Workload, psychological pressure also began to make everything chaotic. The quality of rest was also very disturbed. "You are very stressed, need to entertain yourself more," was the doctor's verdict.

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Natural scenery of mountains and lakes in the tourist area. This is also part of the entertainment | Foto @munaa

  • Which things do you follow to overcome your stress?

Since getting the doctor's verdict, I have reduced sleeping late or staying up late. I also reduced working until late at night. On weekends, avoid workload as much as possible. Then focus on family. Vacation to the beach, mountains to sea bathing every weekend.

Gradually, the pressure began to decrease. Although not completely gone. Then, I continued to get used to pampering myself with fun things. One of the other efforts I made to overcome stress was gardening. I planted vegetables in the side yard of the house. With kale, celery, chili, mango, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, turmeric to ginger I forget all the fatigue in the world of work.

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Enjoy river tours and relax to reduce stress | Foto @munaa

  • Do you believe besides performing responsibilities, we are required to Entertain ourselves to rejuvenate?

Of course. That is very true. The need for entertainment is also part of the necessities of life. Even now I make it a primary need. The main need. Entertaining yourself can be done in various ways. As long as I can fulfill my responsibilities, and then I feel happy, giving off a positive aura, then I do not hesitate to do it. As long as it does not endanger my health and myself.

Entertaining myself to be fresher I do by following my heart's desires. For example, wanting to go shopping to the mall, buying things I like online, enjoying delicious food and playing in the playground or to the zoo. Those are the things that I think are one way to entertain myself.

I invite @rissi @bosferi123 and @wahyudi2


10 % payout to @meraindia

Thanks for being with me and reading my post patiently



Regard @Munaa

Terimakasih banyak sudah mengundang saya pada kontes yang menarik ini Pak.

Faktanya memang setiap manusia memiliki tekanan hidup yang berbeda-beda. Dan tekanan itulah yang membuat kita merasakan stress yang tinggi.

Cara kita dalam mengelola stress juga berbeda-beda, seperti halnya bapak yang memilih berkebun dalam mengelola tingkat stress bapak, ada yang hanya mau tidur saja tanpa melakukan hal lain, ada yang mencoba berolahraga, berlibur, berbelanja, makan yang enak-enak.

Bahkan ada salah satu teman saya, dia memilih untuk marah-marah dan berteriak-teriak, kemudian diakhiri dengan menangis yang lama untuk mengurangi stressnya.

Terserah hal apa yang dipilih selama kita tidak menyakiti diri sendiri dan orang lain dan tentunya tidak keluar dari koridor agama kita.

Semoga bahagia dan sukses selalu untuk bapak..🤲

 3 months ago 

Soal marah-marah dan berteriak-teriak atau hobi makan kalau sudah stress sering saya dengar. Soal teriak, biasanya di pinggir laut, setelah dia lampiaskan semuanya, baru dia bisa menarik nafas lega....

Terima kasih sudah singgah dan meninggalkan komentarnya di postingan ini.

Sama-sama Pak😊

Noth8ng wrong with a cry to nature to relief the soul.


 3 months ago 

Thank you so much...

Thank you very much. May you always be happy.

Ya terkadang Kita terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan namun lupa untuk menghibur diri dan keluarga. itu lah terkadang kita juga berbagi waktu bersama keluarga untuk berlibur mencari Angi segar.

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali. Ternyata, kita memang tidak boleh selalu fokus pada pekerjaan baik yang membutuhkan fisik maupun pikiran. Kerja fisik dan pikiran sama-sama membutuhkan penyegaran. Dan, dalam hidup ini ada jatah badan dan jatah pikiran yang harus dipenuhi oleh setiap insan.

Jatah pikiran mungkin salahnya soal menghibur diri dan keluarga. Jadah badan, memakai pakaian yang disukai. Jadi fisik barangkali perlu poding, agar tubuh bertenaga. Terima kasih sudah singgah di postingan ini dan meninggalkan komentar baiknya.

Semoga hari anda menyenangkan


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