Steem engagement challenge-S12/W5|"I want to change my three habits."


If you get the opportunity to change your three habits, what are they? and why?

If I were to choose three habits to change.
Procrastination One of my most grueling habits to overcome would be procrastination. This habit often leads to wasted time, missed opportunities, and gratuitous stress. By overcoming procrastinating I could becomes more productively and achieve my goals More efficiently.

Healthy Eating Another habit I would like to change is my eating habits. Incorporating healthier food choices and portion control would lead to better physical health and increased energy levels. It would also set a positive example for those around me.

Regular Exercise Lastly, I would work on establishing a harmonious exercise routine. Exercise not only benefits physical health but also has a significant impact on internal well- being. Incorporating regular workouts into my routine would lead to increased fitness, reduced stress, and improved overall quality of life.

I'm constantly striving for particular growth and self- improvement. I believe that change is a nonstop process, and I'm committed to becoming the best version of myself. I'm a lifelong learners always seeking new knowledge and experiences to broaden my horizons.

I values empathy and kindness striving to treat others with respectful and understanding. Buildings meaningful relationships with friend's and family is a priority in my life.

Creativity is a driving force for me whether it's through writing art or problem solving. I find inspiration in the world around me and used it to fuel my passion's and pursuits.

I'm on a journey of self discovery and self improvements aiming to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life while makings a positively impact on the world's around me.


How do changing habits influence your lifestyle and improve your relationships in the personal and professional fields? Describe.

Habits are deeply hardwired patterns of behavior that wield significant influence over our lives. They are like well- worn grooves in the path of our diurnal routines, shaping our health, productivity, and overall sense of well- being. Changing habits is a complex process that demands conscious effort, awareness, and determination.

To transform a habit, one must first identify it. This involves recognizing the cue that triggers the habit, the routine itself, and the reward it provides. Once linked, one can work on replacing the habit with a more salutary behavior that offers a comparable reward. This process can be grueling and time- consuming, varying from person to person based on their level of determination and resilience.

Consider the habit of sleeping late as anexample.However, it may disrupt my sleep patterns, leading to poor sleep quality and overall health, If I am habituated to staying up late. Changing this habit involves establishing a new routine of going to bed earlier, which may require winding down with a book or meditation. The reward is improved sleep quality, leading to better physical and internal health and increased alertness during the day.

Swapping habits like inordinate screen time for genuine family and social activities can significantly impact our particular relationships. The instant gratification from screens may be replaced with the fulfillment of spending quality time with loved ones, leading to stronger bonds and deeper connections.

In essence, habits are important forces that shape our lives. By consciously changing mischievous habits into positive ones, similar as regular exercise or aware eating, we can drastically enhance our health, relationships, and overall quality of life. It's a journey that demands patience and effort but holds the promise of a brighter, more fulfilling future.


Do you believe before indicating other mistakes; we should work on our drawbacks? Justify your point

Addressing our own shortcomings and working on our drawbacks should be a priority before pointing out the mistakes of others.

Lead by Example When we focus on perfecting ourselves first, we set a positive example for others. People are More likey to be inspired by our actions thanks our world's. By demonstrating our commitment to particular growth and self improvement we encourage others to do the same.

Enhanced Self- Awareness Working on our own shortcomings requires self- reflection and self- awareness. This process allows us to gain a deeper understanding of our own behaviors and attitudes, which can, in turn, make us more compassionate and understanding when addressing the mistakes of others.

Effective Communication When we have taken the time to working on our own drawbacks we're better equipped to communicated constructively with other's about their mistakes. We can provide feedback and guidance in a further compassionate andnon-judgmental manner, which is more likely to lead to positive change.

Credibility Addressing our own weaknesses before pointing out others' mistakes lends credibility to our feedback. It demonstrates that we aren't just criticizing but genuinely interested in particular growth and collaborative improvement.

Positive Influence By focusing on self- improvement, we become a source of positive influence. People are more likely to respect and listen to individuals who consistently strive to be better versions of themselves.

Working on our own drawbacks first isn't only a maintainable approach but also a highly effective one. It sets the stage for particular growth, enhances our ability to communicate with others, and ultimately contributes to a more harmonious and productive environment.

invite to new friend @irawandedy @jyoti-thelight @m-fdo


@tipu curate


This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 last year 

Hola amigo 👋👋👋😀
Tus 3 hábitos que deseas cambiar son de suma importancia y mejorarán en mucho tu salud física y mental.

Dejar todo para después termina siendo muy agotador mentalmente y nos hace perder mucho tiempo .

Los alimentos saludables sin duda que son los mejores y sería bueno que los incluyas en tus dietas diarias .

Saludos éxitos y bendiciones para ti

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