The diarygame: 12-May-23: Awareness campaign about health in schools .

After waking up at 8:00 am in the morning, my wife, who is at her parents' home, called me to send the driver to pick her up as she had to perform some tests. So I had to make arrangements in a hurry and get ready for duty. I headed towards duty and sent my driver to get my wife back from the lab.

Post-camp awareness

While I was on duty, we had a few emergencies in the hospital. We also had a team at the hospital who gave us training about ECG machine operation. Soon the counselors of our station decided to visit a nearby school for general awareness about drugs, etc. I was also told to accompany them as the school principal and teachers are known to me. So I did so, and we also got an appointment for the next camp, which is scheduled to happen on 31st May on a No Tobacco day.

Classroom while awareness campaign

Later we came back, and we had a patient who was bedridden in the locality who had been advised to change her catheter today. So being in the locality, her attendants came to our hospital and sought help. We had a sister on duty who was told to go to her home and change her catheter. She told me to accompany her, so I also accompanied her, and we came back after half an hour. It was an eventful day overall.

As we came back, we were asked to submit a line listing of pregnant females registered at our hospital. It took me about half an hour to prepare that and submit it online to the office. By that time, it was 4 pm, and I headed towards home. I was tired and had tea and then took a nap. But my kids didn't let me sleep, so I rested and then woke up to offer prayers.

Later, I had to do some paperwork regarding drug updation offline. It took me about two hours. Then I got busy helping my kids do their homework, and later I took them for an outing, and we had barbecues and came back. Later, all family members sat together and had fun. We also ate walnuts and apples. Later we had dinner. After dinner, I started writing this diary. Kids have slept now, and I am too going to hit the bed.



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