Steemit Engagement Challenge S7/W5|What do you do to stay balanced in times of stress


I hope everyone will be fine and enjoying the nature and weather. My name is Ali Hassan and today after a long time I'm again in Incredible India. Today I'm going to take part in Steemit Engagement Challenge Contest which is being held in Incredible India. Today the topic of discussion is What Do You Do To Stay Balanced In Time of Stress.

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As we know that health is gift of Allah Almighty. If a person is healthy than he can enjoy the beauty of nature and can eat anything but when he fell ill he can't enjoy anything.

Good mental health allow us to enjoy our life, work and relationships to their fullest potential.

Mental health and physical health are closely related to each other. Mental health problems can lead to physical health problems, and physical health problems can lead to mental health problems.


What do you do to stay balanced in times of stress?

Stress is the result of body in situation of Fight and Flight, Stress is natural and it's a body response to any task. It could be tention for some task that we want to accomplish and face problem. Sometime stress is important because it keep us active and vanish our laziness but Stress is danger for health if it remain for a long time.


  • Engage yourself:
    In time of stress try to engage yourself with society and talk to people because it will help to stay cool and it help to forget the stress.

  • Getting Proper Sleep:
    Proper sleep of 8 hour is necessary for health anf gor your mental health. If your sleep is disturbed thab it cause several issues. Sleep is a major cause of restlessness and stress.

  • Go outside for Recruitment:
    When you feel down or feel stress it is better to leave all the work and go outside like parks and go with friends to the comfort places. Spent time with friends and if you can play games with them. It will really help you to maintain yourself in stress condition.

  • Exercise Regularly:
    To remind fit and cool it is better to exercise regularly. It will really help you to overcome stress condition. Exercise improve the fitness of body and keep the body in shape.


Give three main reasons behind our stress?
  • Stress Due to Work:


If you have tention of work and if you are not fullfiling your work on time it can lead your towards stress. A condition Came when you give up amd feel now water moves above head, Now i can do nothing at that time you are in stress condition. Stress Due to work is a major type of stress which can result serious effects on health.

  • Stress Due to Financial Condition:
    The most dangerous stress is because of Financial issues. If you are not good in your finance than you may easily caught stress. This stress is too dangerous that it can lead towards death bed. If a person Don't have a good job that can't fullfil his desires he will be a patient of stress.

  • Stress due to Relationship:
    We have also seen that some people are in stress due to thier relationship. It may be relationship of family, friends, boyfriend & girlfriend or a married couple. It is also a dangerous type of stress that seriously effect humam health.

  • Regular Self Transportation:
    If a person is not fit at a place and he has to move to different places due to eome reasons than it can also lead to stress. Human want stability but when he don't find him stable he become Victim of stress.


Do you think now we should take this problem seriously? If so, then describe why?


Stress is a very dangerous silent killer. It shouldn't be ignore. We should take this matter seriously and if needed we have to concern with doctor because if it remain unchecked it can lead the full distraction of health as well as lead to death bed.

What are Effects of Stress

  • Stress can lead to serious health problems, it may lead you towards your death bed.
  • Stress has serious effect on Your heart and may cause heart attack in serious condition.
  • Stress may lead towards restlessness and improve sleep, your pattern of sleep will disturb.
  • Stress can effect your mental health and may be you become mental patient if stress prolonged.
  • Stress may also effect your conciusness.

After reading all these effecte of stress you can guess that how important is to take stress seriously because if it remain unchecked your health will be in danger. It is bette to remain cool and sort out your problems rather than to take stress.


I want to invite @pathanapsana, @alihussain07, @stephenkendal, @okere-blessing, @jannatmou, and @lavanyalakshman to take part in this contest


Nice Posts You Have😍❤️

Thanks my friend 🙂

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