Incredible India monthly contest of February #2 by @isha.ish | All about Love.
Love is divine, and when you love someone, you will do anything within your powers just to see them happy.
They are many people in my life that means so much to me nut the lost special person in my life is my mother and I will do anything just to see her happy, and I pray that God keep her safe to enjoy the fruits of her labour.
Me and my beautiful 😍 mum ❤️
Love in my own understanding is a strong feeling, emotions, and connections towards someone or something.
When you love someone, you will always want to be with them because they make you happy and also add value to your life.
The greatest feeling in life is to love and be loved, and I just pray that I find a partner who will cherish me forever and also make me happy.
Valentine's Day simply means love and happiness, I mean, on this special day, we try to spend good time with our lives ones and also create lasting memories.
Although I have never celebrated this day before because I don't have a partner in my life, I believe that very soon, the right one will come into my life.
On this special day, I just try to make peace and have a good time with my family. Love is the greatest, and when they are loved, everything will go smoothly because you will live in happiness.
Valentine day celebration is very special to me because it is a day that we receive and also give out gifts from those who love and care about us. I just pray that this year's celebration will be fun and memorable to me.
Yes of course, we can do anything for love and when you dearly love someone you will always try by all means not to have problems with them, even though you have you will try to solve it amicably through effective communication.
Dialogue is simply the best way of resolving conflict, and when there's love, everything will be resolved in a peaceful way.
I have once had a problem with someone, and fighting is never a solution to any problems. Instead, it will worsen the situation.
A problem is never solved through fighting, but dialogue and effective communication are always the best ways, especially when lobe leads it will become very easy.
I had a problem with a lady and she hurt me really badly but because of the love I had for her I had to take it easy and also explain to her how I feel and she was so sorry and we are now happy again.
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The closest and most loved person in my life is my mum, I call her my everything because she is the reason I am where I am today.
My mum has made a lot of sacrifice for me, and I will make sure I pay her back, I share everything with her, and we always have a good time together.
Each time i am around her, I try to make her smile by cracking some jokes and also making funny moves, and she will just be laughing.
![]() | My mum us my everything ❤️ and i so lucky to be her son |
She is my mother, and you all know how male children are always close to their mother. Her happiness is my priority and each time I am away from her I just miss her.
Her advice have taken me to where I am today and even in my next world I will still want her to be my mother.
She is my motivation and she inspires me a lot, I love her with everything I got and will always love her.
I am inviting @ulfatulrahmah, @josepha, @pandora2010, @goodybest and @suboohi to participate in this wonderful contest
মায়ের প্রতি আপনার ভালোবাসা ও সম্মান সত্যিই অসাধারণ। একজন মা সন্তানের জন্য যেতে এক স্বীকার করেন তা কখনোই পরিমাপ করা সম্ভব নয়। আপনার অনুভূতি ও অভিজ্ঞতা পড়ে মন ছুয়ে গেল। আপনার মা কে আল্লাহ তালা সুস্থ ও নিরাপদ রাখুন এবং আপনাদের ভালোবাসা চিরকাল অটুট থাকুক।
এই আশ্চর্যজনক আশ্চর্যজনক মন্তব্যের জন্য ধন্যবাদ আমি সত্যিই প্রশংসা করি, আমার মা আমার কাছে সবকিছু এবং আমি তাকে অনেক ভালোবাসি ❤️
Thanks for the support @memamun 🙏
ভালোবাসা নিয়ে আপনি যে কথাগুলো আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন সেগুলো সত্যিই সুন্দর আসলে আমাদের মায়ের প্রতি আমাদের ভালোবাসা থাকে অন্যরকম আমরা চাইলেই কিন্তু আমাদের মানুষের সাথে প্রিয় মানুষগুলোর সাথে ভালোবাসার সম্পর্ক গুলো একটু আগলে রাখতে পারি কিন্তু আমরা সেটা করি না অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে প্রতিযোগিতার প্রতিটা প্রশ্নের উত্তর এত সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করার জন্য ভালো থাকবেন।