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RE: Introducing myself to the community /Presentandome a la comunidad.

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ20 days ago (edited)

Welcome @venecineaudio to Art & Artists!

Unfortunately, my wifi is too bad to load the images you share.
If I understand it well you create "moving collages"?
I am not sure what it is, I assume more than a gif, but I will come back to check if the internet connection is better.

I agree with you that whatever we create should relax and not make us feel stressed.

If it comes to your hashtags it's helpful if you use those who cover the topic of your post/your art. You can also use the hashtag #creative #introduction and #steemexclusive. Please, note that the first 4 are the most important and the ones you should use to promote yourself/your art.

I wish you a good, creative weekend.

@grebmot @newton66 @joslud


Thanks for stopping by my publication, I apologize for responding so late, I was very sick and additionally I had a very big loss from which I am recovering. Today in a few moments I will publish another artistic work, I hope you like it and I hope it generates value in the community. Best regards.

 2 days ago 

I am sorry to hear about your illness and big loss. I hope you feel better today. Thanks for joining us again. Value it adds for sure. It's good to meet different artists.
Take your time. We all understand the struggles of life and the creative mind.

A warm embrace to you.

You too!

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