Recognize the Corona B. 1617 virus variant

in LifeStyle3 years ago

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Covid-19 that occurred in India is in the world spotlight. One of the factors causing the Covid-19 sunami is the mutation of the corona B virus. 1617.
Variant B. 1617 is a new variant of the corona virus that was first identified in India in December 2020. This variant is also called a dual mutant because it contains mutations in 2 viruses, namely: L.452 R and E. 484 Q, the L. 452 R mutation is feared to increase transmission of viruses and reducing the efficacy of antibodies.

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Meanwhile, the E. 484 Q mutation in Worry will make the virus have a better cell increase than before, potentially avoiding immunity.
The question is: Is it more contagious? quoted from the news, Grace C Roberts a Virologist at Queens University belfast in her writing on Conversation said this variant may be able to spread more easily than the form carried by the previous virus. because the L. 425 R mutation that it brings about affects viral proteins.
One more question, Is it more dangerous? Some scientists are currently researching this new variant to ascertain whether the virus is more dangerous than others, but currently it is feared that it will have an effect on the efficacy of the vaccine for the B.1617 corona virus variant known to have entered Indonesia, 2 other variants namely B.1.17 originating from England and B. 1.351 originating from South Africa which has been confirmed to have entered Indonesia to date there are 16 cases of Covid -19 in Indonesia caused by the transmission of the Corona Virus caused by the 3 countries (UK, South Africa and India).
Therefore, all of us are obliged to take care of our personal health, the environment and health protocol discipline must always be improved.

Thank you for visiting and reading this post, your suggestions and comments are very much needed for future developments.

Greetings @yogagayo

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