Recommend 3 super warm high score movies, rely on them when you are in a bad moodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle3 years ago

There will be a period of time when I feel tired because my life is too heavy.

Every day, there are countless unclear and unintelligible questions coming one after another, leaving no room for people to breathe.

Someone teaches you to be independent, someone reminds you to have a vision in life, but no one tells you how to be happy.

And happiness is precisely the spiritual pillar that supports you in facing a heavy life.

An unhappy person will blur his eyes with tears and cannot see how warm the sun the next day is.

So today, I recommend 3 warm comedies to you.

Don't discuss those heavy topics, just want you to feel the little warmth in daily life.

1.《Nicostratos, le Pélican》


A boy in the town adopted a pelican, and despite his father's strong opposition, he refused to give it up.

Accompanied by this big bird, the boy experienced friendship and love, but his relationship with his father became more and more alienated.

The small Greek islands in the French lens are as pure as retouched photos.

The blue sea and blue sky, the hazy first love of boys and girls, the simple smiles on the faces of villagers, boys and big birds chasing unscrupulously on the beach...

This kind of leisurely life, many people dream of.

But disasters always happen at the best time-the pelican is dying after being hit by a tourist bus. It was originally just a big bird that suddenly broke into the town, but now its pain has caused the whole town to fall into grief. Everyone grabbed a heart for it, and even the boy's father secretly treated it.

We always feel that injury is a disaster. But sometimes, pain is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, only if you have been injured can you have a chance to heal, right?

2.《He's Just Not That Into You》

Love is like a poppy. When it is beautiful, it promises you a dreamy future. When you become addicted to drugs, you can't guess and escape.

We have all been full of illusions about love like GiGi in the film. The smile at the corner of that person's mouth, the phrase "good night" before hanging up the phone, and the arm that protects you behind you when crossing the street, all make you think about it.

Is he caring about me? Does he like me?

Although he never said "I love you", we still secretly promised it without authorization.

Every day between self-doubt and self-affirmation, I am anxiously waiting for an answer, but the ending is all miserable.

As the male protagonist Alex said: "If a man treats you as if he doesn't care, then he really doesn't care about you at all."

This sentence, everyone should bear in mind. If you love someone, no matter how you pretend, there will still be loopholes.

So, if you feel that you are not taken seriously in the process of getting along, don't think about it anymore, you really don't like you that much. "

3.《The Intern》

Have you ever thought about what you were doing when you were 70? Are you retiring and bringing your grandson at home? Still chatting with the neighbor next door? After thinking about it, it seems that when I get older, I have to take some time off.

But 《The Intern》 shows us another 70-year-old life-

Can you still be high-spirited and still working hard for your dreams?

This is exactly what the 70-year-old was. After retiring, he missed his busy and fulfilling life so much that he determined to return to the workplace again.

This time, he even chose the Internet company that the elderly are least good at. A 70-year-old man working with a group of 20-year-old young children felt out of place just thinking about it.

But Ben's life experience allowed him to adapt quickly and integrate into his new life. He taught the company guys how to chase girls gentlemanly with the experience of people who came over, and he helped the little assistant relieve pressure as a friend;

Like an elder, he will untie the younger boss and act as her life mentor.

Years will double your age, but experience will eventually become the most valuable asset in life.After watching this movie, I hope you no longer fear the arrival of 30, 40, 50 years old.

But I can’t wait to see how splendid I can live at that time.

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