《Death to 2020》 inventorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle3 years ago

The director said to ordinary people, "You are one of the five most ordinary people in the world that we searched on our computer." Ordinary people: "I thank you".

A female reporter: "We think of Tom Hanks as a positive kind of guy, not a guy who tests positive".

Virologists say that viruses can spread from humans to idols, thereby increasing the chance of infecting gods. God is older than the universe, so God will be classified into high-risk groups. What a logical genius, hahaha.

Ordinary people gave up their hands because Boris suggested to wash their hands frequently to prevent the spread of the virus, and then shook hands with everyone in the hospital, instead using their elbows. But soon her boyfriend broke up with her (smirk)

New York Mayor Cuomo asked at the press conference where the ventilators, protective clothing, masks, and PPE were all located. The narrator zoomed in and said, "Sadly, he didn't find these things piled up behind him."

The narrator said that in the United States, masks are not easily produced at low prices like guns, and supply has become tight. This is ironic about gun control issues.

The reporter felt that the government did not take the new crown seriously. It is probably because there are still many people who compare the new crown with the flu, like comparing it with Uruguay. (I don’t understand this very much, welcome to comment). Among these people One is the President of the United States. Trump did not properly handle the epidemic, which led to the rapid spread of the epidemic, which could not be controlled. Being an influential public figure, but not having a positive impact on the public may also be one of the factors for his loss.

The history professor said Trump thinks that the new crown is like something that disappears automatically when you ignore it, such as a wasp or a wife.

The queen said that the youtube live broadcast did not affect the content, and then played the queen at the end of the youtube video to remind the audience to like and subscribe to buy the product in three combos. During the new crown period, because of the closure of cinemas and major public places, people can only choose to entertain at home. Youtube, Netflix, Disney plus these platforms have become everyone's main choice. This also caused the explosion of the YouTuber industry. The number of video views is increasing rapidly, and the number of subscriptions continues to rise.

After Boris recovered, the history professor said that the virus miraculously did not affect Boris's ability in any way, and he still lacked any ability.

The narrator said that in many states, protesters occupied the streets, requesting their constitutional rights to spread the virus. At the worst moment of the epidemic, the protesters chose to gather together. Some protesters did not even wear masks, which intensified the spread of the virus.

The football mom thinks that Dr. Fauci is an actor, because someone shared a documentary from one of her WhatsApp groups that proves that Soros invented a virus in a Chinese laboratory, allowing Bill Gates to invent a vaccine from a chip to control us. It also reminds me that many people on Facebook think that the government is calling for masks because it can better track us and install antennas in the masks to monitor us all the time. Another Netflix film "The Social Dilemma" has a good explanation of this phenomenon and the reasons for it, and I recommend you to watch it.

The football mom said believe me, I can tell when I see criminal behavior, whether it's someone breaking the window or a black person sitting in the car. Here again, the issue of racial discrimination and unfair police enforcement is discussed. There are many similar videos on youtube. For example, a black brother was arrested by the police while sitting in a car.

The virologist was explaining the vaccine test process, but the director inserted some acrobatic short films. Ironically, people don’t care about science, oppose science, and oppose vaccines.

Ordinary people said that I became too lonely after living alone for a while, so I deliberately suffered from multiple personality disorders, which made me become accompanied. At the same time, I always keep a distance of 2 meters from myself. I don’t know if you have tried it. It’s a nightmare.

The behavioral therapist said she has a theory that the newly appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett may have been secretly funded by the clothes rack company. The clothes rack here refers to supporting the anti-abortion movement. The clothes rack used to be a tool used by American women for DIY abortion.

Behavioral therapists complain about election debates like a rap fight in a senior apartment, but it's worse. Anyone who has seen the general election knows how bad the debate was. The host Wallace may wish to have a mute button in his hand.

The reporter said in response to the positive result of Trump’s new crown test: “No one saw that coming. Oh, let me rephrase that. Everyone saw that coming.” Trump insisted on not wearing a mask. Everyone knows that one day he will be infected.

Ordinary people see U.S. news as a series. Trump took off his mask on the balcony of the White House to confirm his identity, not a beauty in disguise. Trump praised with both hands to prove that his two thumbs can still be used. Trump saluted the helicopter, but the helicopter could not be seen because it had flown away.

Ordinary people treat the US election as a game show. Tucao this is the most boring game show, no wonder it only broadcasts once every 4 years.

Giuliani spoke in the parking lot and was used again, hahaha. The incident was that Trump's campaign team booked a press conference in the parking lot of Four Season Total Landscaping. But Trump thought he had booked at the Four Seasons Hotel. Now this place has been made into VR material and check-in location.

The behavioral therapist said that one of the good things about Trump's refusal to admit defeat is that we can watch him lose again and again.

The spokesperson refused everything from start to finish, spoke for Trump, and finally said that he did not know Trump. This may be the normal operation of government officials.

When the virologist explained that there was a lot of work to be done on the vaccine, the short video there was simply wonderful.


There is also a large amount of waste caused by the failure of rhino steak expression, so the picture is not included.

The football mother said she did not want the 5G vaccine made in the laboratory. She read on Facebook that you should not believe in anything that is not natural. Here again, many people on Facebook do not believe in vaccines.

Finally, the director said that there might be another issue next year. Writing down this inventory is considered an annual summary. I hope everyone can tide over the epidemic as soon as possible. I hope that next year will get better. I also hope that next year Netflix will not be produced again.

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