coco-Death is not farewell, but forgettingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle3 years ago


In order to pursue music, MIG's great grandfather abandoned his family and broke up the whole family. Granny Zeng repaired the family by making shoes, and handed down the skill of making shoes.
Since then, the family has forbidden MIG to touch music, in order to prevent him from becoming like great grandfather Zeng.

One day, MIG found out that his great grandfather was drakus, the God of songs. At the same time, he had no intention of coming to the bizarre world of the dead. He needed his great grandfather's blessing to return to the real world.
In the process of looking for Dracus, MIG found that ektor was his great grandfather. At that time, Dracus poisoned ektor and plagiarized his achievements.

At the end of the story, MIG returns to the real world smoothly, and the whole family finally begins to support MIG's music dream.

If you know the story before watching the movie, you may feel that the movie is too old-fashioned and mediocre at most. But reading the text version of the plot, and watching the movie is a completely different experience.

Pixar once again transformed the decadence into magic, making such an old-fashioned theme of "pursuit of dreams" touching and unadorned. Although it's full of routines, it's so excellent that people can't feel the routines, which makes people tearful and full of meaning. No surprise, this is the best animated feature film of next year's Oscar. Even if I lost, it was the best animated feature film in my mind.

In an exaggerated way, the film tells the story of the family's obstruction to MIG. They forbid MIG to touch music and say it's for his good. They announced that MIG could make shoes and learn his ancestral skills. It seemed like a great event. Actually, MIG was not interested at all.

This is an old topic. Parents should never impose their own ideas on their children. The doctors, accountants, businessmen and so on you think have a bright future are your own dreams. You can't help your children choose their dreams. They should have the right to choose their own lives.

It's like a rabbit giving a carrot to a fish. What you think is good is not necessarily what others want.
These are only the most superficial meanings of the journey to the dream ring.

Pixar's cartoons are always full of metaphors, which convey the correct three views through clever metaphors.
For example, MIG needs the blessing of his family to return to the real world, which means that a child needs the support of his family. If you can't get the support of your family, the child will be like the dead. But what children need is family blessings to realize their dreams, not inheritance.

Another example is that the dead need to be worshipped before they can cross the bridge and meet their families again. It means remembering the deceased elders, their souls will rest in peace and bless you in the underworld. Forgetting the deceased elders, they will become ghosts.

As the saying goes, man dies twice. The first time is when he stops breathing, he dies biologically; the second time is when the last person who remembers him forgets him, he really dies, which is the "ultimate death" in the movie.
Blessing children and offering sacrifices to elders are often mutual. Elders support their children to pursue their dreams. When children grow up and become what they want to be, they will naturally be more grateful to their elders. If elders impose their dreams on their children, they will naturally hate their elders if they do something they don't like all their lives.

The brilliance of the novel is that the film does not say that it is wrong to pursue dreams and we should listen to our parents; nor does it say that it is right to pursue dreams regardless of everything, but dialectically analyzes dreams.
It's right to engage in music career, but it's wrong to abandon family; it's right to devote energy to music, but it's wrong to plagiarize others' achievements and poison partners by all means.

Playing music can be supported on the premise that it does not violate the law and morality and does not harm others, but it is not advisable to play music by betraying family and friends and killing the goose for the egg.

Dracus really deserves to be despised and scolded, but there's nothing wrong with music. The mistake is not music, not pursuing dreams, but abandoning family and committing crimes. Parents should stop their children from leaving the family and breaking the law, but they should not stop them from pursuing their dreams.

As for ektor, the movie also revealed the answer. In fact, he didn't abandon his family at that time. He was poisoned when he was ready to go home.

"Journey around the dream" tells about the pursuit of dreams, but also conveys the theme of family. After all, "family" has long been the standard of Pixar Animation. It has to be said that the theme of "family" in the film is too rampant now, and the audience has long been aesthetic fatigue. To satisfy the audience, we must innovate.

"Journey around the dream" boldly tries to reverse the routine and multiple reversals, so that the audience can't see any trace of design, and the whole film is flowing without any intention.

The first part of the movie is about Miguel's hard work in finding Dracus and how he managed to reunite with his grandchildren. If the movie ends at this time, it's too common.

When MIG's family is about to reunite, the film tells the audience the dirty history of Dracus' success. At this time, the film has reached the level of suspense.

The director's goal is obviously more than that. It's for the Oscars. So, when ektor named his daughter coco, he not only pointed out the title of coco, but also revealed the suspense that ektor was Miguel's great great grandfather. Before watching the film, I thought the title of "coco" was taken casually. When I saw it, I found that coco was a very important foreshadowing and detail.

When ektor and Miguel said "we are a family", a series of emotions such as the feeling of the truth, the joy of reunion, the joy of family reunion, the bitterness of ancestry, the relief of a false alarm, the feeling of recovery and so on poured out in a flash, which suddenly brought tears to the audience, even the most rough tough man must be filled with tears.
"We are family" has long been a clich é. We have heard this line in too many movies, but "journey around the dream" is really well shot. When we hear this old line again, we will still cry.

The technique adopted in the novel is similar to Hitchcock's "one wave is higher than the other". It reverses many times, and the dramatic tension is constantly enhanced, but it never goes out of tune. When the rhythm rises to the top, the film reaches a near perfect state.

The tears of the film must be paved. Miguel and ektor have been together for such a long time. They have cooperation, differences, generation gap, misunderstanding, sharing weal and woe, and conflicts. Finally, when they learn that they are a family, they let go of their differences. Under the full foreshadowing, the movie appears particularly touching.

The second point of tears is that after Miguel lost ektor's photo, her grandmother coco made up the missing photo. Ektor not only has a sound soul, but also has a family reunion in the underworld.

Originally thought that the plot of ektor's photo left in the water was to create a tragic atmosphere, to educate MIG to face death and let go of the past. Unexpectedly, grandma Tai still kept the remnant of the photo.

Many directors deliberately shoot tragedies in pursuit of artistic attainments, and their reputation has gone up, but the audience will feel sad. And "journey to dream" first gives you a tragic ending, but also gives you a complete reversal, so that when you cry into tears, it brings you warmth, to achieve the effect of laughing with tears. It's really brilliant that a movie has both the tragic beauty of regret and the comedy of family happiness. It's popular and unconventional at the same time.

After all, movies come from life but are higher than life. They don't have to be close to reality, they don't have to be very sad, they can also give people comfort and hope.

Some people say that life will experience three times of growth: the first time is when you find that you are not the center of the world; the second time is when you find that no matter how hard you try, there are still some things you can't do; the third time is when you know that there may be some things you can't do, but you will try your best to fight for them.

Miguel is willing to accept granny Zeng's request of "no more touching music" and go back to worship ektor's photos for the first time in order to avoid ektor's death. It is his second growth that he tried his best or lost ektor's photos. It is his third growth that he awakened granny Tai's consciousness by playing guitar and indirectly completed the photos Long.
After three times of growing up, MIG is no longer that stubborn and rebellious child. He can distinguish right from wrong, and dialectically understand music. His family finally reconciles with him.

When grandma Zeng blessed MIG, she withdrew the words that he was not allowed to touch music, and only asked him to "never forget that we are a family.". The living elders also began to understand and support MIG. As long as you don't abandon your family, we will always support you to do what you like.


Of course, Dracus is not an inexorable evil. His unscrupulous behavior in order to dream is not desirable. He is too extreme and extreme. If he can pursue his dream without violating the law and morality, and always take care of his family and friends, as MIG did, it is positive.

As he said:
"Music is not only my job, but also my life."
"No matter how hard life is, I still have my guitar."
"I'm fed up with asking for permission. I don't want to follow the rules. I want to follow my heart."
"Stick to your dream and try to make it come true."

In addition, the music of "journey to dream" is refreshing, the painting style is exquisite, Granny Zeng is dancing while avoiding villains, and the world of the dead is extremely beautiful It can be described as "perfect". Thank you for giving us all the good things.

"Journey around the dream" has a deep feeling for me. I once thought I was the hero in the movie.

I've loved movies since high school, but I've been opposed by my family all the time. They think watching movies has no future and it's just entertainment.

I'm as helpless as MIG. As MIG said, "if I play music, my family will be mad."

For my rebellious behavior, my friends and colleagues made sarcastic remarks, saying that I was not filial and that I would be angry with my parents. But at least I dare to pursue my dream, and they don't even have the courage to go on the road.

Since September last year, I insisted on publishing film reviews in Douban. Finally, in May this year, my current editor in chief gave me an olive branch. I can finally get into the film industry. My daily job is watching movies and writing reviews.


As soon as I was able to make money from watching movies, my family began to understand and support me. I can not only support myself through hobbies, but also send money to my parents every month. Why not?

I thank myself for my perseverance and perseverance, and I finally let myself live the life I wanted.
As the fashion designer Mark said:
All our diplomas, certificates and awards are not as good as choosing how to live, which can tell you what kind of person you are.

In the journey to the dream circle, Miguel fought all the way and never gave up, and finally got what he deserved. His family finally began to support his dream.

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