¿Utopia or Dystopia? ...a slightly different perspective about the future. (Part I)

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Long time no see ¿Huh?

Okay, we could start this post thinking in Venezuela and its population. My countrymen. Or maybe also in the recent events but very long conflict over many years between Israel and Palestine. The hardships of its people.

But let's just imagine about those who don't have. Those who have. Those who are not allowed to speak up. Those who speak up even if their voices are silent. Those who live without a "north". Those who are fixed with a single dream. Those who are afraid. Those who fear no one. Those who love unconditionally. Those who hate without a reason. Those who take risks. Those who are afraid of daring. Those who serve genuinely and those who exploit willingly... And yet, these parallel sometimes contradictory and many times paradoxical situations are part of daily life. Part of relationships. Part of experiences and encounters. Among humans.

"The Nobodies"

  • Fleas dream of buying a dog, and the nobodies dream of coming out of poverty, that one magic day good luck will suddenly come raining down, that good luck will rain down by the buckets, but good luck doesn’t rain yesterday, nor today, nor tomorrow, nor never, not even in sprinklings does good luck fall from heaven, no matter how much the nobodies scratch their left hand, or stand up with the right foot, or begin the year by changing brooms.

  • The nobodies, the sons of nobodies, the owners of nothing.

  • The nobodies, the no ones, the nobodied, chasing the hare, dying of life, screwed, rescrewed:
    That are not, even though they are.
    That speak not language, but dialects.
    That profess not religions, but superstitions.
    That make not art, but crafts.
    That practice not culture, but folklore.
    That are not human beings, but human resources.
    That have no face, but arms.
    That have no name, but a number.
    That figure not in universal history, but in the red pages of the local press.
    The nobodies, that are worth less than the bullet which slays them.

"Los Nadies"

  • Sueñan las pulgas con comprarse un perro y sueñan los nadies con salir de pobres, que algún mágico día llueva de pronto la buena suerte, que llueva a cántaros la buena suerte; pero la buena suerte no llueve ayer, ni hoy, ni mañana, ni nunca, ni en lloviznita cae del cielo la buena suerte, por mucho que los nadies la llamen y aunque les pique la mano izquierda, o se levanten con el pié derecho, o empiecen el año cambiando de escoba.

  • Los nadies: los hijos de los nadies, los dueños de nada.

  • Los nadies: los ningunos, los ninguneados, corriendo la liebre, muriendo la vida, jodidos, rejodidos:
    Que no son, aunque sean.
    Que no hablan idiomas, sino dialectos.
    Que no profesan religiones, sino supersticiones.
    Que no hacen arte, sino artesanía.
    Que no practican cultura, sino folklore.
    Que no son seres humanos, sino recursos humanos.
    Que no tienen cara, sino brazos.
    Que no tienen nombre, sino número.
    Que no figuran en la historia universal, sino en la crónica roja de la prensa local.
    Los nadies, que cuestan menos que la bala que los mata.

A poem from the book "El Libro de los Abrazos" by Eduardo Galeano.

A text that speak about those who don't have anything or who have been deprived from the right to have. A text that perhaps shows how we make ourselves "nobodies" and treat others like "nobodies".

This is the first part of a series of four consecutive articles that I will be publishing during this week about the matter. Perhaps there will be five that I end up publishing to round up further and concrete this reflection fully before the weekend.

I'm planning to take you through a pretty uncommon and very offbeat deep rabbit hole of reflection and meditation. So, I will reckon you've already been warned and I hope you stay in tune with this content. I assure you that you will not regret joining me for a while thru this revealing journey of stunning exploration and discovery.

«-The Journey - Part One-»

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Cranky Gandalf



These guys aren't really answering much about the new world order. They talk about this as having gone on forever in society so how many new world orders has there been and if there hasn't been any when is the supposed new world order coming.

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