The 6 Ways to survive a sugar detox

in LifeStyle4 years ago

Hello steemians hope you are having a lovely day, and one of the things you might have chosen to do is live healthier, which requires giving up some unhealthy food choices, like sugar. Scientists have told us that sugar is more addictive than hard drugs like heroin and cocaine. As a result quite a number of people try without success to give up their sugar addiction, or at least reduce it. Unfortunately cutting down on sugar is easier said than done. No matter how hard it might be, cutting down is so important as high sugar intake has been touted to be a major cause of obesity, diabetes, and probably even cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Sugar has also been fingered as a cause of inflammation, and many other diseases. Having compared it to cocaine in addictiveness, there no doubt that quitting sugar is a very painful process, as any sugar addict can testify. However uncomfortable it might be in the short term, the long term benefits make it well worth the effort. So here are some tips to help you stick to your resolve to quit the sweet poison.

Banish sugar from your house

First of all don’t just stop buying or using refined sugar in any and every form, ensure it does not find its way to your house. This also includes protein bars, sweetened yogurt, soda (i.e. soft drinks), sports drinks, sweetened teas, fruit juice, vanilla-flavored nut or soy milks, most breakfast cereals and bars, granola, maple syrup, honey, agave, most processed foods and more. When reading labels, look for words that end in -ose and avoid those items. Sounds too much? Simply stick to eating whole, unprocessed foods and you should be okay.

Make sugar free snacks your new best friend

Unsweetened tea and green juice are good to have on hand for all those times you used to reach for a sweetened beverage. To snack on, try celery, carrot sticks, cucumber slices, avocado, tuna, nuts and low-sugar fruits like pawpaw, pineapples, bananas, apples and pears. If you really need something processed in order to feel full, try Popcorn, just be sure to check the label if you’re buying the microwave version. Need to eat bread? Try whole wheat bread.

Sleep for at least 7-9 hours a day

Not getting enough sleep increases cortisol levels, and makes one feel hungry. Endeavour to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (within an hour) and aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep. You’ll know you’re getting the appropriate amount when you no longer need an alarm to wake up.

Eat proteins for breakfast

Studies revealed that eating a protein rich breakfast reduces food cravings in the brain, and helps curb mid-day longing for sugar laden snacks and cookies. Whole-wheat bread and eggs, or boiled yam with eggs or vegetable sauce with fish is a great breakfast option.


Whatever religion you choose, following communing with a higher power is a sure way to keep down stress, which has been touted to be a cortisol inducer. Meditation is a sure way to ease the stress. Should you experience anxiety during your workday, take a quick time out to focus on your breath to regain balance.

Work out with weights

Lean muscle burns more calories, and helps your body remove glucose from your bloodstream. This means that you won’t suffer as much from blood sugar spikes, and crashes- and won’t be a slave to the sugar cycle. Exercise also releases endorphins, which boost your mood.

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