The life of Euripidies (Part 1)hive-120412

in LifeStyle2 years ago

The surviving biographical data for Euripidies are scanty, and what little we can rely on his confused by a mass of anecdotes. According to tradition, Euripidies was born on the island Salamis on the great naval victory over the Persians. His father Mnesarchidess, was a landed proprietor. Euripidies was reputed to have owned one of the largest libraries in the Greek world of that time. A pupil of the sophist Prodicus, he seems to have been at first intended for a professional athlete, and secondly, for a painter. He displayed early a strong inclination to poetry and philosophy, and he supposed to have written his first play at the age of eighteen. About this time he probably came under the influence of the philosopher Anaxagoras; in later days he was intimate with such men as Protagorus; and Socrates. He spend the last years of this life at the court of king Archelaus of Macedon who gathered Athenian men of letters around him in an attempt to civilize his semi- barbaric people. Here in Macedon he led a peaceful presumably happier life, wrote several tragedies, and died in 406 B. C. the years of this life coincide approximately with the birth, the flowering, and the decay of Athens’ greatness.
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