Respect your elders
If you have elders in your house feel lucky because elders are the blessings from God , without them the family is incomplete.
Do you they are the most beautiful people in the family. do you know why ?
Because they don't want money , they don't want expensive gifts from you , they don't want anything from you but time , a little time and they are happy in that.
When you become a father / mother they find happiness in your kids , they play with them and take care of them with joy.
They treat your kids as their kids but in return what are we giving them ?
we don't give them even a little of time , we drop them in old age homes , we want to get rid of them.
Respect your parents and whenever you feel like getting rid of them remember ! remember about your kids and wonder how difficult it is to raise your child. you were also a kid Someday and it was equally difficult for them.
but they did that with fullest of heart so please stay with them and love them , that is all i want to say.