Dialogue with God-"The Tree of Life"

in LifeStyle4 years ago

When watching "Tree of Life" (2011), I remembered reading Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" (2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968) many years ago and reading the "Bible" for the first time. , When I listened to the Johannes Brahms 4th Symphony conducted by Carlos Kleiber using the Hi-Fi I bought from my home alone, it was a shock to my heart.

Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life" is not very mysterious, but it does require us to watch it carefully. The film is full of people’s memories, inquiries, prayers, and comprehensions. God seems to be absent, but it seems to exist every day. For one thing, the film probably recognizes that God is the lord of creation and redemption. The book of Job quoted at the beginning of the film says: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?... At that time, the morning stars sang together, God All the sons cheered."

If you want to briefly talk about the "Tree of Life", it is probably that Terrence Horsepower will make a video statement from the beginning of the "Genesis" and the end of the "Revelation" (note that Terrence Horsepower is basically slightly After the Gospels), Jack’s life, growth, and family are the focus, and the building is based on nature (Nature, which is represented by the dark personality that father and Jack faced when they grew up, including self, lying, violent) and grace (Grace , Characterized by the introspection of mother and Jack, in which there are various virtues and love) in the dualistic tearing inner world.

There are long and wonderful passages without words, showing the light, starry sky, sky, sea, river and earth to the dinosaurs and flora and fauna. The basic order follows the first chapter of "Genesis", and then focuses on human beings. Birth, the emergence of new life, and then the memories of the family.

The sin, growth, and pain brought by the family. The strict teachings of his father caused fear and depression in the children. Jack grew up in this environment and slowly learned to lie and rebel. He even hoped that his father would die. When things happen, Jack will also ask the question of the eternal humanity (Theodicy)-why do good people suffer?

"The Tree of Life" does not use the cross as the image, but uses the tree of life as the symbol. Compared with this film, I have reason to believe that Terrence horsepower is inclined to Universalism, or the Doctrine of universal salvation (Universalism, or the Doctrine of universal salvation). In "Tree of Life", Jack grows up and works in a modern city. He feels unpredictable and lost. He walks in the wasteland for a period of time, which is very symbolic and needs to be savored. The image of the wasteland is not only reminiscent of TS Eliot's long poem The Waste Land, but also involves Pier Paolo Pasolini's Theorem (Teorema, 1968), which all point to the dry and empty mind of modern people. Jack walked through the narrow gate, of course it meant the salvation of eternal life. The female images in the film, including the mother, are all eternal women in the last "Mysterious Waka" of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Faust) in the poem "Faust"-"All that has disappeared/is nothing but a symbol;/ The unsatisfactory/finished here; the unspeakable/implemented here;/eternal women/leads us up.” (Translated by Liang Zongdai)

In summary, both "The Tree of Life" and "2001: A Space Odyssey" show the historical progress of humans and the existence of entities beyond humans (or gods, represented in the movie as light and black boulders, which happens to be warm and cold). Feeling that the two pieces are indistinguishable, it also constitutes a potential dialogue. I hope that I can compare them carefully in the future. Simply put, "2001: A Space Odyssey"'s experience of superhuman entities is external and unpredictable. Gods are witnesses and may be promoters of evolution. In the end, man becomes the "superman" who creates new value in Nietzsche's philosophy. . "The Tree of Life" is also mysterious but tends to be internal. The existence of God is majestic, and it also gives mankind the ultimate answer. Man is a group to be saved.

Terrence Horsepower has only made five films-"Badlands and Evil Water" (Badlands, 1973), "Love Comes from the Right" (also translated "Days of Heaven", Days of Heaven, 1978), "The War of the Wild Forest" ( The Thin Red Line, 1998), "The New World" (The New World, 2005) and "The Tree of Life". Although "Love Comes from the Right" was made as beautiful as an oil painting, and "Wild Forest" explores the ultimate in life amidst the flames of gunpowder, the achievement of "Tree of Life" is unmatched by the previous four movies. It can even be said that the films that won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in the past two decades have not reached the astonishing height of "The Tree of Life".

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