Ten effective tips for educating good manners in children

in LifeStyle4 years ago



Apart from formal education, character education is very important to be taught to children from an early age. In fact, character education will have more effect on a child's future. One of the characters that must be instilled in children is courtesy.

Unfortunately nowadays the courtesy has decreased. Many children are disrespectful. Therefore, you need to teach manners with the following tips:

1. Start Early
Manners are easier to teach if you start as early as possible. The right age to start teaching is when children are 1-3 years old. At this age a child is like a blank sheet of paper that is still easy to shape. If the mother teaches kindness, it will be easy for the child to remember this thing continuously. Start by teaching easy habits first, such as shaking hands, how to sit properly, and asking permission.

2. Be a Good Role Model
It's useless to teach children manners if you don't set an example, because basically children learn faster by seeing, not from words. For that mother must be able to show good ethical ways in everyday life, such as kissing the hands of an older person, saying excuse me when passing other people, not interrupting people's conversations, and so on. Of these trivial things, children will be easy to imitate and do it themselves.

3. Consistent & Diligent In Educating
Educating cannot be done overnight. It takes process, patience, and persistence until the child really understands what is taught by the mother. Keep trying to educate and model children about manners every day. If your child forgets, don't be tired to remind him, Mom. It is natural for children to behave inappropriately, but you should not tolerate it because it will give the impression that you are inconsistent in educating.

4. Teach Please, Sorry, and Thank You
Three simple things you should remember to teach children good manners are to say thank you, please, and sorry. Teach children to say the word "please" when asking for help, say "thank you" after being helped, and say "sorry" when you make a mistake.
Apart from that, you can also teach other words such as excuse me, greetings, and so on. Also remember to set an example so that the child can absorb the habit.

5. Give Appreciation Appropriately
It is undeniable, small children and adults like to be given praise. Everyone will be even more enthusiastic when they know what they are doing and get appreciation from others.
So, use this appreciation to foster good ethics in children. Praise your child for doing something good. This can encourage him to do other good things.
Do not ignore children's behavior, because if they feel neglected, children tend to do unwanted things. Because there are several cases of children who do bad things just to get the attention of their parents.

6. Use the Story Method
Young children really like stories or fairy tales. You can take advantage of the situation to teach them while reading fairy tales. Choose a fairy tale or story that contains elements of culture and social norms.
If the message you want to convey is more direct, you can use your imagination and include the values of courtesy in fairy tales for children.

7. Teaching While Playing
It is easier for children to accept lessons if they are presented in a fun way. Mothers can also teach manners through role playing. This method can teach children in a relaxed but effective way.
When playing, insert teachings about how to behave and speak correctly, such as how to talk to older people, greet people, respect others, or behave in life. Then when the child behaves well during play, give him praise and say thank you for wanting to learn well. You also need to show that you really value children who are polite and kind.

8. Reprimand If Wrong
During the learning process, of course children will often make mistakes. In this situation, don't curse them. Giving reprimands is normal but does not mean scolding them excessively.
Don't make them behave politely because they are afraid of you as parents. Give comfort and give appropriate warning. You don't want to be hated by your child, do you?

9. Pay attention
Giving attention and responding to children can bring you closer. Because it could, children behave inappropriately just to seek attention from their parents. While you are at home, take time to play with your children.
As parents, it is an obligation to communicate with your children no matter how busy you are.

10. Instill Religious Values
Religion has teachings about how to behave in everyday life. By studying religion, it will automatically instill good behavior in children. So, start to introduce religion to children from an early age, ma'am. From religious teachings, the character of children will also be well formed and continue to be carried until they are adults.


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