The Power of music - remembering our dearly departed 👼🏻 🎼

in LifeStyle4 years ago (edited)

The power of music


There is something special about music. Each of our senses is special and unique in its own right. A certain smell can bring back a childhood memory, but the sense of hearing is probably my favourite of the senses. I adore music and as my friends will tell you no genre is safe. I like almost all of them, perhsps not in equal measures. You could hear me listening to Rock, Indie, Classical, hard house and old school Rap inside the same hour on an eclectic playlist on Spotify.

This post today however is not about my varied taste in music. It is about how music and particular songs can conjur up all sorts of emotions in us. We often associate songs with different stages of our lives. Celebrations in life, friendships and mad times, breakups and everything in between and even death and the loss of those dearest to us. That last one around the loss of loved ones is what I will focus on in the songs I share below.

I distinctly remember each of these songs when I think of each of them. When I think of them I think of the song and when I hear the song I think of them. They are forever intertwined within my grey matter. Sometimes hearing the songs makes me sad and sometimes they make me smile, but even within the sadness I take solace from the fact that I am remembering them in that moment.

My granny

My Granny was what you call a character. She was loved by all who met her. She had no airs or graces and said things as they were. No ambiguity. No nonsense. Just straight up called it as it was. I was extremely close to my Granny and she lived 50 metres from my own house and when she got a bit older, she moved in with us. So she was very much a part of the family. She lived with us for the ten years before she died and took her dying breath with us by her bedside in our home. I miss her all the time and her sense of humour and humility. These two songs remind me off her.

Jimmy Eat World - Here you me

My cousin sang this on the night of her funeral when we all gathered for a meal and a few drinks. He changed up some of the words to make it even more fitting. It will always remind me of her. God bless her.

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

This song was in the Irish charts at the time and is also etched in my mind when I think of her. Something in these words that just remind me of her

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

My cousin

My cousin was very young when he died. It was heartbreaking for us all, but most especially his parents and his sister. He was the life and soul of the party and it was so hard to see his life light quenched out so young and so tragically. He went to sleep and never woke up.

They played this song at his funeral. It is of course a Leonard Cohen original, but they played Jeff's version. This is one of those rare times when the cover is better than the original.

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

My Daughter

I am not going to go into much detail here. It is still too raw, even seven years later.

Our second child and our only girl was "born sleeping" and this is the song we played at her funeral. It still makes me cry every time I listen to it.

Kate Miller-Heidke - The Last Day on Earth

Remembering all your lost loved ones wherever you are around the world.

I'll bow my head now and think of them all with my own lost family and friends

Mind yourselves

Peace Out



An utterly amazing and brave post.

For me, it's Pachelbel's canon which is in memory of my dad. It brings me to tears every time I hear it.

Thanks very much. I really appreciate that. God rest your Dad, what a beautiful piece of music to remember him with ❤

Thank you too. I shared my story about a week ago and found it incredibly difficult to write so I understand what it's taken for you to share that. It's remarkable the effect a piece of music can have.

"I miss you dad. I so wish you'd been here to meet my wife, baby boy and my next little boy. I hope I've made you proud."

No doubt but he's proud and he has met your wife and baby boy as he is watching over you all and will guide your new baby boy into this world.

He'll always be with me. Just as your loved ones will always be there with you. I've always said "so long as you remember them, they'll always be with you". A bit like that movie, Coco.

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