RE: To the Members and Supporters of the Knitrias Project | By @LeVeuf
Dear @Rashia!! I feel in my heart all of your words and feel them warm and strong!! Continuing the project on its structure, was a possibility that I needed to consider sadly in a harsh moment like this in my life. Of course, you would be a perfect admin for the project, but I would also need to put most of the work on your shoulders, or working in organizing a team. The timing on my side was and is difficult until now.
Nothing is lost from the work we put in this project, on the contrary, I think we gain much! You will see your material will be referenced in some point for newcomers or people interested in communities or other tools.
Knitrias is alive, and we can stay in communication, maybe not as daily for now but this surely will change. It's about cycles I guess. Other project have surged, as @Jacorv's Impulso.
You only discovered your great potential as a writer, fictional, biographical and researcher, surely you need to continue with your project here and in any platform that gives you the economic opportunities you need. These materials are yours to publish where you have a sign up!! I've visited all of your posts, and surely more people, maybe we are all with this time crisis. I'll try to solve mine soon to comment more!!
I'll continue with my branch of the Longevity Statute, of course you are invited to continue yours, the important is to have fun!!
I send you lots of strong hugs @Rashia, my admiration and wishes that you get all those project realized very soon. We will continue to imagine new ideas in the time to come.
Only the best winds for you every day!!
That's correct, Knitrias lives. Even since we read his stories we had that mystique of the reality in which he was. Everything lives in our memories. I will take the Project wherever I go. It was a great boost for me and a good way to generate more confidence, one that allowed me to create my own project,motivate other users and so on.