KNITRIAS PROJECT: Week 08 (Review)

in Knitrias Project4 years ago (edited)

A new week on the Knitrias Project, and we are approaching to an important stage on the Roadmap which is the two-month evaluation on the next week. We need to evaluate the performance of the group in terms of production, interactions and cooperation as well the administration of the @Knitrias account and its development. This is a good moment to bring this Roadmap to memory, what has been adjusted and what is to come.

Reviewing the Roadmap


The Project it's aimed to support in the growth of new and little accounts, until now we have been supporting a group that is beginning its participation with between 0 and 250 SP. This support has the goal to boost the growth of the accounts by a delegation of 200 SP from the @leveuf account contributing with the Resource Credits for the operation of the accounts and allowing a higher amount of Curation Rewards.

The delegation also allows a cooperative effort consisting in the support between Members setting a ~ 50% of the voting capabilities of each account to distribute between fellow Members of the project. Each Member is entitled to receive votes at 100% from the @Knitrias account on posts and also in comments depending on the voting power of the account each day.

In addition to this support expressed on the Roadmap, the Members are receiving also the curation by @Leveuf using Tipu, helping on posts that have not reached at least $1.0 STU on rewards. Liquid rewards from the @Knitrias account have been disposed to incentivize post creation by rewarding specific posts relative to the Project, 20 SP have been distributed weekly between participants of these challenges. The @Knitrias account has supported with 16 SP two initiatives by @AdelJose. The Project is now part of the PoD initiative by the Steemit Team.

Participation on the Project

The Members receive support for a four-month period or until they own 500 SP on their accounts. This period could be extended or finished depending on the activities of each Member within the working group. At the moment of reaching the 500 SP goal and becoming a minnow account, the Member becomes a Graduate of the Project. Until now, we have one Graduate Member. A Graduate Member can stay in the Project by delegating 50 SP to the @Knitrias account and continue to support on Fellow Members posts.

Members are encouraged to Power Up ~ 50% of the liquid rewards from their posts. This is aimed to contribute in the faster growth of the own account, but it has been flexible depending on the Members' knowledge on the operations of the platform and also different needs on the use of each one funds. The Power Up strategy will be constantly encouraged but finally will be responsibility of each user to balance personal and group goals.

A Curation Trail has been set to help in the up-voting process on the posts by the Members, All Members are urged to subscribe to the trail in order to ensure the support for the fellow Members. Members are constantly encouraged to interact on fellow Members posts via comments. Members are encouraged to participate in various discussion initiatives launched by different users and projects on the platform.

The permanence on the Project is voluntary, but constant calls for attention on the up-voting, power up and interaction strategies could lead to the suspension of the support. Any other activity that requires attention will be determined on the specific case.


This First Stage of the Project is programmed to a six-month period, with two intermediate evaluations at two and four months. At the end of this six-month period all the Members will decide the continuation or finishing of the Project. Some conditions to continue are: Five Members of the Project have graduated, @Knitrias account has reached 1000 SP, and the Members are willing to administrate the Project in a coordinated organizational effort with autonomy from the @leveuf account.

In case the Project finish, the funds of the @Knitrias account will be distributed 75% on the permanent Members of the Project and 25% between users and projects that have supported this program. In case of continue, the Knitrias Project must keep its goals and become an investment option for more users to support these efforts, gaining further autonomy and a solid base for the work.

First Evaluation

All Members are invited to make a reflection on these bases for the Project and contribute with opinions and suggestions for the better development on the future steps. Next week the report will present some numbers on the activities and future organization proposals.

Weekly Information

The Members of the Project

This week we have to announce that our Member @MyFreeLive, has decided to separate from the Project due to personal activities and life-projects. This Project is much grateful with the great presence, creativity and energy from @MyFreeLive during her participation. ¡The best wishes for your important future projects, Valeri!

We are announcing a new Member on our group, please welcome @Jadnven. @AdelJose keeps his place until we reach 10 members for which @Knitrias has re-started the invitation campaign.









Contributions of the week

The last week the Members produced 32 posts, 5 corresponding to the weekly challenges of the Knitrias Project:

Branches of Longevity
Letter to MR Knitrias/Knitrias Project Challenge Week 07 by @KaySmile44
Musk, the vertical city | Knitrias Project Week 07 by @Jacorv

Open Source
Knitrias Project: Open source Challenge Week 07 : SteemAuto by @Rashia
KNITRIAS PROJECT: Week 07 (Steem Auto) by @Muftii
SteemAuto | Knitrias Project Week 07 by @Jacorv

This week the pool was distributed in this way:
20 SP between 5 contributions = 4 SP x Contribution

@Jacorv: 2 contributions: 8 SP
@Rashia: 1 contributions = 4 SP
@Muftii: 1 contribution = 4 SP
@KaySmile44: 1 contribution = 4 SP

Steem Power transfers have been made to these authors:

Challenges for the week

This week each challenge will have a secured pool of 10 SP that will be divided equally between the participants of each challenge. Each Member can participate with one post on each challenge.

Branches of Longevity (10 SP)

Short stories, developments and re-elaborations of literature, art, design, music, documentary research, kitchen recipes or others, on the characters and themes of The Longevity Statute, the world from which the character of Dr. Knitrias Maryana surges.

Chapters of The Longevity Statute

The longevity Statute (Part I)
The longevity Statute (Part II)
The longevity Statute (Part III)
The longevity Statute (Part IV)

Open Source (10 SP)

Theme: Roadmap

This week we are inviting the Members to work on the reflection on the goals , work and progress of the Knitrias Project. This reflection will be very important to contribute to the evaluation of the project so it will be incentivized as part of our weekly Open Source challenge.

What are the goals, what achievements have you made within the Project activities. How do you see the Project's development. Which steps are needed to create a better working group. What suggestions do you propose to implement.

Questions, suggestions and information sharing can be made in the comments section of this post.

This time all the Members are invited to post their Open Source challenge content in the Knitrias Project Community

The Members are strongly invited to participate in the Discussion initiative by @Cmp2020. Every user commenting on the post will receive a share of the liquid rewards by the account @Penny4thoughts. @Knitrias is sponsoring this initiative on behalf of the Members of the Knitrias Project.

[Discussion Post] Which markdown editor do you use and what features do you look?


Steem Power information

Members with 0% in red have not made Power Up since the beginning of the activities, they are urged to Power Up some amount in the next weeks.

Upvote and post count information

Voting count


Post Count: 263 posts|418 comments|472 replies Voting Count: (2.84 % self, 283 upvotes, 149 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: Musk, the vertical city | Knitrias Project Week 07
Post Count: 310 posts|253 comments|608 replies Voting Count: (5.56 % self, 100 upvotes, 39 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: My diary, Monday, June 22, 2020
Post Count: 24 posts|203 comments|224 replies Voting Count: (7.32 % self, 42 upvotes, 12 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: Knitrias Project: Open source Challenge Week 07 : SteemAuto
Post Count: 95 posts|204 comments|374 replies Voting Count: (0.90 % self, 64 upvotes, 34 accounts, 7d)
Last Post:
No post on this week / No votes on Fellow Members posts during three weeks
Post Count: 353 posts|1,608 comments|1,489 replies Voting Count: (0.00 % self, 127 upvotes, 67 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: The diary game/ El juego del diario: día 02 - Fecha 22/06/20 Venezuela
Post Count: 34 posts|119 comments|157 replies Voting Count: (0.28 % self, 401 upvotes, 233 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: The future/Digital image(your writing story competition 84) by@xpilar
Post Count: 124 posts|1,617 comments|997 replies Voting Count: (14.72 % self, 256 upvotes, 131 accounts, 7d)
Post Count: 439 posts|2,598 comments|2,064 replies Voting Count: (1.58 % self, 341 upvotes, 162 accounts, 7d)
Last Post: The island of winds. Competition @xpilar


The Knitrias Project is much grateful with the following users, communities and projects:

Delegators: @Xpilar, @MBallesteros
Support: @SteemChiller, @SteemCurator01, @Steemitblog, @R2Cornell, @SteemingCurators
Friends of the project: @Club12, @RadaQuest, @Marcosdk, @Ciska, @CryptoKannon, @Jayplayco, @Roleerob, @Mllg, @Oppongk

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Hola saludos a todos los miembros de este proyecto y a quienes lo apoyan, he leido detenidamente su reporte y me ha parecido genial, para quienes estamos en la plataforma reintegrandonos y para quienes vienen llegando a la Blockchain de Steemit a compartir su contenido. Mis inicios en el 2018 fueron muy atropellados, pero he regresado para ayudar a construir la plataforma.

Dejare mi información por acá para que se estudie la posibilidad de mi inserción en este proyecto.

Quien soy? Mi especialización es el área de la alimentación y me aficiona la poesía y la fotografía. Soy venezolana mi idioma materno es el español, aunque tengo nociones de francés y portugués por cursos que he realizado al igual que el ingles, pero no los domino complemente. Conocí la plataforma de steemit en 2018 pero no tuve mucho desempeño en ella, sin embargo actualmente esto más activa en la plataforma, mi conocimiento con respecto a la plataforma puedo definirlo en una escalad e mínimo. medio . alto . Lo definiría como medio.

Muchas gracias a @knitrias por su comentario en mi post y por invitarme a participar en este proyecto tan innovador.

Hola @Angelik-a!! Muchas gracias por unirte al equipo de Knitrias Project. Ahora cuentas con una delegación de 200 Steem Power y tus publicaciones serán votadas. Puedes participar también en los retos y actividades semanales.

Es un gusto que hayas regresado a Steem para compartir y construir esta comunidad y el progreso en la plataforma. Muchos cambios se han dado desde el 2018, seguro los habrás notado desde la operación de la plataforma, la economía y también la comunidad. Eso sí, se va sintiendo un buen movimiento.

Hemos echado a andar un Trail de curación en: (Steem Auto). Esto ayuda en el apoyo a los posts de los compañeros al seguir el voto de @Knitrias, así como para que recibas recompensas de curación gracias a tus votos. Hay información de cómo subscribirse en el Reporte de la Semana 06. Cualquier duda o comentario será un gusto asistirte.

Agradezco tu confianza en el proyecto y te deseo lo mejor para esta aventura en Steem!!

Hola @knitrias gracias por todo el apoyo, ya me he unido al trial de curacion!! de verdad muy agradecida por la delegación ayer me di cuenta pero la verdad que publique muy tarde en la noche y no me dio tiempo de comentar y agradecer.

Un abrazo y saludo afectuoso!!

Un poco tarde por aquí pero no quería dejarte sin comentar por aquí que cualquier duda o comentario será un gusto atenderlo. Ha salido el último reporte para que lo revises pues trae actividades nuevas.

Buenos vientos para vida y proyectos!!

hi admin knitrias-project thank you for this amazing work, I hope this community continues to grow quickly, warm greetings to @leveuf and @knitrias 🤗🤝😁

Thanks to you, @Muftii!! I appreciate your well wishes for every one in this project, I'm sure we will discover much more!!
I send the best winds for your every day!!

thank you friend, the wind must be fresh right ... ??

my respect and a big hug to you🤗

Yes!! :)
Big Hug, Mufti!!

Muchas gracias por la bienvenida a este interesante proyecto, dentro de poco estaré recreando mi participación para los retos de esta semana.

Agradecido siempre.

Gracias a ti @Jadnven por tu participación y gran aliento!! Será grandioso ver esas nuevas ramas que se van formando y tus propuestas de código abierto!

Lo mejor para vida y proyectos!!

Una nueva semana con un gran tema y más por expandir el Universo de Ramas de longevidad.

Es una pena que @MyFreeLive haya tenido que retirarse debido a motivos personales. 😢 Espero verla de nuevo por estos lares, debido a su gran energía y manera tan asombrosa de relatar historias para el equipo. Mis mejores deseos!

Seguido con eso, la cordial bienvenida a @Jadnven, espero con ansias ver su poderío en el proyecto. ✌️🐎

Éxitos a todos en esta semana! 🔺

Lo mejor para esta semana @Jacorv, a mí me está gustando mucho ese viernes de Power Up!!

Buen viento para vida y proyectos!!

Just keep being you, thank you!

Thank you for being awesome! You just got upvoted by the @steemingcurators. We are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator02 account to support the best content on Steemit!

Want to participate in contests and challenges to earn more?
Follow @steemingcurators and also the official @steemitblog for info about Steemit and the Daily Diary Challenge! Share your stories on Twitter or other social media to get extra upvotes. Just comment the link in your posts!

We hope you like live music too because #musicforsteem

Thank you!! You are lovable so much!! Thanks for being great companions on the adventure!!

All the best for your great projects!!

Hello @leveuf thank you so much for the great work you have done so far. This is indeed the detailed report presented here. Thanks for your effort.

Thank you very much, @Oppongk!! Your visit is always appreciated and your great spirit is very inspiring and admirable!! Glad you found this information valuable and for your well wishes for the developments!!
All the best for your projects and great efforts to bring good winds to the platform!!

Extraordinario informe, se muestra en él la transparencia del proceso de apoyo a los nuevos miembros, esta es una iniciativa maravillosa. Llevar este registro de evaluación puede ser motivador para los participantes. Felicitaciones al nuevo miembro que se une y también a @leveuf por su empeño de ser mejor cada día. Saludos amigo @leveuf que soplen fuerte esos vientos!

Muchas gracias, querida @Belkisa758!! Por aquí y por allá, paso a paso va creciendo el alcance del proyecto. Trae buenas perspectivas. Seguro iremos viendo buenos frutos de todo esto!!

Gracias por tu compañía, aliento y el gran apoyo que he recibido siempre de ti!! Por aquí y por allá nos seguimos encontrando!!

Junto a ti, vientos muy agradables y frescos acompañando esos pasos!!

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation

join the World of Xpilar Curation Trail, info can be found here

Thank you very much to @Xpilar and all the great community sharing art, experience and creativity in this amazing World!!

All the best for the projects!!

You have been upvoted by Steem Greeters from STEEM POD Project and we are voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit and also to support minnow under 500sp more details here

Thank you very much, dear Steem Greeters!! Your support for the new steemians is the most fundamental for the growth of our community. Thanks for your hard work!!

Big hug, and the best wishes for every project!!

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