KNITRIAS PROJECT: Week 05 (Engagement)

One month
We are finishing the first month of activities in the Knitrias Project and there has been many great moments in the work so far, achievements, learning and great emotions. Here we have some expressions by some Members about the participation on the project:
My approach, by @MyFreeLive
Irregular post: I am overwhelmed and excited, by @Rashia
Futuristic Imagination - Imaginación Futurista, by @Jacorv
Beautiful knitrias-project, by @MyFreeLive
Community knitrias-project, by @MyFreeeLive
Thank you, by @Rashia
Reputation & steem power, by @F21Steem
It has been also a month of changes in the platform with the aim to achieve a better experience for the users of Steem and for the future reconstruction of the communities and support for the projects working in the platform, we have gladly announced the support received by the Steemit Team as part of their PoD Project, (Proof of Dedication). This represents a milestone for the group with the creation of the Knitrias Project Community, but is also a great compromise to continue improving our work. From the part of the Knitrias Project, thank you all, and keep on!!
One of the most important aspects of the presence of every user in this platform is the interaction between authors and readers of the posts published on Steem. As we have discovered, the principal value which give the meaning for the tools created for this platform is the quality of the content and comments which add human appreciation of the work, this is commonly known as Proof of Brain. The value of every vote, along with the numeric price generated by the Steem Power from the curator, comes from the reaction as a reader of the content in the form of a comment.
There are different factors at the moment to cast a vote. We know the platform due to its nature works also with automation, or by curation trails which give support for authors. But is always positive the proof of human eyes reading and expressing a feedback for the creator of the content. This provides human interactions as emotions, knowledge, experience, advice, agreement or simply encouragement for the author to continue with the great work. Commenting brings also opportunity to create relations, projects and friendship.
Probably many of us have seen the many initiatives and projects promoting and rewarding discussion. The Knitrias Project is sponsor of the initiative of weekly posts by @Cmp2020, also is promoting the interaction initiatives by the Project Hope, the constant discussions and initiatives by the @SteemitBlog, and now we recommend the The talk channel, by @Xpilar.
There is good advice for creating great interactions in social media, everything comes with practice as it's important to improve in our comments because as we know they give value to the work of the author but also our comments can be rewarded. This of course creates a window for some abuse and spam or generic comments with the aim to be rewarded. From this Project we will be working harder to improve the quality and the quantity of the comments by its Members. Along with the voting strategy need to be working the concept of Proof of brain which gives its value to this blockchain.
Some aspects that differentiates a good from a generic comment begins with the reading of the post. A generic comment as "great post", "good work", "interesting post" or "I'm following you, follow back" could be considered generic and probably spam, these comments could be placed anywhere without proving the reading of the work they are commenting.
A good comment must include the impression on the reader relative to the content she or he is reading, some connection, some experience, surprise, likeness, agreement or even disagreement on the propositions. Sometimes a good question about the content is a proof of interest on the lecture of the work. Encouragement is fundamental for every author working on Steem, in fact part of the name of Steem comes not only from steam but from esteem, the necessary fuel which keeps creativity and interactions moving forward.
All Members are encouraged to improve their comments and also increase the efforts in commenting more on the fellow Members posts and others by users of the platform in general. We much appreciate the efforts of the Members already doing a good work on this subject.
Voting Strategy
This is a Call for all the Members to join the curation trail by the Knitrias Project. Last week it was set in the report a mechanism to subscribe to the trail by the @Knitrias account. @SteemingCurators also created a totorial to subscribe to a curation trail using the tool by the Witness @Maiyude: How To Set Up AUTO VOTING On STEEMIT + Curation Trail Set up (Easy).
Some Members are not using their Steem Power at optimal capacity, we need to improve that, and the curation trail give us a chance to keep a good track on supporting the fellow Members on this project. The attention to this issue will be much appreciated.
Weekly Information
The Members of the Project
We still have three remaining slots for our group.
![]() @JACORV | ![]() @F21STEEM | ![]() @RASHIA |
![]() @FUTVEN12 | ![]() @MYFREELIVE | ![]() @ADELJOSE |
![]() @KAYSMILE44 |
Contributions of the week
The last week the Members produced 27 posts, 7 corresponding to the weekly challenges of the Knitrias Project:
Branches of Longevity
Conspiracy. Statute of Longevity by @AdelJose
Branches of Longevity. Dr. Mariyana's return home by @MyFreeLive
Coryanas Diary #2 (#1 is “The Daughter“) by @Rashia
Spark of a Rebellion | Knitrias Project Week 04 by @Jacorv
Open Source
Knowing about the Witnesses./ Conociendo sobre los Testigos by @AdelJose
Witness - Testigos | Knitrias Project Week 04 by @Jacorv
Open Source. Theme: Witnesses by @MyFreeLive
@Knitrias has sent the rewards as Steem Power for these authors:
Challenges for the week
Special Challenge: Interview with @Xpilar

This week we have a special challenge for the Members of the Knitrias Project. It will be and interview with the great Steemian @Xpilar, founder and administrator of the World of Xpilar Community. With almost four years of presence here in this blockchain, @Xpilar is one of the fundamental supporters of the work of many authors at this moment. His stances on the developments are always to seek the growth and creativity for all the members of his community and also he's participating in different curation project as Art-Venture. The challenge will consist in two stages:
First stage: (15 Steem Power equally shared between all participants)
In the first stage the Members will create a post with two main areas:
One.- Introduction with the most relevant information of the artistic work, his trayectory as influencer on Steem and the community work. Is recommended to take a look at the old posts and comments in the blog of @Xpilar.
Two.- Every Member will propose five questions for @Xpilar in the post. Relative to the different findings on the research or to the present or future projects.
This post needs to be published on the Knitrias Project Community. @Xpilar will be visiting the post and making a selection of questions for the second stage. A group of judges will determine the winer post.
Second stage: 15 Steem Power to the winer
The winer will make a second post with the interview for @Xpilar, this post will summarize all the main information on the posts from the first stage, and also will contain all the selected questions by @Xpilar. The prize will be received by the author once the work is published and @Xpilar answers The Interview.
@Xpilar is supporting the initiative and share 10 Steem for the prizes. Good luck for all the participant Members.
Regular challenges
This week each of our regular challenges will have a secured pool of 10 SP that will be divided equally between the participants of each challenge. Each Member can participate with one post on each challenge.
Branches of Longevity (10 SP)
Short stories, developments and re-elaborations of literature, art, design, music, documentary research, kitchen recipes or others, on the characters and themes of The Longevity Statute, the world from which the character of Dr. Knitrias Maryana surges.
Chapters of The Longevity Statute
![]() | The longevity Statute (Part I) |
![]() | The longevity Statute (Part II) |
![]() | The longevity Statute (Part III) |
![]() | The longevity Statute (Part IV) |
Open Source (10 SP)
Theme: Review
No new theme will be added. So, the Members can chose one of the previous subjects to further develop the content with new aspects on each subject or to take the challenges if not taken previously. Every Member can chose between: Markdown, SteemWorld, Steemwhitepaper and Steem Witnesses.
All the Members are invited to post their Open Source challenge content in the Project Hope Community directed by @Crypto.Piotr
The Members are strongly invited to participate in the Discussion initiative by @Cmp2020. @Knitrias is sponsoring this initiative on behalf of the Members of the Knitrias Project.
![]() | [Discussion Post] What ghost stories did YOU grow up with? |
Steem Power information
Upvote and post count information
Voting count | Info |
@jacorv |
@f21steem |
@rashia |
@futven12 |
@myfreelive |
@adeljose |
@kaysmile |
The Knitrias Project is much grateful with the following users, communities and projects:
Delegators: @Xpilar, @MBallesteros
Support: @SteemChiller, @SteemCurator01, @R2Cornell
Trail: @Drax, @Tribevibes
Friends of the project: @Bullionstackers, @Club12, @RadaQuest, @Marcosdk, @Whatsup, @Ciska, @CryptoKannon, @Jayplayco, @Roleerob, @Oppongk
Daily challenges and up to date information on the activities on
Follow @SteemitBlog
Resources and Support for Newcomers
Follow @SteemingCurators
World of Xpilar
Project Hope
Team México
Tools and information
Visit SteemWorld

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Excellent project friends, without any doubt that faithfully supports the members with their various activities.
Soon I will see the participation of more talented people in this community flourish. Go my wishes of success for this tremendous project.
Thank you very much @AdelJose, for your wonderful words of encouragement. The community will flourish and the platform also.
The best winds for your life and projects, @AdelJose!!
Excelente, feliz inicio de semana y mes para todos.
Saludos y mucho éxito!
Los mejores deseos para ti también, @Jacorv. Información y nuevos retos para esta semana que espero disfruten.
Abrazo grande!!
Hello ,, @kinitrias-project week which is fun for members of the knitrias-project. @f21steem saw today's @knitrias post about weekly announcements, the development of knitrias-project members during a month of operation on the KNITRIAS-PROJECT platform. Much progress has been made by KNITRIAS-PROJECT leaders or their supporters. I am a member of the KNITRIAS-project, appreciating the guidance, input and challenges given by KNITRIAS-PROJECT or the support community for the growth of KNITRIAS-PROJECT
Greetings @KNITRIAS, always enthusiastic in carrying out tasks, always take care of your health, thank you.
Thank you very much for your encouraging visit and the expression of the joy on these activities for the Members. You can take any of the challenges for this week and receive the support for the participants. Congratulations on your own progress, @F21Steem!!
Best winds for projects and life!!
@knitrias, As always, an amazing informational post.
I am happy to see a lot of extra challenges that need to be completed in a week.
I'll definitely do everything. With great pleasure, I'll read the first posts of @xpilar to prepare original questions.
Thank you so much for your support, @knitrias. And thank you very much to all my friends of our team-project.
I'm sure you will have a great time reviewing those posts, dear @MyFreeLive!! Thank you very much for your great spirit and participation on all the challenges, always an awesome display of creativity and research.
Have a wonderful and joyful day!
this project is truly extraordinary. currently there are 23 community members, I'm sure this project will grow rapidly, the core goal is mutual respect between readers and writers.
I hope I will be accepted in this community.
Hello @Muftii!! It will be great if you become part of this group as a Member. I've seen your work in the contest by @AdelJose!! As a formality, please check the Mission and Vission of the Project and leave a request here in this post:
The Knitrias Project its aimed to support the growth of new and small accounts with a delegation of 200 Steem Power to help them get to the Minnow level (500 Steem Power) at a faster pace. We are looking for candidates who have between 0 and ~150 Steem Power to receive this support and become Project Members.
In the following link you will also find important information about the Mission and Vision of this Project, its strategies and goals. It will be a pleasure to assist with any question or comment:Knitrias Project: Official Announcement.
hi @knitrias
greetings from me.
My name is @muftii
Indonesian Citizen
I joined steemit in March 2018.
currently my reputation is 54, Steem power 88 sp.
I know this platform through my friend on Facebook. Incidentally in my area (Aceh Barat Daya)
Not many people know about Steemit, not even there.
in writing I am not focused on just one topic, usually what is on my head I write. like opinions and whatnot
about bilingual posts I use geogle translit to translate.
And I don't know much about the operation of the Steem blockchain.
please guide,
I strongly support this project and want to join the #Knitrias-Project community
Best regard
Welcome to the Knitrias Project, @Muftii, thanks for your confidence!!
I'll see you soon, here and there in your posts!!
Muchas gracias a todos por su apoyo, seguiremos adelante
Gracias por la visita @Futven12!! Esta semana te recomiendo muy especialmente tomar alguno de los retos, la entrevista con ~Xpilar que es un reto especial del mes viene con buenos premios!
Lo mejor para cada proyecto, @Futven12 salud, trabajo y vida!!
Una publicación muy completa sobre la evolución del proyecto,
mostrando el status de cada uno de los miembros de la cohorte
que está formándose en #knitrias project.
Brindas oportunidades, exiges producción
Muchas gracias por tus palabras alentadoras y tu compañía maravillosa @Mllg! Ha sido una increíble aventura con mucha gente en este viaje. ¡Vamos todos aprendiendo a construir comunidades!
Te mando abrazos grandes!!
Es un trabajo hermoso, ¡ya en la semana 51
Renovadas felicitaciones y mis mejores deseos para que sigan los éxitos,
de la gran comunidad que están construyendo@knitrias