There is healing in every verse of Holy Quran.

The guidance of humanity in the Quran


In his Holy Book, Allah Almighty has mentioned the good of humanity everywhere.

The Qur'an contains the golden principles of living. If we adopt these principles, we will succeed in both the world and the hereafter.
And every human being wants success. And every man is struggling for a successful life.

The Qur'an discusses every aspect of life. The Qur'an is the Holy Word of Allah and the last inspired word which was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad.

Humanity's success in reading and practicing it is the key to success.

Do not enter anyone's room without permission.

In Surah Al-Anwar, verse 58 of the Quran, Allah Almighty told humankind that no one should enter room or house without permission.
We need it urgently today. And this is a golden principle by which we can build respect for one another.

The Qur'an says: Do not lie because lie destroys prestige.

Lying is the root of all bigots. And by lying, man loses his respect in people. One lie has to lie a hundred times. Therefore, true is a sign of success. Always speak the truth.

The subject of the Quran is humanity. And Almighty Allah has stated in the Quran the end of both good and bad ways.
The path of goodness is the path to everlasting success and peace and relief.
And the way of sin is the path of failure and restlessness.

It is in human control. Which path does he take? We humans are sovereign.

If a person takes the path of sin. This is his will How many people are there in this world? Who do not distinguish between good and sin.
How can we help someone if they do not want to lead themselves to eternal success?

In the Qur'an, Allaah explains the ways of doing business.
Forbidden to eat one's goods.

Ordered to pay the rights of neighbors.
Forbidden to eat interest. Ordered to help the poor, orphans.

Ordered to take care of the rights of orphans.
The widow ordered to honor the women. Gave the woman the position.

Forbidden to eat stolen goods. Ordered to fulfill the promise. Taught to respect humanity.
Ordered to spread goodness and do good deeds. Ordered to stop the bragging. Ordered the brotherhood in the society. Describe the rights of the children. Define parental rights.
Therefore, each and every topic was told for the success of human beings only.

The Holy Book is healing. The healing of every disease is contained in the Holy Quran. The disease of the soul or the healing of every disease in the body is contained in the verses of the Qur'an.
There is healing in every verse of Surat al-Fatiha.

The Qur'an is a miracle. Millions of people remember this book verbally. Listening to the Qur'an relieves heart and life.
I'll try to write more on this beautiful book in my next post.



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I always appreciate a good theological post:) I do wonder what you mean by every disease of the physical body has its healing found in the Qur’an though. Do you mean that literally or that living by the words of the book brings health which in turn heals each disease?

Great post :)

Your question is great.
Healing of every sickness is also a disease of the soul.
Body diseases too.
but how.
When we understand the Qur'an and then we do our own research. We combine the information of the Quran with the spiritual and the scientific. So inside of us is the disease of the soul. She starts to go away. Because this book is the truth. And there is every spirituality in it.
And when the spiritual sickness is cured. So man can feel very good.
And then when we read the Holy Scriptures for the cure of a physical illness, its effectiveness is cured of many diseases.
I will write a post on this very soon.

Great question, great discussion.

My interpretation is that the teachings that grow from sacred texts (not the texts themselves) act as maps or guides through a spiritual process, a process of our consciousness. When we get ill, of course we need to use physical medicines to attend to the physical aspect of the illness, but the process of healing — whichever path we take, whichever medicine we choose — is important also.

The manifestation of the illness (remember the illness itself is a disharmony of physiology) gives the consciousness of the individual the opportunity to discover, change, and evolve something within themself.

For example, if I get sick with something and I have two options (A and B) for its treatment, I’m going to investigate why I feel afraid of option A... healing the fear of going down that path may hold an Alchemical treasure that I can transmute and then use in my life going forward.

In the Inner Tradition of TCM (Taoist Alchemy) the illness has presented itself as the lesson, the opportunity to fulfil some aspect of individual’s purpose/destiny/life-role. This is a deeply shamanic and mystic perspective.

But it comes down to the individual finding that meaning in the moment. It’s not the traditions or the texts that hold the power — it’s the individual. I’m not a moslem, so the Qu’ran is not going to help me, just like the Bible won’t because I’m not Christian... and by that I mean I don’t particularly hold those texts to be inherently sacred, and there has been too much bloodshed done in the names of those books for me to buy into any of it... and yet, I can find snapshots of perennial, sacred truths in them which would guide me. But literally my interpretation....

Sacred healing comes from the individual’s consciousness, but triggered and/or inspired to follow and surrender to the process. This goes quite a way to start understanding the power of placebos and nocebos.

وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْآنِ مَا هُوَ شِفَاءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۙ وَلَا يَزِيدُ الظَّالِمِينَ إِلَّا خَسَارًا ﴿٨٢﴾

What We are sending down in the course of revealing the Qur'an is a healing and a grace for those who have faith; but it adds only to the ruin of the wrong-doers.


Beautiful work. Thank you for your post. It's always good to share the more enlightening portions of religious text. Thanks

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