Brilliant article with clear homeopathic strategies around The Virus

in Natural Medicine5 years ago (edited)


It has been an interesting time on mainstream, in my having been censored several times for sharing homeopathic information around treating Covid-19. It is genuinely shocking to me, what peoples' fear pushes them to reject - like fricking solutions!!

This is a link to a fantastic blog by my homeopath on what we can do before, during and after Covid-19: she explains better than I ever could, a practical approach to treating the symptoms.

I copied and pasted some lists of remedies here in the interest of our collective health, but please read the entire blog linked to below, as it explains succinctly the context - and something of the process of homeopathy, if you don't know about it, e.g. why it it so important to look at the whole person - the entire symptoms presented. It also speaks about the method of homeoprophylaxis, and gives links to where you can find out more (and access the nosode).

Quote from the page:

"Treating Symptoms
Even if you’ve taken preventative measures, you might begin to display symptoms. Fortunately, we can start treatment based on the individual symptoms or the collective symptoms (genus epidemicus). The pace and strength of infection will vary from person-to-person, based on their own susceptibility, as well as the susceptibility of the collective.

Based on reports from China and homeopaths around the globe, as well as the flu cases I have already treated this year, the symptoms of people who get the Coronavirus point towards Arsenicum or Gelsemium (as first choices, or most seen) and Bryonia or Eupatorium perf. (as the next most seen, or second choices). One other potentially very important remedy is SQUILLA MAR. (research on this rx is intriguing by how well it fits the known symptoms).

It is always best to individualize treatment whenever possible. The recommendations below are for clients experienced with homeopathic treatment and want to self-prescribe using their own remedies.

Arsenicum album 30c - slow onset, coryza of early cold symptoms, weakness, fear and anxiety, esp. relating to germs and ones own health. 1-2 doses daily for one week, then stop. Repeat one or two doses a week if the need continues. Alternately, 1 dose every other day for 1 or 2 weeks if concern is there. Adjust the dosing according to the need and circumstance.

Ignatia 200c - anxious, fretful, feelings of grief (a remedy for the sads, including environmental climate-change sadness, etc). 1 dose daily, until the outlook has returned to sound thinking. (do not continue for more than 2-3 days max).

Ferrum phosphoricum 6x or 30c - in the very earliest signs of being ‘off’, dry tickling cough, low-grade fevers, usually in the first 24 hours only, or otherwise cell salts (6x) to support and energize a low-grade fever (which uniquely presents with Coronavirus). This rx is an excellent blood oxygenator.

Gelsimium 30c or 200c - extreme fatigue, malaise, chills, achy muscles, heavy eyes (also presenting in Coronavirus). In fever use 200c. As a possible prophylactic use 30c:

One dose Gelsimium 30c weekly when an outbreak is geographically distant.

One dose Gelsimium 30c daily for seven days if you are close to an outbreak. And then twice a week after that until the threat passes.

Differential Diagnosis

Gelsimium - can be shaky, shivery, tremulous, weak, nervous, heaviness in the eyes, headache, backache, just needs to go to bed. There is no energy. Cannot think anymore. Cannot hold eyes open. Wilted. Done. Its physical symptoms are situated more in the neurological system.

Arsenicum - has fear, anxiety, but is more OCD, germ-phobic, and truly anxious in its expression (than Gelsimium), there may be trouble sleeping in the mid-night hours, person is chilly, and weak, wants to ‘hug the fire’. It’s physical symptoms are situated more in the respiratory system.

Belladonna - Sudden onset, plethoric, red face, glassy-eyed, a hectic hot fever. We can give a 200c. [this remedy picture is not showing up much in relation to COVID-19 symtpoms, but still worth having on hand during any acute viral infection and flu season].

Bryonia - a very DRY, hard even painful cough, with stitching sharp pains, worse with any motion, person might hold chest when coughing, has great thirst, needs to be still, and wants to be alone.

Eupatorium - flu with BONE ACHES, as if every bone in the body is breaking - DEEP, intense pain, especially in the back. Use 200c in fevers or with intense symptoms.

Squilla maritima - HARD VIOLENT coughs either dry or loose. Respiratory infections - bronchitis, pneumonia. Sharp pains especially in the left lower chest. Involuntary loss of urine or stool during cough.

Aconite - first 24 hours, SUDDEN DRY cough, esp. after exposure to cold air or wind, hoarse, loud rough cough. Restless, anxious. Fear of death, will sometimes say ‘I think I am dying’, and they really mean it. The fear is real.

Rhus tox - symptoms develop from exposure to cold DAMP air (Mendocino coast simillimum extraordinaire!), stiff joints, yet restless, and better with some gentle movement, dry chesty cough.

Rumex - dry, incessant, teasing & fatiguing cough, worse slightest inhalation of cold air, or any change of air, may cover the head to keep air warm. Tickle in the throat pit. Worse touching the throat pit. Worse lying down.

Nux vomica - chills, fever, gastric complaints, especially in those who are high-powered, overworked, irritable, and/or imbibe in ‘high!’ living. ; - )

We may see conditions like:


Pleurisy where the patient presents difficulty breathing, bubbling rattling of the chest


High fever

In these instances, we need to treat the individual rather than the genus epidemicus, so contact your Homepathic Practitioner. Remedies to be considered include Antimonium tart, Bryonia alba, Squilla mar, Phosphorus, Kali carb, and Lycopodium, to name a few.

Lingering symptoms of weakness may follow a flu process. We can consider remedies like Carbo veg, Phosphoric acid, or even return full circle back to Arsenicum.

Don’t be surprised—or embarrassed—if a bit of depression sets in after you’ve traveled through a flu. It’s very common, yet we all seem to think post-illness depression is unique to us. We can consider remedies like Aurum metallicum 200c (one dose every few days until back to our usual self), Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, or Phosphoric acid, may also be considered.

Historical usage of Pneumococcinum, Influenzinum, or Bacillinum in such times have given remarkable immunological response to the flu disease. Tuberculin aviare (bird), and Oscillococccinum in the beginning of the disease has recovered many from Flu-like symptoms.

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
Mix 3 parts rubbing alcohol with 1 part aloe vera gel. For 1 cup of hand sanitizer mix 3/4 cup alcohol with 1/4 cup gel. The rubbing alcohol sanitizes your hands while the aloe vera moisturizes them. Some people prefer using witch hazel or even vodka in place of the rubbing alcohol."

Shelly is based in Fort Bragg, California, USA - please tell her that I sent you, if you contact her <3

Things continue much as usual here in Guardia Sanframondi, BN, Italy - though we're to keep our pets and washing inside tonight, as they're going to helicopter-spray the zone to 'disinfect' it (!) - I'm going to pop out to the shop soon to find out the latest news :-)

Much love to you all - I'm going to keep using oregano oil to disinfect hands and face when going out, but that's about the limit of my panic ;-)


great info for homeopaths and their patients.

Thank you so much, @ligayagardener <3 This article is one of four that Shelly wrote: the next one is on fevers, here - <3

Thanks for sharing.. great info if you are a homeopath. Me? Sticking to herbs. 🙏💚

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