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RE: Can you explain the benefit of and how to power down?

in dPoll4 years ago

The restrictions mentioned at that time (two months ago) were accounts of people who are not allowed to join Hive.

Hive copied Steemit exactly in the way it was as they started. If all accounts would have been accepted this meant that the top of Steemit for example would be the top of Hive too if it comes to SP and Hive coin.
That is what they avoided by taking this step.

I can not tell you if more accounts were denied because of???

For sure you are not the least educated one here. Most of us do not understand all the steps and tricks people take to get rich and famous on platforms.

If you had an account on Steemit at the time Hive started you automatically have one on Hive too with exactly the same amount of SP and Hive as you had in Steem.


Sorry I did not see this sooner. Good to know, I was just wondering about Steem and hive in that way today. I feel stupid often lol

No need to. Happy day to you. 💕

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