Mirándola más de cerca - [En] Looking at it closely | Flowers
Definitivamente hermosa! aunque ya sus mejores momentos han pasado, el tiempo no le roba nada de su gran belleza, ya marchita, sigue en pie y poco a poco puedo verlas con el pasar de los días como van apagando sus pequeñas chispas.
[En]Definitely beautiful! Although her best moments have passed, time does not steal anything of her great beauty, already withered, she is still standing and little by little I can see them as the days go by as they extinguish their little sparks.

La primavera pasara rápido, y dejaran de crecer en gran cantidad, me alegra poder disfrutar de ellas ahora. Feliz noche.
[En]The spring will pass quickly, and they will stop growing in great quantity, I am happy to be able to enjoy them now. Happy night.

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