Beautiful flowers in our flower garden
En | Ua |
My mother recently bought and planted flowers in our garden. Unfortunately, the saleswoman didn't know their name, I don't know either. Nevertheless, these flowers are very beautiful and will be the decoration of our garden. | Моя мати нещодавно купила і посадила у нас в саду квіти. На жаль, продавчиня не знала їхньої назви, я теж не знаю. Та не зважаючи на це ці квіти дуже красиві і буду окрасою нашого саду. |
These photos were originally published to Hive blog.
WoW amazing photos :)
You post some epic photos!
Do you edit the photos before you post or are they raw photos?
Thanks for your sincere feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, I slightly processed the image in Lightroom
Keep up the good work.. I am just getting into Photography and I am trying to get different ideas from different people ... thanks for the inspiration :)
You're welcome!
This post was chosen to be voted by THEUNION.

wow beautiful photography
unique photography
thanks, I'm glad you liked it!
U r always welcome dearest friend @shady