Eastbourne - South Downs
Having shared pictures of Eastbourne Sea Front, Cuckmere Haven and The Seven Sisters, I'm running out of things to say about Eastbourne... or am I??
Eastbourne's on the edge of the South Downs National Park and I can walk to it from my house. The chalky cliffs of Seven Sisters (including tourist spot Birling Gap), dramatic river of Cuckmere Haven form a couple of spots in this beautiful land.
I'd like to share a few pictures from some walks I've done, mainly amongst sheep and cows (although I don't seem to have any pictures of the cows or any cats if you were wondering).
I hope I've convinced at least one person here to come and visit Eastbourne one day.
Thank you very much @ the-gorilla
You're welcome, your art is very good. Although I don't approve of the self-upvoting everything!
You are very lucky to live by the sea, we would like to live by the sea one day
There's something about the sea that I've always been drawn to. It might be because of the holidays we had as children but I can't be sure.