The dairy game || 24-06-2021 || a villager life || by @shahzadmushtaq

Asslam-o-Alaikum to all,

I hope you all are well. Today in this post i am going to share some villager life and fields pics with hope you like this. I got up early this morning and went to the mosque for Fajr prayers and recited the Quran.

In one place it is said: “ALLAH loves the trustworthy.” ALLAH says (interpretation of the meaning): ALLAH is sufficient for him who puts his trust in ALLAH. And the hadeeth says: “If you put your trust in ALLAH as He has the right to trust, then ALLAH will provide for you as He provides for the birds that are hungry in the morning and full in the evening. Let's return. " Therefore, a person should adopt lawful means and measures, but he should rely on ALLAH Almighty alone, follow the Shari'ah, perform his duties and avoid prohibitions, fear the wrath of Allah and avoid sins and misdeeds, and Hope for forgiveness from ALLAH's vast mercy.

Even today, 70% of the total population of the country consists of agricultural men and women, even children and the elderly. The direct or indirect role of this class in the national economy is important in every way. Even today, when the country is plagued by economic woes and debt burdens of the past, during the general elections, most of the parties talk a lot about human rights, poverty alleviation and reforms for the betterment of the farmers. The Manifesto has given secondary importance to this important sector of the country. Since the 1970s, no party has spoken of improving the condition of farmers, nor have large-scale property rights reforms been implemented among landless peasants since the previous PPP government. Although some lands were distributed among the farmers of Kacha area during the previous rule of the Muslim League, it was never given the form of major reforms. We have also had the attitude that all the parties have been making loud and clear claims in the past to grab the votes of the farmers but after the victory this important sector has been completely ignored. In particular, the PPP, the so-called farmers 'and workers' party, has overlooked this aspect in recent years. While the PML-N government in its recent tenure has limited the agricultural sector to wheat subsidy only and no major relief has been given to the farmers in the rice crop.


Today, Pakistan needs to make major policy changes to increase agricultural production and income. If we want to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to start at the grassroots level with additional requirements in mind. This requires empowering small farmers and giving them property rights at the grassroots level. In order to make the country economically strong, the weaker sections have to be given rights and share in the natural resources including land.


In addition, special attention needs to be paid to environmental protection and fertility of the land. It is a fact that poverty alleviation is directly related to the production of agricultural commodities, foodstuffs and products. The shortage of agricultural commodities in the country can be alleviated only if the lower class is made a part of the plan by giving a sense of ownership to increase its production and small scale farmers are also included. This will require strengthening the class that does not have land through agrarian reforms and land redistribution and rehabilitation. If there is an increase in agricultural production despite the neglect of the rights of the weakest class on the basis of natural resources, it does not necessarily mean that it has also alleviated the poverty of the farmers.


As far as soil properties such as sustainability, eco-friendly agriculture, soil fertility and better nutritional security are concerned, small farmers personally care more. Although this is said in the light of the experiences of different countries of the world, other developing countries, including Pakistan, have never taken agriculture policies seriously. However, wide-ranging reforms can not only increase the size of the economy. Rather, as small farmers, they can be made useful and useful so that they can be part of the development of the country's economy.


With the establishment of Pakistan, there has been an urgent need to break the feudal lords and set a limit on land ownership, but this has not really been done as it should have been. Under President Ayub Khan and then under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, agrarian reforms were carried out but the farmers did not benefit from it as the feudal class has been in power in Pakistan from the beginning. Therefore, it did not allow the implementation of inland reforms. And those land reforms fell victim to politics. Pakistan is probably the only country in the world where the feudal system does not exist but is strong. It is very easy to guess. If you look at our political parties, our legislatures, our governments, these people are everywhere. Our elections are, in fact, an exercise in making feudal lords democratic rulers.


No matter how many political parties come to power, they may not pay much attention to the development of agriculture and long-term reforms, but the general impression in the country is that the policies of the PML-N government always benefit the business community and other sections. Keep delivering. No decisive steps have been taken by the government in recent years to reform and rehabilitate the land to help and encourage poor financially viable farmers in grain production.


In contrast, the number of land grabs from the smallest farmers is steadily increasing. Wealthy aspirants of farmhouses are buying their lands from these farmers and depriving them of land ownership. On the other hand, many small and medium-sized farmers are rapidly losing their land due to large-scale acquisitions of land for housing schemes, industrial and infrastructure projects. Even land with the best irrigation system is being deprived of cultivation due to inappropriate policies.


That is why small farmers who were able to get maximum yield from their small farms with their hard work and were playing an important role in meeting the nutritional needs of the country also lost resources due to inattention of the government. Shortages are slowly shifting to other stable jobs. Before it is too late, the seriousness of the issue should be understood and changes in policy should be emphasized. So that the goals of sustainable development can be achieved through sustainable reforms in rural livelihoods using improved agriculture-linked smallholder farmers, increasing agricultural production as well as using environmentally friendly methods.


Although the negative impact of climate change on agriculture and other rural livelihoods is widespread and the country is also facing drought, it will also need to allocate adequate resources for climate change mitigation and related key issues. Otherwise, the condition of our farmers is getting worse and worse. Poor people need green crops because of their involvement in agriculture and agro-industry.


The future of them and their future generations depends on this agriculture. These are the fertile lands that fill the human stomach, which make human life dynamic, due to which textile and other production mills run in the industrial sector and the wheel of life of the workers working in them is moving. The development of our textile industry and our exports also depend on this agricultural production.


If the situation does not improve, the population pressure on the big cities will continue to increase, which will further increase the urban problems. In the last 70 years, governments have not made any concrete plans to increase agricultural production. How painful it is that despite our hard workforce and vast agricultural area, we are still unable to meet the country's food needs.


Still, it is to be hoped that the government that will emerge as a result of the general elections will introduce new policies to improve the sector, which will develop Pakistan's agriculture and solve the problems of farmers, which will not only improve the lives of farmers. I will not only improve but also save the agricultural products on which a lot of foreign exchange is being spent and the dear homeland will also be able to develop at a steady pace.

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