Happy Eid al-Fitr, apologize physically and mentally 🙏 ||the atmosphere of the crowd at night of Eid al-Fitr || aceh-indonesia


Happy Eid al-Fitr, apologize physically and mentally 🙏

Selamat hari raya idul fitri mohon maaf lahir batin 🙏

Hi friends, all of you, good night, hopefully you will always be healthy and successful, on the occasion of this evening I want to share content about the journey at the night of Eid, the atmosphere of the crowd ..

Hai teman-teman steemit semuanya selamat malam semoga sehat selalu dan sukses, pada kesempatan malam ini saya ingin berbagi konten tentang perjalanan di malam hari raya idul fitri , suasana keramaian..


In recent days people around Aceh usually buy various clothes with their families, in shops around ..

And partly on the night of the holidays people here hang out with their families.

Dalam beberapa hari ini orang-orang di sekitar aceh biasanya membeli berbagai pakaian bersama keluarganya, di toko-toko sekitar..
Dan sebagian pada malam hari raya orang disini jalan-jalan bersama keluarga.



Unlike usual nights, Pertamina's place is now full of people filling their cars and motorbikes for the next day ..

Tidak seperti malam biasanya, tempat pertamina sekarang dipenuhi orang-orang mengisi minyak mobil dan motornya untuk esok harinya..


The queue for oil in Pertamina is very much, but the people here are very patient waiting for the queue ... Until they wait for the queue it is almost 20 minutes ..

Antrian minyak di pertamina sangat banyak, tetapi Orang-orang disini sangat sabar menunggu antriannya..Sampe-sampe mereka nunggu antrian sudah hampir 20 menin..


CATEGORYthe atmosphere of the crowd at night of Eid al-Fitr

That is what I can share, I hope my content will be useful and useful, I am very grateful to @belenguerra for giving us sharing useful content in the #SteemGeography community,

Demikian yang dapat saya bagikan, semoga bisa jadi bermanfaat dan berguna konten saya ini,, saya sangat berterima kasih kepada @belenguerra telah memberikan kami berbagi konten-konten berguna di komunitas #SteemGeography ,

And I thank all my friends who have supported me all this time ...

Cc @belenguerra

By @minaphotography

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