Natural Herbs As •One Resources Of EARTH

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Yesterday I was so sick that I can't even walk nor stand up, to add insult to injuries I didn't even have any money to buy or afford a medicine from a pharmacy.

That illness reminded of natural Herbs, how important natural herbs are, I can even get it without no pay I only need to go to a #forest or a close bush to get the herbs and then cook or boil it.

Natural Herbs

The Planet Earth is indeed a blessed place with so many natural resource and herbs given to mankind.

herbs are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, for medicinal purposes, or for fragrances.src

Herbs are not only used for medical purposes only, they can be used for so many purposes.

Uses Of Natural Herb

Natural Herbs can be used in so many purposes, in my country Nigeria will uses it for so many purposes


  1. Fragrance

Natural Herb can be used for Fragrance in our various houses, it can used in making our perfumes and deodorants. Herbs somethings can be in form of flowers, flowers has a very nice smell like that of a fragrance.
most of the perfumes and deodorants that are made today comes from the product of natural herbs.

  1. Flavoring

Herbs which are plants that have savory or aromatic properties can be used as a Flavoring properties.
Strawberry's, Mango and so many of them are all properties of a flavour herbs.

  1. Food

Herbs can be added to our food we eat, due to its enrichment properties. mostly in my country Nigeria will add Herbs in the food we eat. It also changes the food taste and give the food a better and sweat aromatic smell
Like in scentleaves, Curry's and so many of them are all natural herbs that we all add to our foods while preparing foods. It gives the food a better aroma.
Some of the sweats and biscuits that we eat are all made from the products of natural herbs.

  1. Medical purposes

Mostly in my country #Nigeria will usually used Herbs center and as a means of Native medicine. It heals and also helps the body in functioning well. Yesterday that I was sick it reminded of how Natural Herb could have help me.
Most of all the.drugs made today came from the properties of natural Herbs, although it was modified but it is still from the products of Herb's.
Herbs cure's so many infections and diseases in our world today.

Herb's can be gotten for an affordable price or you can just get yours in a nearby forest in bush in your various locations.

Importance Of Herbs

★It heals

★Better Aromatic food

★Low price

★It is everywhere

★It can be eaten

★perfums and deodorants

with all this herbs that is in our world today makes planet #Earth a better and a blessful place to reside in.
Herbs are one of the basic things that we use in our da to day activities.
Herbs are things that we come encounter often times.

Types Of Herbs

Herbs are of different types and each of them has their specific functions.

★ Parsley
It is naturally one of the most herbs grown. it is mostly used in food preparation, like in the preparation of stew, pourage beans, salads, and so many of them.
Parsley have a nice and sweat Aromatic smell in food.

★ Mints
This herbs is normally used in making scent like perfumes and deodorants and fragrance.
It has sweat flavour smell

Mist herb-src

★ Sage
Africans used sag in treatments of snakebites

Sage herbs-image Source


Thyme herb-Image Source

There are so many Herbs in the world today those are just the few one's I know..

Those herbs can also be taken by other lower animals, they can eat it as well, it is also medicinal for them.


Planet Earth is indeed blessed with so many Herbs that are of benefit to humankind.

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