Hello, my name is Steven Tyler and this is my Introduction Post; sort of. . .

in Account Booster 👍4 years ago

Who Am I? Rather Than Some Boring Bio: I’m From The Woods of PA But Now Live In LA. I Enjoy Pizza And. . .
No One Cares About Me! Not Yet At Least.

So, Instead, Here’s A LITTLE About Who I Am, Along With Some Links To Articles I’ve Written On Medium, Wordpress, etc., Plus My Social Handles. Hopefully You’ll Enjoy It.

First off, this is my sort of brand: The Self H@CK


Hopefully that picture uploads. . . As I said, I’m a noob to Steemit. Did I mention that? Who cares. But if you don’t see it, it’s just my banner image of my brand The Self Hack.

The self hack is what my Medium Publication is called, it’s also my Twitter handle. Yep, you guessed it, it’s also my Wordpress website.

Very creative and cheesy, sure, but I’ve been using this name (The Self Hack) for years!

Now if you Google it you’ll likely find 2 dozen variations of those words, linking you to sites, posts, and pages that aren’t mine and offer no more value than your average bullshit affiliate marketing site.

It’s okay to market products, do reviews, get paid for your work. But!

I despise those people out there that only want to sell. They’ll write a review on ANY product, (as long as they’re approved by the company to be an affiliate for them), and even then most of the articles are copy & paste from the companies Affiliate page.

I write about any and all topics, but if you check out some of the links I’m going to provide at the end of this thing, you’ll quickly notice that I favor Stocks, Options, Crypto, Tech, and Computer Programming.

Mostly financial stuff. Beyond how to trade the different markets, I write about fixing your credit and how to become self employed.

It’s not click-bait bullshit either. The reason I know about these things, (and write about them), is that I messed up when I was younger.

I got addicted to drugs, dropped out of school. Ruined my credit, and of course, as it comes along with the aforementioned, I began to pile up a beautifully long wrap sheet of arrests.

I got tired of rejection. You see, after I got clean and wanted to change my life, there was one HUGE issue. The world wasn’t willing to let me change. Employers couldn’t see past the blank resume or my criminal past. .

So I Said Fuck This And:

I couldn’t find work. SO I MADE WORK FOR MYSELF.

I didn’t have a formal education: SO I SEOF TAUGHT MYSELF EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW.

I had no idea how to manage my money, and since I was self employed, I had to learn how to file taxes, manage my abysmal credit score, and plan for retirement: SO I LEARNED HOW TO.

That’s when I found my true passion, (not to mention something I was actually good at), which happened to be Trading Stocks & Options of all things.

Well, I’m writing this on my iPhone and it’s difficult because of my fat Sicilian Thumbs, and I swear I seen ways to format actual links and stuff on the browser version.
So, for now I’ll hope that the picture and the links show up as more than what I’m seeing on my end. But I promise, later I’ll come back and either edit this, or make a new post altogether.

I appreciate the offer and opportunity that everyone here in this group gave me. The love won’t be lost or forgotten. I’ll always remember. This community took my STEEM virginity. . . Thanks I guess?
Sort of sounds weird when I put it that way, huh?

The links to my different pages, sites, blogs, etc, will be below. But if you some reason you can’t read them, then go to: https://medium.com/the-self-hack
to visit my Medium Publication.
Also, anyone here is more than welcome to join and get added as a writer on it. You welcomed me, so I offer the same.
You can get paid for you work there, with a free account.

Although, Steemit seems 10x better already, so I wouldn’t wasted the time if I were you. I plan to make a post or three on my Medium account and let my people know to ditch them and head over here. Medium has changed. I love that STEEM is Decentralized, thereby NOT ran by a corporation or some advertising agency.
Links to individual stories:

You can’t produce a baby in 1 month by getting 9 women pregnant—Warren Buffett Quote: https://link.medium.com/uKqKNTqwchb


Want to learn how to grow wealth?: https://link.medium.com/mifngFpwchb


A story about how Insanity is a trait to be cherished, not feared. It’ll help you find success, (at least it did for me.) : https://link.medium.com/e8Fhhelwchb

Well, those few stories will let you know about who I am. Plus, if you like what you’re reading, then down the rabbit hole you will go, (if I’m lucky), and hopefully you don’t come out of it hating me and demanding I get banned from this community.

Thanks for giving me a shot, and I’ll be spending the rest of the evening today reading the stories of the community members already here. I’ve noticed a lot of photos, so I assume that stock photography is a thing?

That would be the shit!

I’m still a babe, like Bambi fresh out of the womb, stumbling around with wobbly legs in a forest located somewhere in SW Alabama. . . Not the safest place to begin a life such as that.

My first thoughts: It can’t be no different than Veal..? Why not?
Find Me Here

The Self Hack (official site?) Wordpress Site: https://theselfhack.wordpress.com/

Medium Profile: https://steventyler.medium.com/

Medium Publication: https://medium.com/the-self-hack

Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/theselfhack

One last thought: If I did something that’s considered a noob or a no-go on Steemit, please, let me know and then tear into me as much as you want to.

Just be honest about it to help me change. I can take it, I have thick skin. (Except for comments about my abnormally thick eyebrows. . . Those are off limits!)

I’m just fucking around. Rip on me all you want. God knows I deserve the Karma, and I’d like to serve that entire sentence before I go any farther in life—career wise—only to have the last bit of karma debt be paid at a crucial, pivotal moment where my life will be set if this one last thing turns out okay!

Thanks again,
I look forward to see the reception of this.


Hi welcome to Steemit. Steemit is a platform own by a company called Steemit Inc and they run this Steemit on a decentralized blockchain of Steem. Steemit is like one of the platforms built on Steem Blockchain, you can use other platforms with the like of Steemit such as https://peanut.nutbox.io/#/blog and still work in progress steemfield/https://steemit.com/@steemfield/posts
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You have come to the right place, this place is the future of Medium and WordPress 😊

 4 years ago 

Thanks for the reply and information. I completely agree that this is the future of WordPress and Medium. YouTube as well. It's just a bit hard getting used to formatting the posts. But now I know that I can use Markdown, (don't know how I missed that one), it's much easier.

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