Snow's Journey: Chapter 4

in Account Booster 👍2 years ago


Chapter 4

Snow's journey with the mysterious entity Claw began after she narrowly escaped being sold into slavery. They traveled to Robac and spent three days there. Claw and Snow resumed their voyage after selling some stuff and purchasing needs and decided on their next location.

Having never left her community in her entire life, however, Snow lacked even the most essential survival abilities.

Therefore, Claw, who has seen and experienced virtually everything in life, must instruct the girl.

Claw bestowed upon the girl a blessing or "seed" that considerably enhanced her talents in order to accomplish the goal of teaching her in the quickest period possible. Obviously, Claw was not irresponsible enough to offer the girl everything. No, she must discover the power of her "seed" via her own efforts and labor.

In order to train the girl, Claw takes the long road to their next destination and enters the forest. Snow's first responsibility was to obtain her own meals. Claw is not need to harvest or hunt its own food because it does not require food for energy or nutrition. In contrast, Snow was a human. And as a human, she required nourishment to survive.

Snow knew this and did not object when Claw prevented her from purchasing an excessive amount of food on Robac. That is, she had a limited amount of food on her person. Due to a dearth of food, Snow must harvest edible plants and kill animals for meat.

This is more challenging than it seems. As the winter season progresses, edible plants become increasingly scarce. With the exception of trees that flourish in colder climates, the majority of trees have lost their leaves. Certainly, animals were sparse during this season as well, but that does not imply that none remain.

For instance, Snow was currently met by a bunny that appeared adorable...

"Um, teacher, I believe this bunny has a problem." Snow stated this as she carefully observed the adorable "rabbit." She held a knife that she had purchased from a Robac weapon shop.

After being informed that Claw would educate her how to survive in the wilderness, even when she was on her own, Snow altered the way she interacted with Claw. Instead of addressing it by its proper name, the teacher now refers to it as "Claw."

This was acceptable considering Claw was now responsible for her schooling.

Claw, who was hovering in midair, said swiftly, "Of course!" "Do you not see the horn on its forehead?" It questioned once more.

Snow's recent meeting with a lovely "rabbit" was anything from typical. The horned rabbit is an altered form. When confronted with a threat, it is extremely aggressive and will not back down or escape, even if the attacker is considerably larger than itself. In other words, the horned rabbit was a monstrosity.

"Er, teacher. Is it necessary for me to struggle against this?" Snow queried with a concerned expression. She was surprised when her instructor assigned her a monster as her first opponent.

Claw regarded its students with contempt. What is the problem? Are you scared? You know, it's just a bunny. "It had a horn and was slightly larger and fiercer than an ordinary rabbit, but it was still a rabbit." It clarified.

After hearing her teacher's explanation, Snow's mouth twitched.

It's only slightly larger and more aggressive than typical rabbits?

The rabbit in front of her was double the size of an ordinary rabbit! And what about those piercing eyes? Those are the eyes of someone who intends to rip its foes apart!

Snow wanted to complain, but when she remembered how easy it was for Claw to murder something as enormous and frightening as the "lord of the forest," she couldn't help but close her mouth. Indeed, in her teacher's eyes, the horned rabbit in front of her was no different from any other bunny.

"But, but I'm special!" "I've never hunted an animal, let alone a monster!"

Snow could only keep her sorrow and hatred to herself. What more could she possible do? Despite looking to be a lovely pet, her teacher was immensely powerful. If Claw had told her it was a mythical dragon, she would have believed him!

The conflict between a country girl and a cute horned bunny was brief. After assessing the threat posed by the girl, the horned rabbit must have judged that she wasn't much of a threat and struck right immediately.

The rabbit stamped the ground and leaped towards the girl, its horn pointed at her torso, ready to skewer her. Snow could only roll helplessly on the ground because he had not anticipated the surprise strike.

"It's quick!"

Snow was concerned. She might have been skewered by the rabbit if her survival instinct hadn't kicked in!

Actually, it wasn't Snow's instinct that helped her to dodge the horned rabbit's sudden attack. Her "seed" was the only reason she lived. Snow would not have been able to dodge that onslaught without the seed. It's also why Claw wasn't too concerned about the girl's safety.

As previously indicated, the horned rabbit was merely a somewhat larger and fiercer bunny. If Snow could completely fulfill the potential of her "seed," she could even battle genuinely terrible animals like dragons!

Despite failing to strike its target, the horned rabbit was not deterred; instead, it was furious and attacked repeatedly. Snow, who was on the receiving end of the horned rabbit's volley of strikes, could only avoid with all her might and couldn't counterattack despite her best attempts.

"How should I proceed?" If this continues, I'll be the first to run out of energy!"

Snow was becoming increasingly apprehensive. Unlike the horned rabbit's seemingly boundless stamina, she is weary. Claw couldn't help but lay its paw on its student's poor performance.

"Calm down, stupid!" "How can you fight when you're so nervous?" Claw rebuked.

Snow was enlightened after hearing her teacher's rebuke. Indeed. She was so nervous that her motions had become incredibly rigid.

"Calm down. Calm down. It's merely a horned rabbit. There's nothing harmful about it."

Snow mumbled encouraging words in an attempt to firmly calm her furiously beating heart. Snow was able to study the horned rabbit's activities after she had calmed down a little.

"It's really fast... However, its attack pattern appeared to be monotonous. " Its aggression were limited to biting, scratching, jumping, and headbutting." Snow reflected as she escaped the monster's strikes. "I couldn't stay on the defense indefinitely." I should retaliate as well."

Snow narrowed her eyes and locked her attention on her opponent. When the horned rabbit attempted to swipe her with its paw, Snow responded by swinging her danger downward!


As one of the horned rabbit's forelegs was injured by Snow's knife, blood soared through the air like fireworks!

"I finished!"

In shock and anguish, the horned rabbit lurched backwards. Snow, having gained the upper hand, did not relent and stabbed the horned rabbit. The horned rabbit was scared when it saw the deadly knife approaching it and jumped back with all its might!

It failed!

Oh, no! Snow swore beneath her breath as her sure-kill attack failed. Snow did not act swiftly and made a follow-up strike after missing. Instead, she stepped back and established a defensive position, peering anxiously at the injured bunny.

"Oh? "

That's not too shabby." Claw is applauded from inside.

Claw complimented the child for her resolve not to initiate another attack. If Snow launched another attack, she could have been harmed by the horned rabbit's desperate response. As the phrase goes, "never press a desperate opponentch another attack. If Snow launched another attack, she could have been harmed by the horned rabbit's desperate response. As the phrase goes, "never press a desperate opponent."

"Her decision not to carry out her attack was obviously intelligent, but... she also offered her opponent the option to leave."

Claw predicted that after looking at the girl, the horned rabbit would run rather than attack!

Snow, caught off guard, could only look blankly at her opponent's receding form. Snow could only turn slowly towards her teacher, speechless.


Snow wanted to tell her teacher that it was not her responsibility that the beast chose to flee, but her words became trapped in her throat.

Claw rolled its eyes at this. "You failed this examination." It stated "ruthlessly."


After getting the failing grade, the girl could only lower her head dejectedly. What more could she possible do? It was her fault that she felt scared when the horned rabbit attacked her. Although she finally calmed down after Claw reminded her, it was too late.

"Don't take anything I've said seriously." To begin with, I didn't have big hopes for you passing your first test. "Despite the fact that that horned rabbit was as frail as a baby (to me), it is still a monster."

Snow's mouth twitched slightly. She's not sure if her teacher was soothing her or chastising her. Snow could only sigh helplessly and answer, "I understand."

"Take this moment to recuperate and analyze your error." Fortunately for us, there are still quite a few creatures active in these woods, even during the winter. You'll have lots of chances to make amends. "You might even run into that horned rabbit again if you're lucky." Claw issued the order.

Snow nodded and searched for a decent area to pitch up camp. She set up a small tent she had purchased in the town of Robac prior after locating an adequate area.

When she turned around after pitching her tent, she realized that Claw had already made a fire, sparing her the work of doing it herself.

"Teacher, I apologize for my rudeness earlier." Snow began by sitting near the fire. "If I hadn't panicked when confronted with the horned rabbit, it might not have escaped."

After hearing the girl's explanation, Claw, who was lying comfortably on a log it had picked up from who knows where, opened its eyes.

"Hmm, I'm delighted you're aware of your blunder." However, don't overthink things. "After all, it was your first time battling a monster on your own, so you should be nervous." Claw responded. "Anyway, there's no need to bring it up again. Just bear in mind everything you've learned today.

Claw closes its eyes again after saying those words.

Snow heaved a sigh of relief when she realized her teacher had no intention of reprimanding her.

"Although the teacher did not criticize me, I'm sure she was displeased with my performance earlier." Even after being given a "seed" that considerably boosted my aptitude and talent, I still failed terribly. "I have to do better the next time!"

Snow shook her head, swearing in her heart that she would not make the same mistake again. She then went into her sack bag, pulled out a slice of bread from within, and began eating.

I had a limited supply of food with me. "If I don't find something to eat and rely exclusively on the bread I got from Robac, I'll go hungry."

Snow shifted her focus to the half-eaten bread in her palm and began to ponder again. The most serious concern for her right now is obtaining food. Although the teacher may not actually starve her to death, if she fails, she will definitely be punished for being a lousy student.

The girl grasped her head as she contemplated how to solve her biggest problem, while Claw, who was "sleeping" on a log, opened its eyes slightly to witness the girl's ridiculous move.

"At the very least, she is taking her training seriously."

Ignoring the girl yet again, Claw closes its eyes and enjoys the warmth of the fire.

That night, a gigantic dark figure approaches Claw and Snow's camp in silence. The figure's full form was shrouded by mist, and its true appearance could not be seen. Aside from two luminous orbs that looked to be its eyes, nothing more about the figure's true appearance could be deduced.

"Do you rule over this place?" A voice abruptly queried.

After hearing the voice, the shadowy figure stopped moving and stared straight ahead. There, it spotted a small creature with a strange look floating in the air. It was anarchy.

"Can you tell me who you are?" "What are you doing in my domain?" The creature queried in a gruff tone.

"Claw," Claw muttered, staring at the two orb-like eyes. It's a pseudonym, not my true name. Don't bother with my true name because it's too difficult for most creatures to comprehend. And what we're doing here... "Would you believe me if I said we were only travelling through your country?"

"I trust you! But your name is Claw, correct? It's an odd name. " The monster tilted its mist-covered head slightly, as if attempting to remember if it had heard that term before.

"This does not surprise me." "I doubt there were more persons with that name like mine." Claw laughed.

In accord, the dark figure nodded its head, which was hidden by a thick mist. The word "Claw" has negative connotations. Except for the enigmatic thing in front of it, it doubted anyone would use that name willingly.

"So, what brought you to us?" You should have another reason, as you easily believed me when I claimed we were only passing through, right? Claw questioned.

"I'm just interested," she says. "What is the point of having someone like you accompany a human?" The mysterious figure responded briefly to Claw' question before answering with its own.

"No special reason," Claw shrugged in response to the shadowy creature's enquiry.

"I'm just bored and figured I might as well train her while I'm already with her."

Claw' response infuriated the shadow monster, who remained silent for several seconds. It then queried, "Are you attempting to destroy this world?"

"Where in the world did that come from?" "I'm merely showing a human girl how to defend herself?" "What gives you the notion that I wish to destroy the world?"

The creature's logic rendered Claw dumbfounded. The reason it offered for the dark figure was totally natural. There is no connection between training a human female and ruining the earth. They aren't even the same idea!

"You aren't? Wouldn't teaching someone with your power result in the creation of a monstrously powerful individual? " I'm not sure what kind of creature you are, but my senses tell me that if you go on a rampage, no one in this world will be able to stop you." The strange creature responded seriously.

Claw was taken aback by the shadowy figure's statements. It is also impressed that it approaches them while knowing that it is not Claw' match.

"You don't need to be anxious about it." You know, I'm not one of those monsters who goes around destroying the earth. If I'm in a good mood and still around, I might even lend a hand (paw) to an idiot with a world-destroying fantasy. Claw said humorously.

When the shadowy entity heard Claw' comments, it was taken aback. Even though Claw was kidding, the shadowy figure recognized that someone of Claw' caliber could actually assist preserve this world if it faced a world-ending tragedy.

"I thank you on behalf of all living beings on this planet. "I'm going to depart now."

The shadowy figure bows, turns around, and walks back into the shadows, where it vanishes.

"It emerged out of nowhere and vanished just as swiftly." Do you mean it took my commitment seriously? So, whatever..."

Claw shook his head and returned to the tent where the girl was sleeping, leaving the conversation between him and the enigmatic guy who could be the genuine king of the territory.

To be continued...

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