"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein
Are you sabotaging your own career? Find out from Robin Ryan, author of ”What to Do With the Rest of Your Life: America’s Top Career coach Shows You How to Find or Create the Job You’ll LOVE.”
• Not producing results. “You have to get things done”, One Fortune 500 CEO wrote. Dozens commented in their surveys that one sure recipe for career failure is not producing results. If moving up is on your list, you must become good at what you do, follow through, and produce results. There’s no other way to advance, according to our top executives.
• Not working at a job you interested in.
You’ll never be happy if you aren’t excited, interested, and enjoying what you do. The vast majority noted that the true key to success is discovering your inner passion and then finding a way to work in that arena. Even if you can’t do “it” (for example, play football), you can still be part of an industry or field you love, performing a job involved with it (such as coaching or marketing a sports team).
• Seeking job security.
Sorry to tell you, but job security is dead! It does not exist inside companies- even government agencies have begun to downsize. Layoffs continue at an all time high. “Today, job security is something you build for yourself,” “It exists inside you, it is your own talents that will secure your next job.” Labor studies estimate you’ll change jobs twelve or more times during your working lifetime. Today your skills, talents and abilities will insure you a lifetime of employment.
• Thinking that money is everything.
“A common assumption, but one most people prove false when they find their ideal job. “A reality I’ve observed for most people- executive or staff – is that they realize money means very little if you are truly unhappy.” It is just not worth it slave at a job you hate, no matter how much it pays. When you love your work, it doesn’t even seem like work at all. Desiring job satisfaction is the number one reason people elect to find a new job.
• Having a bad attitude.
“It kills even the most talented”. “You’re going nowhere if your attitude sucks.” That’s pretty in-your-face, but it is true. “Nothing moves you ahead faster than a great attitude.” Operate from a you-can-do-it position. Attitudes are learned, and you can improve yours daily by working on it consciously and actively. Negative attitudes slow you down, but good ones are jet fuel, enhancing all you do.
• Not believing in yourself. General manager Michael Lowe wrote, “There are peaks and valleys in everyone’s career path. Only you know if you are as good or bad as what is spoken about you. Your strengths might not fit in at a certain organization – kind of the round peg in a square hole. You can improve your entire life by admitting that, noting your strengths, and finding a new environment where your strengths are needed, wanted, and seen as assets.