Is Your Partner/Family Member a Psychopath?


A psychopath is a person who exhibits antisocial behavior that is often characterized by impulsivity, manipulation, and deceit. They often charm and manipulate their way around people and situations to benefit themselves at the expense of others. Many people hear the word psychopath and automatically think that they are always serial killers or have violent tendencies in general, but that's far from the truth. Most of the time the danger lies in the psychological welfare of those they have decided to latch on to. In my opinion, that's worst then anything physical since it means slowly becoming crazy due to their games and manipulation.

If you’re concerned that someone you’re dating or someone you know is off or give you weird vibes, there are several signs to look for that may indicate that they are indeed a psychopath. Here are a few of the most common warning signs of a psychopathic relationship.


  1. Psychopaths have an extremely intense and off-the-wall passion for life.

They crave excitement and are constantly looking for new thrills. When it comes to relationships, they will not be satisfied with the mundane and regular. A relationship with a psychopath could be very intense and thrilling, but it can also feel like a roller coaster with no brakes.

  1. They are overly charming, but seem to lack empathy.

They don't feel empathy. They don't feel sadness or depression and are most times even confused as to how some people can be overcome by it. Although they don't feel it , they have spent their entire lives practicing it. They know exactly how to portray empathy since they have most likely been studying those around him his entire life. When trying to decide if your experience general emotion from them, ignore their words and pay attention to their actions. Do they repeatedly do something that may harm you or others and act like it's an accident ? Red flag. Especially if it's the same " accident " over and over. Also, They
lack empathy for " friends " and express little to no interest in forming closer relationships with them. Most of the time they also have difficulty functioning in society due to their lack of empathy and disregard for rules and regulations. They may find it hard to keep a job and could be prone to losing it due to their issues with authority and impulsiveness.


3.They are controlling and possesive.

They may try to control where you go, who you talk to, and what you do. They may also use jealousy or guilt to manipulate you into doing things their way. It's most likely that they will use their unusually charming charisma to convinced people to do what they want. You may not notice your being controlled right away but eventually it will show and you can find a way to approach them about it once it does. They don't always look at you through their eyebrows with an evil grin like in the movies, so don't expect to use that as a sign.

  1. Lies and manipulation.

They have been doing it their entire lives and are professionals at getting what they want. They have no problem making promises they have no intention of keeping or telling people what they want to hear. In fact, they take joy when they see their plans take shape. They don't care who gets hurt , whether physically or emotionally. Unfortunately for them, this type of behavior will almost always lead to a string of unstable relationships that never seem to last. Most people , lovers or friends, begin to see how they are being taking advantage of and move on.



5.Psychopaths are often unpredictable in their behavior.

They may have quick mood swings and can be alternately kind and considerate one minute and then hostile and violent the next. This type of behavior can be extremely confusing and stressful and can put a strain on any relationships they may form.

I've always been the kind of person to be as real as possible when it comes to me as a person. With that in mind, I want to say that dating or knowing a psychopath isn't always a negative thing. It's not for most people since you have to be mentally strong and even then it can be draining and confusing. At the same time, i enjoy the excitement that comes with the chaos. While I don't recommend this as a way to live your life, I can also see the reason some people choose to not let go of someone they love, no matter how crazy they are. There are ways to minimize the damage and live mostly happy this way, which is something I will write about next time.

Thank you for those reading this and don't forget to show some love and subscribe. Until next time. Love over all. Don't forget.


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