Stop celebrating George Washington. He's a phoney a fraud and a traitor to your America. America is an illusion

in Account Booster 👍2 months ago

The Quash: Every single year September 11 rolls around, I'm reminded about it. Because I see all these people in media. Academia. Politics. Government. Of every sort. They're all out
there pushing the same official lies. The same official lies. That everybody who looks into it can see is absolute nonsense. And yet they have no problem doing it. Nobody calls them out.

INDIA just fake landed on the moon! That's just completely gone off the pages now. It popped up, they showed this preposterous video of it. It's obviously completely a joke, and then they just move on. No matter how many scandals you live through and see. The lies that run on the news every single day. I've told you bout the brass cheque
written by Sinclair. He wrote it 100 years ago and talked about how corrupt the media was. The media's always been corrupt. Historians are always corrupt.

They're paid by the people in power to tell you lies. They create a fairy tale around the founding of our country. It's no different than the fairy tales you can see created in other countries. Around Lennin and the peoples revolution. And it's all propped up and Stalin and this and that. It's fantasies.

People can see it and laugh about it in other countries. But they can't see it in themselves. It's the whole "why don't you remove the log from your own eye, instead of talking about the splinter in somebody elses?" This is the reality of human beings.

This is the problem I have. That we are living among, a group of people that are so brainwashed. So far gone and unreachable, that they're really really dangerous at this point.

I remember when the internet first became popular and it was clear you could just research and find stuff out which is what I did. And I remember watching early on, all sorts of
fake shit being put into the record. But it was really early and I could see "Wow this thing has just been put in there this is obviously garbage" and I warned people

"Look in 10 years this stuff is gonna look legitimate" and now it's been 20 - 25 years. The stuff looks super legitimate because the fakery that they put in. Right all that fakery.

That's now been cited multiple times and appears incredibly legitimate. Like it's an older piece. But it's just fake.

Now just add 240 years of ageing to the documents and the lies, and that's what you get. All this selective memory that then becomes official fairy tale. This is what happens see
this is what happens. And anybody can go research this stuff and you'll see. All the oddities in the stories, about the so-called 'battles' in the Revolutionary War. They're all very
strange. There's just endless amounts of strangeness and people go "OHH why would they make it up?"

Well, you have to understand there are people who operate these secret societies. Certainly Jesuits, Masons, all sorts of different Ferengi groups and they undermine all sorts of governments. It's the same exact way it was going on in WW2. Vietnam. Go down the list, you'll never get an honest story. You'll never get an honest history ever. Because
the victor writes the history.

The Quash.

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