How powerful is the Lord of Nightmares? Slayers VS Dragon Ball

in Account Booster 👍last year (edited)

Stronger than you thought. Stronger than I thought. Before yesterday, I assumed she’s like, maybe multiverse level at the most.

But no. Her existence is larger than the multiverse, if there was only one timeline she would still be an abstract existence from where Universes or the Multiverse sprang forth. She didn’t even create it with effort put into it. It just is and just…be. It happened without her knowledge automatically. They sprang forth from the Sea of Chaos that is her.

So she ended up creating the strongest beings that inhabit them anyway. Dark Lords, Gods, Dragons. The strongest of them and I forget who made the Humans. I can’t even find anything that says who made the humans.

Dark Lords create Demon Lords. Demon Lords create Monsters. Typically that’s how it goes.

Even the strongest Demon Lord that the Dark Lord Shabranigdo created, is Universal. So never mind the Dark Lords who are always superior to their creations.


Lina: If I lose control of this energy, I could destroy the World. But right now, I choose Gourry over the entire World. (Universe)

“The World” is almost always referring to the Universe they live in. And the proof of that is the Claire Bible, showing what happens if Lina messes up the Giga Slave. She never says Universe. She says the World is destroyed and everyone says the World.

Hellmaster Fibrizo: Hnnhehheha! That’s what YOU created us for! But this destruction shall consume all things! It shall consume the entire World! Hnhnahahaha! Ahhahahahahahaha!


And then, there’s parallel timelines. That past, that Lina was watching, is another past where she failed. Another past is another timeline. A parallel “World” but by World that would mean a parallel Multiverse. Parallel timeline.


So, the Lord of Nightmares created multiple timelines, multiple multiverses and she is Solitary in her existence. There isn’t a LoN for each timeline, much like in DBS where a Zen-Oh exists for each timeline. She’s more like a…Supreme Kai of Time Aeos or Chronoa from Super Dragon Ball Heroes. There is only one in all of existence. (For that stories continuity that involves the multiple timelines.) But those Supreme Kai of Time aren’t also ‘all of existence’ they just…have a Vault they can carry around in their hand which contains all of the Time Scrolls/Timelines. They also didn’t exactly create those timelines. More timelines keep being made because of…basically parallel world hopping or “Time Travel” but not really Time Travel it’s characters like the Demon/Demon Goddess Towa interfering with timelines, spawning new ones immediately. So it’s all a little different.

And so, all multiverses sprang forth from the LoN who is the Sea of Chaos. The Void of Nothingness and Chaos together. Light and Dark combined together make Chaos. And in Slayers Try, Lina does this to create Chaos Magic. A safe alternative to the Giga Slave since she is now terrified of using it ever again.

LoN can inhabit a body, and exist separated from “The World” at the same time. She’s inhabiting Linas body, but the Chaos that forever exists within her, is her and exists while she’s in Linas body too.

In the Claire Bible, she obliterated Linas World in a possible past or parallel past. She said she dreamed for years uncounted of regaining her form. So a failure like that must be pretty rare.

The point is, all that exists from the very foundation, is her. And her existence herself, is larger than all of the timelines and all of the timelines, are her. As far as the creatures that exist, well, she made the first ones of each and the strongest Dark Lords and Gods and Dragons. That’s about all. Like, Dark Lord Shabranigdo made Hellmaster Fibrizo. But the LoN made Dark Lord Shabranigdo.

So you could put her even above the Supreme Kais of Time. Similar to them but a whole different type of existence. To fight her? She can go back into a Void she creates at her whim, which sucks up all of its surroundings. The scene showed galaxies being sucked in at an unimaginable speed. It looked slow but how long does a black hole take to eat one star? One Sun? What thousands of years? 100 000s? A million? These are galaxies being consumed in seconds, minutes. And many of them extremely far away.

I don’t think Superman is flying away from this one.


A hyperdimensional black hole is still childs play compared to this…thing. The gravity of it must be ridiculous to suck in Galaxies from the ends of the entire Universe in just minutes. So if Gogeta Blue wants to show up and have a go, well, at the end of the day she can take away his source of oxygen and the fight’s boring then.

Then forget about Fusion time limit or technically, Fusion energy running out due to the decisions the fighter makes which fluctuates the fusion “time” it’s not at all a time limit but much more an energy limit. Energy gets too low, fusion splits. There is a time limit of course, if they stand and do nothing it’s a constant time limit. And depending on which transformation they use. Because…it’s an energy limit ultimately. Not time. SS4 they say 10 minutes, but no the fusion lasted about 5 minutes at the most according to Vegeta. Because 2 Big Bang Kamehamehas couldn’t even be performed. Should’ve put more power into the first one but oh well.

But ultimately, she has the power of many timelines inside her. Being a larger existence than all the timelines that already exist herself.

They talk about large Astral Bodies or Immense Astral Bodies. Ki is a ball of magical energy. It just isn’t charged with any elements. Raw, non elemental magic. Basically Ultima they’re always using Ultima from Final Fantasy games for the most part in Dragon Ball. It doesn’t matter that it says MP consumed in FF games, the creators of those don’t know what I know about it.

I’m a sorcerer. I’m no Morgana Greene but, yeah.

It’s not exactly Astral Magic, but Astral Magic wouldn’t work anyway.

Anyway, her Astral Body would be far more immense than multiple timelines. Could say an entire dimension beyond all timelines or just, she is all so she’s Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Not really Omniscient since it was all made without her knowing it happened.

Even Gogeta Blue, or Gogeta Blue Evolution from SDBH, the strongest fusion there is, Gogeta, would have a hard time. She can fight, with casual Universal level attacks. Not even trying. Throw out a few multiverse busters. She can disappear completely at any moment and not be tracked by power sensing. Or Instant Transmission. He could be holding onto her and she’d slip through his fingers while she’s vanishing, like with LoN and Gourry. She can float back into that void, or instantly vanish into that void, where she can’t be sensed for Instant Transmission to work, watching as the Universe is sucked up. What can he do? Fly into it? He’d be turned into black vapor. Or maybe he wouldn’t. But all she has to do is make that void disappear and he’s left in empty space with no oxygen. Disappear to another timeline and watch him suffocate with no energy to lock onto since the planets are gone. He could Instant Transmission to the Realm of the Kais, assuming she only sucked up the living Universe into the Sea of Chaos. But she’s in another timeline. So either he lost or she ran away. But she can just come back to the Realm of the Kais and continue. And do it again. And what can they do?

She could also just sit in her Sea of Chaos that exists outside of all of the timelines and watch him until the Fusion time expires, if she considered him capable of destroying her at all, then appear when the fusion ended and kill them.

Or. Instead of all that. He can fire a mega blast into it, but it would have to be capable of annihilating all timelines and an existence that is infinitely more powerful than all of the timelines she’s made. A power that transcends all timelines. An existence that can create infinite more of those.

I had her at like multiversal or y’know High Multiversal, Complex Multiversal or whatever terms for it, I had her that high at most in the past. But I read a few things and since I know for sure it’s parallel timelines now, parallel “World” would mean timeline, Lord of Darkness of the 4 WORLDS, and she can just go to any parallel world, or go back into her Sea of Chaos and close it off whenever she likes during that fight and let fusion time run out, there’s no way Gogeta Blue Evolution could defeat her, other than he must destroy not just the multiverse he is in, but all of the timelines at once and then well, there’s her. If he can’t destroy all timelines with one attack, he can’t destroy her. She’s more powerful than all of the timelines combined. So he definitely can’t and, he only has one good powerful attack in him before that Fusion would dissolve.

When Gogeta Blue fought Super Saiyan Rose 3 Goku Black, he was Blue at the beginning and they were about even. They fought for less than a minute.


Of course, Gogeta was a better fighter, like with Godslayer Hearts. Gogeta Blue was weaker than Hearts, but he was a much better fighter than Hearts.


Here, Gogeta is winning the fight, but goes to Blue Evolution anyway. He pulls off one huge combo attack, lands. Dodges one punch, punches Black in the face and destroys him. He stands there for like 10 more seconds and the fusion dissolves.


So at the most he’s got one shot to annihilate all of the timelines and the Sea of Chaos all at the same time. It ain’t happening. Not the Gogeta from back then. From that, theoretically he could destroy her by punching her. If he had enough power which he definitely doesn’t by here. But punching her is the problem.


Later on however. The most I see is Demon God Demigra in his new form, was attempting to wipe out all of the timelines, and all of the strongest fighters at once with one massive energy blast. The Angels and Gods of Destruction were not there tho.

However, there was no fusion at this point. Vegito Blue fought a weaker version of Demigra earlier on and was winning but, fusion time limit.

But the blast clash was a SS4 Bardock, Ultra Instinct Kakarot and SS2 Future Gohan from a different ‘Future’

Of course, a new Gogeta Blue here would have been far far stronger than these 3. And should be capable of the same thing Demon God Demigra tried to do. Should be. Obviously would win the blast clash, since those three did. So he’s at least…he can destroy all the timelines at once by this point. That was Demigras intention.

Gogeta Blue Evolution would be even more powerful. The strongest thing possible at that time. Fusion far surpasses Ultra Instinct, no matter what some people want to tell you.

So I could see that Gogeta at least destroying all of the timelines. But again, everything I’ve mentioned before. He’d have to reach power infinitely higher than all the timelines combined.

Ultimately LoN existence transcends all timelines, is larger, more energy, more powerful. Could create all of the multiverses all of the timelines, an infinite amount of times, with no strain or effort.

And all she has to do is make it so he can’t breathe and can’t use Ki. Suck up the surroundings, can’t breathe. I can see him powering up and firing off a blast at the Void or Sea of Chaos while the World is being sucked up. And much like Demon God Demigra did to Kakarots Kamehameha, she could suck that up too and just absorb it. Demigra did that, filled it with his energy and fired it back at Kakarot.

A Void like the Sea of Chaos, where light and dark spring forth from and return, combine and create Chaos, I’d say it would just swallow up the blast. The only way this works for Gogeta is if his blast is not just destroying all timelines, but has to be infinitely more powerful than all of her timelines combined. Just like she is.

So then it’ll be a blast clash of some kind and that’s all he’s got. If it’s a stalemate, he loses. If he wins the blast clash, no way to tell if she’d die or not. Even with assuming he can do what Demigra tried to do, destroy all the timelines and all of its powerful fighters at once, it’s always said that it takes double the energy to create than to destroy. So it’s only half the energy she used to make it, and the energy she used to make it all, isn’t even close to her full power. So it’s the Giga Slave VS Stardust Breaker or an Ultimate Kamehameha like he did with Broly. Or Big Bang Kamehameha maybe.

This is what she did to Hellmaster who can destroy the universe or “World” (1).gif

If he goes straight for her and her Sea of Chaos, well there’s other timelines to hop to. Or just become incorporeal to avoid the attack? They made it very clear in DB Super, their energy blasts can’t hit ghosts. Can’t do it. Which doesn’t make any sense compared to other shows where they can do that with magic or energy or magical energy which is Ki.

Only Lord Beerus Destruction Energy can hit ghosts in DB Super.

There’s also the properties of Chaos magic. She could literally just pull a Lord Beerus on him. Like she said to Hellmaster Fibrizo “That won’t work” Like Lord Beerus “Ahh those kinds of powers don’t work on a God like myself”

So the answer is she’s probably stronger than anyone from SDBH anime so far, which is far beyond DBS.


Oh right. Whis, Vados, Grand Priest and all that. Nah she’s stronger than Zen-Oh at this point. I’m going on an idea that Gogeta Blue Evolution may be stronger than Zen-Oh at this point. Godslayer Hearts himself had a plan to destroy the Omni King and he complimented Gogeta Blue, assuming that with power like that, Gogeta could wipe out the Omni King.

Hearts could just be wrong.

But later, the Supreme Kai of Time Aeos, complimented Kakarot while he was away fighting.

Aeos: Chronoa Chan, Zen-Oh sama, and now even me. I wonder how far he will go? The mortal named Son Goku.

This Kakarot by this point, is stronger than the Godslayer Hearts that Gogeta fought earlier on.

And the one thing I forgot, kinda important, that Void and how powerful the pull is. Gogeta might have to spend all of his time trying not to be sucked into it. The gravity is beyond a hyperdimensional black hole. I don’t even know what to call it. She can resist it. Can he?

All we know about is a special black hole of LOVE made from LOVE energy that they made in the Tournament of Power, which spawns around them, having them already inside of it at the center of it being crushed, not being sucked into it but already stuck. Instant Transmission couldn’t escape it, but blasting a powerful enough Kamehameha could. Kakarot couldn’t stand up as a saiyan, but as Super Saiyan Blue he could stand.

In any case, LoN can end multiverses or timelines and replace them at any time. If someone has awoken her of course. The only way Gogeta would be fighting her is by awakening her. And there’s so many other factors to the fight that make it impossible for him to win, even if his power managed to surpass hers at all.




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