The Think Zone 🤔 part 1.
Sometimes the fear of failing is so strong we choose to emulate the footsteps of record breakers rather than strive to break new records ourselfs simple because its safer to do so.
Not knowing if that gamble you take in any situation you find yourself would pay off or even if you can make it work is usually enough reasons for us to decide it just isn't worth it.
Just for a moment lets try to imagine a scenario here,where would the vasts number of iphone users be today without Steve jobs?,or where would the world peanut lovers united be if it wasn't for George Washington Carvar and most importantly where would modern day man be without Trail setters like Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell???
A lot of us have visions,talents and gifts imbide in us that if nutured could break grounds just like those men in history did but are we ready to give what is required?,are we willing to do the work to nuture the future rewards or do we still continue to accept the scraps we get by riding on the past glory of others?.
Fear is natural but letting it dectect every choice we make in life is pure Cowardice and every coward is usually a shell struggling to live a copy of someone else's life.
I choose to be the exception and refuse to let fear govern my actions which is why i am always eager to try out new things,ideas and basically put my self out there because trying and failing is why better than giving up without a fight 👌so be positive and just TRY!!!
Photo credit : kevin Turcois on unsplash.