Spanglish - A new perspective

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Till now I was in a perspective that Spanglish was the movie about love and sacrifice. With the last part where John and Flor cannot be together, even though they love each other; surely none can blame me for thinking so. But can you guess what’s the best part of the movie? It reflects our own inner fear and emotions. Every time you see it, every time it gives you a different perspective.

Every character, each dialogues gives us a special meaning each time. This time I am going to dissect each part and character of the movie. Bear with me…… You won’t be sorry.

We all remember how it starts. It’s a collage board checking with the applications. It’s the usual thing of human instincts finding a different or a unique application. ‘Role Model as mother’ usual cliché for every feminist line movie. However, it’s a different from its own kind as it’s a 2004 movie, one of its kind starters.

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Starting with the usual emotional stuff; the Mother and Daughter. Yes…strong, stubborn, determined and proud combination. We all get it when Flor asked Cristina to shed only one drop of tear for the greatest sorrow and fear of the child. That too she doesn’t wipe it down, rather up. Pride in Privacy. From there, we got the complete line of story that it’s going to bringing up the ability to hide up the emotions a lot. Crossing the Mexico border and reaching the destination was done without causing any chills that usually comes up with the border crossing scenarios. Getting into a new place even without knowing the language is pretty scary even for me in this era.

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Did I Forget another Mother and daughter combo? Nope. Was just going to start. Evalyn and Deb. Alcoholic mother and spoiled daughter as anyone would say. I would like to add another perspective.
From the start itself we see Deb having inferiority of becoming a full-time mother and a never sober mother in the house where she is forced to hire a nanny. To the last where she burst out to Evelyne that she didn’t have anyone to guide. Eve and Deb is the perfect combo of mom-pal. Eve knows everything and everywhere it had gone wrong but couldn’t tell it to the last as she herself regret her past life. Everybody has flaws; some people change, some regret.

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Deb, she believes in perfectionism. She tries everything herself to be fit and perfect but also forces it to others. She doesn’t think how it effects other people. Remember the dress she bought to Bernie in size 8? Everyone has that flicker moment seeing excited to despair Bernie in seconds. She is just the dumb competitive teenager ones in for all. She thinks good for everyone but sometimes we all flip. Just like some fries to Diet. But she loves the family even if she fails to act out loud. As Evelyne says “it’s not bad to find out that you love your husband”.

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Nearly forgot the best Mom and Son relationship. Eve and John are not just in-laws. The scenes are less but the relationship is deep. Eve could feel everything John is experiencing. Just like we say now, they have some kind of telepathic connection.
Remember the time she sober up for weeks to tell her own daughter that she is gonna lose her husband? Remember the time where is asked Deb to just tell “I am so glad you are back”. Same of such, John and Bernie shares the same feelings.

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How can anyone not reminded of the special bond bernie and John have. Just as we say — ‘Like father, like daughter’. Loving, Sensitive, Considerate, Mature and whatnot. When Georgie is a grandma boy, Bernie is a papa girl. Do you remember the first time Deb sees Cristina? Her eyes lit up seeing the perfect girl? Everyone misses the looks john and Bernie looks each other as if they already know ‘How Deb is going to mess things up’. The smile John have with Evelyne and Bernie throughout the movie shows the special connection between them.

I am sorry…. I got carried away by the film rather than my perspective of this film. My perspective is surrounded with in ‘Fear of What Happens Next’. Totally new perspective, right? Let me get you through my sight.

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Starting from the scene where Cristina dances with a boy, when the boy touched her Bums, the ‘Fear of What Happens Next’ trail starts.
As it says “In the time it took a boys hand to go from my back to my bottom, it was evident that she would have to leave her night job, to keep a watchful eye on me”. Flor quits her 2 shifts jobs that paid her $450 to return to her daughter at night. She is forced to take 1 shift job, that too with a family who she can’t even communicate, that could pay as much Coz of** ‘The Fear of the daughter getting into trouble with boys’**.

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Deb, a new full time mom after her designer business shut down is already scared of the new change of role. Just as Bernie quote “Double Gulp”. John, a 4 star chef; a real family man who really gave 20% share of his cafe to another chef so that he can still manage the bonding time with family. He is really a worried man. Fear of losing the ‘mom of his children’, ‘losing Bernie’s mind for being chubby’, ‘not being able to make anyone happy’. He was upset even with the best review which booked their place for the next 4 months. The last part where John says “That floor, is going to eat us alive” clearly shows how much he is scared of the reality.

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The love between John and Flor is just they find communication easy with each other. As if they are on the same page. “Worrying about your children is sanity” quoted by John and the worries Flor had is the proof through out the movie. John thinks Deb doesn't worry, but in my perspective Deb is impulsive but worried sick mom. Flor loves John for the best fatherly figure anyone could have and Flor the best mother for Bernie for John.

Even after accepting that John’s mind evaporated being with Flor, “The responsibilities have entered your brain” Flor reminded. And the exact potion comes the next second “There are some mistakes you cannot risk when you have children” where she leave love over the fear of being the wrong role model for her only daughter.

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Its a fear race when it comes to two moms. Flor doesn't even want the English family to even meet up with his daughter. Is it the fear of guy this time or the fear as she depicted when Cristina is admitted to a private school. The fear of Cristina leaving her one day is being shown vaguely every where from the first scene showing her husband leaving her.
After meeting the Clasky family, the next day Deb is taking her daughter out just as her own. Deb providing Christina everything that Flor cannot provide is already driving her crazy. The psychotic love or just fear of losing her child made her ask the final question “Is what you want for yourself, to become someone very different than me” just wind that up together.

WHAT mood are you in? Wanna try watching it again and find an exciting other perspective? Share with me your perspective.

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