Steemit Learning Challenge-S22W3; Trigger Finger

in Steem-Agro2 months ago

Hello teacher, @ashkhan
It was good studying in your classes for the week. Find my entry as a representation of knowledge gained after the classes. I hope they are a true reflection of your expectations.


Designed in canva

What's trigger finger? Write in your own words after getting knowledge from the lesson post. (Note: don't add special tests or investigations and detailed treatment in this question. Write the answer precisely).

Trigger Finger is a condition that affects our fingers, a part of the body that allows us to grip and perform different ranges of motions while performing tasks. This happens by affecting the tendons within the finger region, causing varying degrees of discomfort.

We have tendons in this region that allow us to bend and twist our fingers as we perform tasks, and when they are affected by way of inflammation, it causes discomfort within the affected area. Due to the nature of these tendons, when they are swollen, they are likely to be locked or stiffened within themselves.

In this entire scenario of locking and stiffness, the victim suffers pain. The discomforting thing here is that the victim may find it difficult to stretch this finger if it is bent, and when it is bent, the victim finds it difficult to stretch it. It all depends on the nature of the damage observed.


Trigger fingers can occur in any of the five fingers without any exceptions of occurrence. This condition happens to people whose daily activities entail they grip repetitively daily. Tilers, painters, carpenters, etc, are likely affected by this.

We also find situations where trauma and other form of accidents or injuries cause this condition. These tendons are not as strong as our bones and, hence, could easily get inflamed when exposed to any form of trauma.

Medical conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis are also possible causes of trigger fingers. These underlying ailments are likely to weaken the tendons at intervals which hence causes trigger fingers.


One of the first symptoms of Trigger Finger is pains and inflammation around finger regions. This pain is persistent when we want to perform movements and other tasks with the fingers. Usually, when there is inflammation, we may find reddishness of the area and swelling.

Presence of clicking and locking sensations each time the finger is put to use. The presence of sensation differentiates some cases where we observe clicking sounds on some individual's fingers without sensations.

Difficulty applying the full range of motion while using fingers. This is a result of stiffness and locking conditions with commensurate pains. A situation where the fingers can't be fully strengthened or bent for gripping, as the case may be.

Not when still in its early stage, we observe mild.pains.and inflammation, and probably with the presence of a clicking sound. But when chronic, we observe severe pain and locking sensations. At this chronic stage, we both experienced clicking and locking sensations with more pain.

How would you diagnose a trigger finger? Any clinical investigation or assessment tests?

Diagnosing Trigger Fingers

Though History Taking:

We must take into cognizance the type of activities this patient indulges. Activities that predispose him to repetitive use of his arm (fingers) are likely to make him susceptible to this condition.

It is also advisable to enquire about the patient's medical status to ascertain if there is a presence of any underlying condition. Underlying medical conditions like diabetes and arthritis are possible causes of trigger fingers.

We can also go extra by asking the patient if he has pains with those finger regions. He is in the best position to say what exactly is going on through this session.

Through Physical Examination:

By conducting a physical examination of the area, we tend to have first-hand information on this condition. By doing so, we try to observe if the area is inflamed or swollen or if there is a presence of skin tenderness.

At this point, the patient may be asked to stretch and strengthen fingers at different intervals. This is to help ascertain the range of motion covered while carrying out this task. Possibly, this would also dictate the presence of pains and difficulty carrying out the tasks.

Through Imaging Tests:

This is where we adopt more advanced testing to ascertain trigger finger symptoms. In this case, the use of X-ray, Ultrasound, and MRI are adopted for this purpose and the essence of the ability to observe possible tendon damage within the finger region. These are clearer methods to quickly ascertain damages within these areas.

Through Special Tests:

Trigger Finger condition could be passed through some special testing to ascertain the condition and level of symptoms inherent in the patient.

We have the Trigger Finger test, which helps to evaluate patients' ability to grip any close object. This is observed to evaluate the possibility of discomfort and difficulty while carrying out the tasks.

Just like thought in the class, we have other special testing procedures for Trigger Finger and they all serve their purposes.

Through Physical Interventions:

I believe before delving into this stage, we must ascertain the condition through all the other listed diagnostic procedures. The physical interventions help provide therapy for days and weeks for purposes of regaining the supposed and ideal range of motion and stiffness-free condition.

We have various physical interventions available for this purpose. We have the "Finger Extensor Strengthening," "Trigger Finger Stretch," "Tendon Glides," etc. These are all practical physical interventions that help remedy the condition, and this may take days or weeks.

Try to practice at least 3 exercises that you have learned from the lesson. Share images, gifs, or videos while practicing, preferably gifs or videos.
Finger Extensor Strengthening:

I will be using a rubber band for this test while it is placed on the finger tips. This help to create some form of finger strengthening among all the five fingers. The in and out movement help in releasing stiffness.

Trigger Finger Stretch

This was one task that help create and improve strengthening of muscles from its original stiffness status. These allow all fingers to be stretched in the same manner while taking their turns. However, for each finger, it should pass through three stages that shows completeness of task.

Tendon Glides:

This is done to stretch all the fingers concurrently in a manner that it compensates for any pain and inflammation. This allow patient to take turns in all of the fingers while carrying out task.

Share your review after performing these exercises either on yourself, healthy individual or patient.

This was practiced by myself, hence the personal videos shared for this purpose. Since I do not have any underlying condition or any form of tenderness and swelling, there were discomfort and pains observed but this was exclusively a form of exercise that has helped me achieve some form of relief.

I was able to stretch my fingers so well that I felt more flexibility in them. The entire tendons were energized, and my arm region acknowledged the exercise done with so much comfort.

Thank you, Friends...

I am inviting @missyleo, @eveetim, and @wirngo


Your post is not only informative but also very engaging! It's amazing how you present physical therapy solutions so clearly. Keep up the fantastic work.

Thank you, friend, for the valuable feedback.

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Te comprendo ese nivel de relajación que experimentaste porque me sucedió igual y, a pesar de que no tengo ninguna afección, al inicio estaban crujientes... Te confieso que eso me asustó jajajaja.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you, good friend. I have come to enjoy most of this physical therapy intervention because of its benefits.
Hugs 💚

Thank you for understanding the lesson and sharing your assignment; I hope that you will enjoy this week's lesson and try to implement it in your life if you see any such case.


Task 1 (2.7/3)
You have shared a great knowledge about trigger finger, its symptoms, causes. But you didn't add the exact name of stages of trigger finger and it's 2nd name too. A bit more depth require to complete the answer. I appreciate your effort.

Task 2 (2.8/3)
In the second question, you tell us about how you have to assess a patient by doing physical examination, history taking, special tests and investigations. But it would be better to add explanation of one more special tests. Great.

Task 3 (4/4)
You try the finger extensor strengthening, trigger Finger stretch, tendon glides. You did the trigger finger stretches, tendon glides and finger flexor strengthening correctly. Always remember to apply heat pack in chronic condition and ice pack in acute condition before performing exercises to relax the muscles and reduce stiffness. I appreciate your efforts.

Overall you made a great attempt to answer all the questions. I appreciate your efforts. But next time try to avoid the above written suggestions. Keep learning and try to implement your knowledge to the people suffering from trigger finger or any type of finger issue. Thank you.

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