"SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care"

in Steem-Agro3 days ago
Hello Everyone !

I am @hudamalik20 from Pakistan. How are you all ?. I Hope you all are well and doing great in your life .Today I am participating in this "SEC | S20W5:"Planting & Care" organized @mainuna in Steem-Agro Community.So let's start.

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Which seasons does your region fall under, and what are the best planting times? Why are these times the best?

In our region Punjab, Pakistan, we experience different seasons like the rainy season, hot summer, and cold winter. Based on thase natural patterns, farmers have organized and differentiatted the planting seasons into specific periods.

So these seasons helps them know exactly when to plant various crops, whether it's wheat, fruits, orr other plants. So farmers divide the year into these distinct planting seasons Kharif, Rabi, and Zaid farmers so they can grow the right crops at the right time, according to the needs of each plant for water, sunlight, and temperature.

1. Kharif Season:

In our region Kharif season starts from mid of April and lasts until the end of June. During this time, farmers plant crops like rice, maize, sugarcane, cotton, and sorghum.

When the summer heat is at its peak, and we know that crops like rice and maize need plenty of water. These crops are planted either just before or during the monsoon rains, which break the extreme heat.

Planting is timed carefully so that crops get the right amount of rainwater. In my family, for example, my father plants rice, maize, and sugarcane around May. So this timing is perfect because it ensures that the crops receive enough rain and grow well.


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2. Rabi Season:

The Rabi season begins in late October and continues until the end of December. The time when the winter season sets in, bring cold temperatures and occasional rains, especially in November.

In this season, crops like wheat, barley, mustard, lentils, and chickpeas are planted. The cold weather for these crops, and the winter rains is good for them to grow.

As wheat and barley are sown in the cold months and benefit from the moisture provided by rain. Then the rainwater penetrates the soil and helps the seeds groow properly so it's the best for these crops.

3. Zaid Season:

Between the Kharif and Rabi seasons, we have the Zaid season, which laasts from March to June. This is the hottest period in our region, with intense heat.

During this time, vegetables and fruits are planted, especially for salads such as watermelon, cucumber, carrots, radish, cabbage, and other fast growing vegetables. My father also grows tyese on our farmhouse.These crops are well suited for the hot climate and do not take much time to mature.

Because they require less time to grow, they fit perfectly into the short Zaid season,farmers make use of this hot period. These vegetables are usually planted that they mature quickly before the intense summer heat makes farming difficult.

Why These Times Are Best:

Each crop has its own season based on its requirements for temperature, water, and sunlight. For example, Kharif crops need warm temperatures and rain, so they are planted during the summer and monsoon.

So In this way, different vegetables and fruits are grown in seasons that suit them best. Some crops grow well in the heat weather ,while others need the cold. Monsoon rains are good for certain crops like rice, while others benefit from the winter rains.


2. What is the importance of planting trees in the right place and in which places can trees be planted?

Before planting any tree or plant, it's important to first check the place where you're planting. The first thing we check is the type of soil. If the soil is not right for the plant, we can change it.

For example, when we are planting at home in pots, we bring good quality soil. We also add fertilizer to make sure the soil is perfect for the plant to grow well.

Next, we look at the water system. We need to check if the plant can get enough water. If we are planting outside in an open area, we make sure that there is a system to provide water to the plant. Water is important for the plant’s growth. We also check sunlight.


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We know that most of the plants need a lot of sunlight, while there are many plants that can grow in less sunlight. So, we check if the plant needs direct sunlight or not. If it needs more sunlight, we plant it in an open area where it can get enough sunlight during the day.

In rural areas, people often plant trees like neem, keekar, and mango. These trees can grow even in hot weather with very little water. They don’t need a lot of care and also give us shade. When we sit near these trees, the air feels cooler and fresher.

In urban areas, most people grow plants in pots at home. Many of these plants can grow in low sunlight. For example, there are vine plants that do not need much sunlight.

We just need to water them properly. Some plants like my favorite rosses plant need sunlight, but there are many plants that can grow with less light, like money plants that we have grown in our garage.

We can plant trees and plants anywhere that there is soil , in front of home ,at home in pots, or even on rooftops by making small rooftop gardens. We have to take care of them so our plants grow well, we need to water them in the morning and give them enough sunlight during the day.


What kind of fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be used to prepare the soil before planting?

Before planting any crop,our first step is to prepare the soil properly, and for that, we use different types of fertilizers . We leve the soli to ensure that water is distributed evenly and does not accumulate in one place, which helps in the healthy growth of plants.

Organic fertilizers have been used for many years in our region also my farmerfamily use this, especially poultry litter and other natural materials derived from animals, which help in leveling the soil and ensure that iour soil is ready for planting.


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These organic fertilizers are effective in balancing the soil, allow the water to reach every part equally and creaes a suitable environment for seeds to grow.

Biofertilizers are also used in our areas .These include beneficial bacteria and fungi, which are added to the soil to improve its surface. Our soil is leveled then it more suitable for planting, and enhances its ability to absorb seeds and nutrients.

In our region, chemical fertilizers like urea and potash are also widely used. The government provides these fertilizers to farmers at affordable rates, along with guidance on how to use them to improve crop yield. These fertilizers help crops grow more efficiently and ensure that farmers get a better harvest.


What is the correct method of using pesticides and fungicides for gardening, and which ones can be used?

Yes, to protect plants from pests and insects, pesticides and fungicides are sprayed. I have seen this process done by my family members. They buy some medicines from the market, though I am not fully aware of the exact products they use.

They take a spray bottle and mix the powder form of the pesticide or fungicide with water. When preparing the spray, they make sure not to go too close to the powder. After mixing it well in water, they cover their hands and face with a cloth to protect themselves, making sure their body is properly covered.


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They usually spray the mixture in the garden early in the morning, focusing on areas where they suspect there might be pests or fungus. By evening, they check the plants again, and by then, most of the pests and fungus are usually gone. If we notice fungus or pests on our house plants, we use the same spray there as well.

It's important to protect yourself during the spraying process. After coming home, my family members change their clothes, remove the cloth they tied on their face and hands, and wash it properly. Then they feel relief that our garden is safe from pests while also taking precautions for personal safety during the spraying process.


What home remedies can be used to protect plants on the roof or in the back garden?

Yes, when planting in our homes, whether on the roof or in the garden, it’s essential to take good care of the soil. Healthy, high-quality soil is crucial for our plants to thrive. If the soil is poor quality or damaged, even with plenty of water and sunlight, our plants may not grow well.

To improve the soil, many people use chemical fertilizers available in the market. However, some older methods, like those used by my family, involve natural remedies. One effective remedy is using eggshells.


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We collect eggshells and add them to the pots or garden beds. Eggshells contain calcium, which is beneficial for the soil and helps strengthen the plants.

Another common remedy is cow dung. In our area, many people use cow dung to enhance the soil quality. It’s a traditional practice that has been effective for a long time. Mixing cow dung into the soil provides essential nutrients that help plants grow stronger and healthier.

These natural remedies are great ways to protect and nurture our plants without relying solely on chemical fertilizers.

That's it from today's blog I hope you will like it. With best wishes ❤️. Now I like to invite @tammannaa, @sualeha and @norat to participate in this amazing contest.

Regards : @hudamalik20 .



Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:

. You have nicely explained the country's best planting seasons at this time by classifying all crops performance to their seasons. However, making a choice out of the stated three seasons would have been ideal. Your choice would have centred on most planted crops in given season, seasons that require low operational resources to achieve value.
. But we all know that the importance of planting trees may be connected to its environmental use, ecological use, aesthetic use.
. I hope you understand the question asked before attempting them.
. Generally, you have nicely explaimed the given task. Thank you for your participation. We hope to see you in week 6.


Thank you Sir for your helpful feedback.I understand now that choosing a specific season and focusing on crops with lower resource needs would improve my response, will keep them in mind for future tasks. Looking forward to participating in week 6🤗🌼🌸



Thank you so much for your support I really appreciate it 🤗🌼🌸

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