SEC | S20W5 || Planting & Care

in Steem-Agro3 days ago

Dear steemit family! hopefully you all will be fine and will be enjoying your lives. Today I'm going to right about the topic Planting and Care. This topic is organized by @mainuna. Let's start the topic;

Which season does your region/country falls; and what are the best planting times and why are these times the best?

There are four seasons that we experience in my area Lahore, Pakistan. These are summer, winter, spring and fall. All seasons have their importance and beneficial for us. If we talk about planting times than in all four seasons, we can be do plantation according to types of plants. But Summer season is best for planting trees as compared to other three seasons. Due to hotness of summer most plantation is done in the starting of summer or in the end of summer season. So that newly planted trees can grow well in moderate temperature.

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In the starting or end of summer when there's temperature is moderate, people of my area preferred to plantation. There's no much need of irrigating the plants and with giving proper nutrients, the plan grow very healthy. In moderate temperature, plant fulfill it's need of sunlight and grow well and soon. But this all can be done when we give a proper attention to plant. If we want to take positive and aesthetic results than we should take care of our plants very carefully. Beside this there's low chances of attack of weeds and fungal diseases in summer season. In no time, the tree planted in summer season become enable to give us shade and fruits. So summer season is best for planting trees.

What is the importance of planting trees in the right place and in which places can trees be planted?

Plants grow very healthy and have lifetime spans when planted in suitable places. For getting meaniful results right location is very crucial. Different plants have their own different requirements of sunlight, water and nutrients for appropriate growth. So before plantation we should be aware about the needs of specific plant. If I talk about rural areas than suitable places for planting trees are around the fields. But we se that everywhere trees are planted. Like alongside the fields, roadsides and on the farm places. That's why we see greenery everywhere in the villages and environment is also very good for living.

In urban areas where there's dense population, the places for trees plantation are lower as compared to villages due to number of buildings. But there are many places where we can plant trees like alongside the roads and banks, around the the homes, schools, offices and shopping malls. This can increase the beauty of these places but also give us a suitable environment for living.

What kind of fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be used to prepare the soil before planting?

Soil preparation is very necessary before planting trees. Because plants take all necessary nutrients and water from soil through their roots. During soil preparation we should look about the essential nutrients required by specific plant. Soil pH is also very crucial so we should apply those things which can maintain the pH of soil. If the soil pH is good the plant will grow very well. In organic fertilizers we can use fallen leaves of plants, animal manure, bones of animals and some other things. Animal manure is a very excellent organic fertilizer which is full of essential nutrients like Nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. During soil preparation we should apply animal manure, it is cost less and also give us excellent results.



In organic fertilizers we use urea, DAP, ammonium phosphate, and sulphur containing fertilizers. Urea is full of nitrogen and fulfill the needs of nitrogen of plants. DAP is a mixture of three major elements nitrogen (46%), Phosphorus and Potassium. All these three elements help a lot in healthy plant growth. Sulphur makes the plant growth faster and plant give us better yield. So these are some inorganic fertilizers which we can apply during soil preparation. Beside this some other elements we use in the form of spray.

What is the correct method of using pesticides and fungicides for gardening and which pesticides/fungicides can be used?

We can use pesticides and fungicides for killing pests and preventing our garden from fungal diseases. Use of pesticides and fungicides correctly is very crucial as overdose of these chemicals can also harmful for plants and plants can grow well in both lower or higher use of these elements. Pesticides are used for killing pests which are harmful for plants. For spraying appropriate time is when sunlight is no intense like in morning and in the evening. Because in extreme hot pesticides and fungicides can't effect properly. Aphids ands caterpillars are insects which are killed by acetampirid or Neem oil.

For fungal diseases we use fungicides, sulphur and copper containing are best for preventing plants from various fungal diseases and infection. Copper act as antifungal by killing the fungas. Beside this we can use baking soda and water for preventing our plants from weeds attack. These are home remedy but act very effectively.

What home remedies can be used to protect plants for the roof or back garden?

Simple home remedies are effective for preventing diseases of plants in our backyard or on the roofs. Excellent home remedy is Neem oil, we can use Neem oil by mix it with water also can add some dish soap. Now mist it to plant. Adding garlic and chili is also good. These can easily found in our kitchen. Mix the crunched chilli and garlic with water and spray the solution on the plants. This spray mainly protect plants from ants. Baking soda solution is also use as home remedy for protection of plants in our garden.



Aphids and other small insects can be killed by using these home remedies. These are also no more expensive and give better results. These remedies also no harmful for human health. With applying these home remedy we should take care of cleanliness in our garden. Cleaning garden timely and finishing weeds from plants is crucial for healthy plant growth.

I'm inviting @arinaz08, @elejos07, @saboohi and @shabbir86 for participating in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Welcome to the agro learning challenge season 20 Week-5.

Observations and suggestions:
Early summer or late summer is the best time to plant so that we get nice air before summer comes. But I am quite surprised why you don't plant during monsoon? Just as suitable space is needed for planting trees, plants also need necessary light. Using copper in plants is great but there are ricks to using copper. Where we use copper we cannot use any other herbicide for six hours. Garlic and chili powders are very effective for home remedies for hair loss. You have made a nice discussion but some points you should have written more clearly. Hope next time you will present the post in a very nice way.

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Thanks for this meaningful feedback.

Welcome to the agro-learning challenge season 20.

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Observations and suggestions:

. If Summer is your country's best planting season, how is irrigation managed in this case. This invariably means more resources plowed back into farming operation. Which season comes with rainfall in your country?
. For the importance of planting trees, aside the places where they could be planted, it comes with both ecological, environmental, and aesthetic roles. I hope you will be more elaborate next time.
. Thanks for your participation. We hope to see you in week 6


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