[ESP-ENG] Tu amor/Luis Fonsi (Cover) by @iefersoto

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Hola, que tal mis queridos amigos, espero estén muy bien el día de hoy o la noche de hoy si en tu país ya es de noche, como siempre les deseo muchas bendiciones y que cada día siga creciendo ese talento musical y artístico en cada uno de nosotros.

Para esta ocasión he traído otra canción romántica pero esta vez del gran cantante Luis Fonsi, nunca había cantado una de el y considero que esta es buena para comenzar, "Tu amor" no es actual pero cuando salió esta canción fue un éxito y aun considero que lo es, se que muchos que la escuchen la recordaran.

"Tu amor" fue una canción escrita por un cantante británico llamado Jeremías y luego interpretada por el mismo Luis Fonsi, para la época que fue lanzada se volvió un gran éxito, y como no hacerlo si la letra esta muy bien escrita, a mi en lo particular me gusta mucho y espero que a ustedes también les guste y la disfriten.

Hello, how are you my dear friends, I hope you are very well today or tonight if it is already night in your country, as always I wish you many blessings and that each day that musical and artistic talent continues to grow in each one of us.

For this occasion I have brought another romantic song but this time by the great singer Luis Fonsi, I had never sung one of his and I think this is a good one to start with, "Tu amor" is not current but when this song came out it was a success and I still consider which it is, I know that many who listen to it will remember it.

"Tu amor" was a song written by a British singer named Jeremías and later sung by Luis Fonsi himself. At the time it was released it became a great success, and how not to do it if the lyrics are very well written, to me I really like the particular thing and I hope that you also like it and enjoy it.

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Luis Fonsi

Tu amor

Contigo me sentía bien
No me acordaba del pasado
De pronto en mi vida simple fuiste un milagro
Contigo no había un día gris
Ni noches frías antes de dormir
Contigo no morían de hambre ni de sed mis labios
Contigo una y otra vez quería volver para salvarme
Contigo el mundo parecía un lugar amable
Contigo yo era más que yo porque al quererte quería ser mejor
Y ahora que no estás la vida me ha quedado grande
Porque es tu amor, el alma de mi alma
Tu amor, la fuerza que me alza tu amor
Un recuerdo, una voz
Contigo me reía mas
Porque la vida me gustaba
Contigo las guerras perdidas
Parecían ganadas
Contigo en mi habitación
La luna se juntaba con el sol
Y ahora que no estas le tengo miedo a las mañanas
Porque es tu amor, el alma de mi alma
Tu amor, la fuerza que me alza tu amor
Un recuerdo, una voz
Y las horas pasan sobre mi
Y al final del día no hay final feliz
Es inútil esconderme cada viernes de la soledad
Porque es tu amor, el alma de mi alma
Tu amor, la fuerza que me alza
Tu amor, un recuerdo, una voz
Que habla en todos mis silencios, tu amor


Luis Fonsi

Your love

With you I felt good
I didn't remember the past
Suddenly in my simple life you were a miracle
With you there was no gray day
Nor cold nights before bed
With you my lips did not die of hunger or thirst
With you over and over again I wanted to come back to save myself
With you the world seemed a kind place
With you I was more than me because when I loved you I wanted to be better
And now that you're not here, life has been too big for me
Because it's your love, the soul of my soul
Your love, the strength that raises me your love
A memory, a voice
With you I laughed more
because I liked life
With you the lost wars
they seemed won
with you in my room
The moon met the sun
And now that you're not here I'm afraid of the mornings
Because it's your love, the soul of my soul
Your love, the strength that raises me your love
A memory, a voice
And the hours pass over me
And at the end of the day there is no happy ending
It's useless to hide every Friday from loneliness
Because it's your love, the soul of my soul
Your love, the strength that lifts me
Your love, a memory, a voice
That speaks in all my silences, your love

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Gracias por escuchar, si te gusta este contenido que hago te invito a apoyarme, seguirme y dejar tu comentario, me ayudarías mucho a seguir creciendo.

Thank you for listening, if you like this content that I make, I invite you to support me, follow me and leave your comment, you would help me a lot to continue growing.



Once again very beautifully played and sung. I remembered the Basic Income (BI) token and have just sent you one.

08/08/2022, 13:14:54

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10215232

From: @donatello
To: @michelangelo3

Amount: - 2 BI

Memo: Thank you for your support!

Thank you very much brother for your support, what do you mean by the basic income token? I don't understand

Oh, Basic Income Tokens were created by @donatello and can be sent to other users or exchanged in Steem Engine to Steem.

You can check the balances of your wallet here. It looks like you need to be logged in to see the account balances.

Oh I already remember this part, I must review to see, thanks for letting me know friend, I invite you to take a walk through my new video here in the community.

Great cover!
Please visit, https://www.mintme.com/es.
I would appreciate it if you used my referral link, https://www.mintme.com/token/Dance%20and%20music/invite.

Thank you very much brother donatello

I went to your link but I see that it is like a platform to create cryptocurrencies or something like that, I don't understand well.

Don't worry! It's fine.
Thank you for creating great content in this community!

thanks to you brother for helping me grow, a big hug for you.

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