1992-02-09 - Word of Life Olympians - Bronze Level - Joey Arnold, coach James Keller
Aliens learning Bible.
I'm the alien.
Was a girl mocking me?
If I couldn't talk well, how did I get this award?
It aint like I was speaking Korean.
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By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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I was memorizing Bible verses or at least trying to.
Bible Club
1992-02-09 - Sunday - Word of Life Olympians - Bronze Level - Joey Arnold, coach James Keller. I'm Joey. This was two days before my 7th birthday. Our main local church, the Community Baptist Church (CBC) in Cornelius, Oregon was hosting this Word of Life Olympians club in 1991 and 1992 and probably only that time. Later on, our church had AWANA in and around 1998 and like 1999. I went to that too.
Sunday Night
I'm thinking our church only had this club for one school year, 1991-1992. So, I was probably attending that whole entire time from the fall of 1991 through the winter, and ending in the spring of 1992. I turned six years old on the 11th of February of 1991. So, I got this certificate when I was at the age of 6. I went on to attend AWANA but at a different church as early as like the fall of either 1993 or 1994. Most likely 1994. So, meaning 2 years after this. Felt like a long 2 years for me at the time. Later in 1994 or possibly early in 1995, started attending Olympians again but at Hillside Bible Church which was outside of Forest Grove, my hometown. I continued to attending that Word of Life club for 5 school years through to 1999. At the end of that, I won a trophy for completing 6 years worth of work in 5 years. After that, attended a Word of Life themed youth group and then went to a Word of Life college. So, long story short, what I was doing when I was six ended up being what I did after high school.
I kind of thought I was an alien when I was a kid. Well, I'm not sure how long I thought it or what exactly I thought. But I know I started playing around with the idea of having a bunk bed spaceship and many different things. But I kind of thought I was an alien since my siblings may have mocked me as they couldn't understand me. So, they might have called me an alien. So, when I was six, I'm not sure if I really passed the bronze level of the club I was in. It was a first grade club. But I couldn't talk well. Mom could understand me but did the leaders understand me is a question. I have some memories of being there. One girl probably mocked me at the club. I can't say if she really made fun of me or was flirting or who knows what. It could be a combination of flirting and attacking. She copied what I said a few times and I think I got mad and I probably got in trouble and like put in the nursery in the trailer outside of the church as my punishment. I can't say if the girl was Stephanie Bishop or somebody else. I'm going to assume it was not Stephanie. At the club, we sat in a circle of small chairs. You go into the main doors of the church, turn left, go down the hall towards the fellowship hall and then turn left away from the kitchen and walk towards the back towards the windows and the corner of the room away from the chalk board or white board.