5 Reasons Why You Should Use DaaS For Your Business | Hacker Noon

in DLIKE3 years ago (edited)

Shared From DLIKE

Our synopsis and comments on the article:

This article enumerates several advantages of using Desktop As A  Service (Daas) for a business. They are:

  • Savings made from being relieved from upgrades and office admin costs.
  • Time saving and hassle free upgrades from cloud service provider
  • Enhanced security measures from the Daas provider
  • Improved mobility and productivity of staff and resources
  • Global expediency arising from global presence.


The item on enhanced security need further elucidation. Not all businesses would be convinced by this. MNCs with sensitive data may not like the idea of their data being in the hands of a third party, even with the highest grade security provided. 

Except for the above caveat, most other organizations would be far better of using Dass providers than using physical desktops. 

Check out the original article here:

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