House Dems drafting new 'multitrillion-dollar' coronavirus relief bill | Fox News

House Democrats are pushing forward with a massive fifth round of coronavirus relief legislation that could be their most far-reaching effort yet to address the economic fallout of the pandemic -- and come with another price tag in the trillions.
While the House is still technically on recess, Democratic leadership and committee chairs have been drafting their legislative laundry lists for the relief package that could rival the cost of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act that passed in March, or exceed it.
"We're looking at a multitrillion-dollar bill," one House Democratic aide told Fox News.
While the text of the legislation may not be available until next week, it's clear the centerpiece of the House response will be funding for state and local governments. Their tax revenues have dried up during the pandemic and governors and mayors have warned they'll have to cut essential services and public workers, like police and firefighters, if the federal government doesn't help with their coronavirus expenses.