Describe how farmers cultivate coppice?

in Nature & Agriculture16 hours ago

Hi friends! Assalamu Alaikum. how are you all I hope you are well. I am also fine by God's infinite mercy. Today I will share with you about coppice cultivation. Hope you can learn a lot. started moving.


Fertile doash and atel soils are best for growing cauliflower. Cool and humid climates are best for cauliflower. Elevated land where water does not accumulate and always receives sunshine should be selected for cauliflower cultivation. The more organic fertilizers are present in the cauliflower growing soil, the better the yield.


Planting and Planting Distance:

Coppice seedlings are suitable for planting when they have 4-5 leaves. Usually 32-34 days old seedlings are planted. Row to row spacing of 50 cm or 1.7 feet and plant to plant spacing of 50 cm or one and a half feet per line. Care should be taken while planting seedlings so that the roots are not twisted or bent. If care is not taken while planting Sala, then the whole plant dies. Cultivation should be done on high ground. The place where the water does not accumulate and when the water accumulates, everything planted in this coppice is lost. Meanwhile, more care should be taken.



After applying fertilizer between the rows of cauliflower plants, the soil between the rows should be lifted from both sides and the soil should be pulled to the base of the plant. It does not cause difficulty in irrigation and water drainage. And in order to keep cauliflower flowers white, the leaves should be tied from all sides to cover the flowers when they are young. Then there is no problem with that cauliflower plant. And cauliflower is no problem either. We will always pay more attention to this.


Signs are what we need most in cultivating anything. In fact, I have to see what the symptoms of my crops are. Be careful not to suppress any insects. Because the farmer always wants his crop to be good all the time, the exposure of the lather is the most harmful for cauliflower cultivation. So we have to keep an eye so that the caterpillar does not attack the cauliflower. And if attacked, it has to be suppressed immediately by using pesticides. Meanwhile, we always have to be careful.


Finally, the people of this region have become very self-reliant by selling cauliflower cultivation. Farmers are much better now because of this coppice cultivation wherever they look in the field. Farmers have suffered a lot due to heavy rain this year. And those who have higher lands still retain their coppice cultivation. Hope there will be a lot of yield this time.

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