Thinking promotes communion with God through the Holy Spirit.


We pay very little attention to thought, this important principle of worshiping God. There are two elements in our worship: the first is the spiritual contact resulting from our own thinking; the second is to receive instructions from other people, especially from those who have the power to guide and instruct us. Of these two elements, for my spiritual nature, I find that meditation is more useful. Thinking is the language of the soul.

It is defined as "a form of solitary prayer, spiritual concentration, during which a person reflects deeply and continuously on a certain religious theme." Meditation is a form of prayer.

Meditation is one of the most secret and sacred doors through which we enter the presence of the Lord. Jesus gave us an example. Immediately after the baptism and the Father's approval: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" [Matthew 3:17], Jesus went to the place now known as Mount of Temptation.

Mount of temptation, I prefer to think of it as a mountain of reflections, where for forty days of fasting, he communicated with himself and with his Father, considering the responsibility of his great mission. One of the results of this spiritual communion was such force that it allowed him to say to the adversary:

"...‘ Get away from me, Satan, because it is written: "Worship the Lord your God and serve him alone" (Matthew 4:10).

Before there, how to deliver ... a beautiful Sermon on the Mount, he prayed alone. He did the same after a difficult Saturday, when He, being Peter's guest, got up early in the morning. Peter undoubtedly found the guest room empty and, going with his friends to look for Jesus, found him alone. It was that morning that Peter said:

"Everyone is looking for you" (Mark 1:37).

And once again we read how Jesus, after having fed five thousand people and commanded the Apostles to let the people go, He himself went up the mountain to be alone. According to the chronicler, "and he was left alone there at night" (Matthew 14:23).

Let us make God the focus of our lives ... Communion with God through His Holy Spirit is one of life's noblest aspirations. It is then when the peace and love of God will fill the soul, and his service will become an incentive factor in our life and our existence.

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