God reveals himself in his word.


The knowledge of God revealed in His Word is the knowledge that must be taught to our children. From an early age, when the mind is just beginning to wake up, they must be introduced to the name of Jesus and his life. Your first lessons should be that God is your Father. First, they must learn the obedience that comes from love. For them, with reverence and love, they should read and repeat the Word of God in small parts that are accessible for their understanding and can arouse their interest.

But mainly they should learn about the love of God revealed in Christ, and about the great teaching:

"If God loved us so much, we should also love each other." (1 John 4, 11)

The word of God must become food for the mind and soul of our youth. Make the Cross of Christ the main theme of education, the center of all teaching and research. Let it become part of daily experiences in practical life.

Therefore, the Savior will become a constant companion and friend for young people. All your thoughts will be submitted and submitted to Christ. Then they can say with the apostle Paul:

"I do not want to boast, unless the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, with which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." (Galatians 6, 14)

Therefore, they will experience the knowledge of God through faith. He will verify the authenticity of his Word and the truth of his promises. They will taste and see that the Lord is good.

He who, through personal experiences, has acquired knowledge of God and his word, is prepared to study the natural sciences.

It is written about Christ: "In him was life, and life was the light of men." (John 1, 4). Before the fall, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were surrounded by a bright and beautiful glow: the light of God. This light illuminated everything that approached. There was nothing to prevent them from understanding the nature of God or His work. But when they obeyed the tempter, this light departed from them. Having lost the clothing of holiness, they lost the light that illuminated nature. Now they could not understand it correctly. They couldn't see the character. From God through his work.

It is correct to read the lessons of nature itself. Without the guidance of divine wisdom, he exalts nature and nature's laws about God. For this reason, purely human ideas about the natural sciences often contradict the teachings of the Word of God.

But for those who receive the light of the life of Christ, nature is illuminated again. shining from the cross, we can correctly explain the lessons that nature teaches.

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